Best Pottery Wheel Stools

If you sit at the pottery wheel, you need a comfortable, functional stool that can be cleaned and will hold up over time. There are a few pottery-specific stools that really are best for throwing, but a basic stool will also get the job done and can double as a step-stool in the studio.

The following post covers a variety of stool options for the pottery wheel, including our top pick, the Shimpo Potter’s Stool. There are also a variety of budget options or stools with other features. In general, pottery stools range in price from about $50 to $125.

The recommendations come from decades of personal experience working with the pottery wheel, and managing academic and community studios and observing stools that have been subjected to heavy use. The following recommendations are based on that experience to give you the best option for a stool that matches your style and budget.

Shimpo Pottery Stool.jpg

The Shimpo Pottery Stool has four adjustable legs and can be set up at an angle if desired.

TOP PICK: Shimpo Potter’s Stool

The Shimpo Pottery Stool.

The Shimpo Pottery Stool.

The Shimpo Potter’s Stool is the most versatile, comfortable, and functional pottery stool on the market. It has four adjustable legs with nine adjustable slots on each leg, with a range of 19 to 26 inches high. The legs are adjusted by pushing a pin in and moving the leg to the desired slot and letting the pin snap back in to place. The legs also can be adjusted independently, allowing for the stool to be set at an angle if desired. (Most pictures show this stool set up at a precipitous angle but even a slight angle or flat will work for throwing) It also has a comfortable, padded seat, but the padding makes this an uneven surface to stand on so it is hard to use as a step stool in the studio.

The stool can be turned upside down on a wheelhead when not in use, and with a 16 x 16 inch footprint, it is compact and won’t get in the way. Ongoing upkeep is simple: a bit of oil on the adjustable legs when needed.

The only drawback is the adjustable pins can be a bit unwieldy to press in to change, but most potters probably don’t need to adjust their stool too often. Another drawback is that the blue seat cover can be cut or pierced if you somehow get a knife close to the padded surface. But these are relatively minor concerns. Overall, it’s compact, functional, and comfortable stool that is easy to clean and will last forever.

Shimpo Potter’s Stool
19 to 26” high, adjustable
Generally priced $100 to $130 (price seems to vary widely so shop around!)

Table of Contents

  1. Top Pick: Shimpo Potter’s Stool

  2. Budget Pick: National Public Seating 18” Stool

  3. Other Pottery Stool Options

  4. Discontinued Pottery Stools

  5. How to Find the Best Seat Height for Throwing

  6. Conclusion

Budget Pick: 18 inch Fixed Height or Adjustable Stools from National Public Seating or OEF Furnishings

18” Stool from National Public Seating in grey.

18” Stool from National Public Seating in grey.

National Public Seating’s stools are the utilitarian workhorses of studios. Sturdy, stackable, and virtually indestructible, they will last for years of heavy use, and the shorter 18” stool can easily double as a tall step stool or low pedestal for use with your favorite banding wheel. The 18” fixed height stool is a fairly good option for the pottery wheel but some may find it a little short. You can adjust the height by adding a cushion or boards.

There are also adjustable models from 18 to 27 inches however this is a screwed-in adjustment that needs a hex wrench to change. You won’t be making quick adjustments like with the Shimpo Pottery stool.

Another plus to these stools is they are available in a few colors: a basic gray, black, and a grey with a padded vinyl cushion. These stools are very common and widely carried, so it can be good to shop around and see if there’s a sale. Typically they are around $60-$75 and a bit more for the padded or adjustable models, but you might find them on sale or as a multi-pack. They aren’t as versatile as the easily adjustable Shimpo stools, but there’s a lot to be said for having a simple stool around.

National Public Seating 18” Stool in black.

National Public Seating 18” Stool in black.

You can also find these stools with a backrest option. That can be nice for taller chairs used for hand building at a table, but a backrest makes it impossible to turn the chair upside down on a wheel head when not in use.

On Amazon, very similar stools are available in many of the same options from OEF Furnishings. Do they come from the same factory? I don’t know, but you can check out the shopping links below and find what works for you.

National Public Seating 18” Fixed Height Stool with hardboard seat
Black or grey with hardboard seat
Available for $60 at Blick or $67 at Amazon


OEF Furnishings 18” Fixed Height Stool with hardboard seat
Grey or Black with hardboard seat
Available for $53 each or as 2 pack for $90 at Amazon

18” Stool in grey with padded vinyl seat from National Public Seating.

18” Stool in grey with padded vinyl seat from National Public Seating.

National Public Seating 18” Fixed Height Stool with padded vinyl seat
Available in grey or black, $60-$65


The National Public Seating 19”-27” adjustable height “small” stool in black with hardboard seat.

National Public Seating 19”-27” Adjustable Height Stool with Hardboard Seat
Available in black or grey


The National Public Seating 19”-27” adjustable height “small” stool with padded seat in grey.

National Public Seating 19”-27” Adjustable Height Stool with Padded Seat
Available in black or grey

Other Options for Pottery Stools

National Public Seating Adjustable Swivel Stool

National Public Seating Adjustable Swivel Stool

Another option is the National Public Seating Adjustable Swivel Stool. Rather than a hydraulic column that can break down over time, this seat is adjustable by turning the seat and moving what is essentially a big screw up or down.

The adjusting mechanism is housed in a steel center sleeve but the “teeth” of the swivel are exposed as you raise the seat. As long as this is kept clean, the stool should last for a long time. It’s great for academic studios, anywhere you need an adjustable stool, but it is heavier and harder to stack. The stool is available in a variety of styles including wood and hardboard seats, and can adjust from 17 3/4” to 24 1/4” high.

National Public Seating Adjustable Swivel Stool
Available in a variety of colors and styles

Artisan CK-21 High Density Foam Potters Stool

The Artisan CK-21 is an adjustable stool with a wide base and high-density foam chair.

The Artisan CK-21 High-Density Foam Potter’s Stool is a comfortable and adjustable stool that can go from 15 to 20 inches in height via a hydraulic column. Speedball used to make a very, very similar chair that is no longer listed on the Speedball website, so I assume this rebranded model is about the same and comes straight from the manufacturer. The Speedball chairs were super comfortable and long lasting, although do expect the hydraulic to not work as well over time (i.e. more than a decade) but it’s great to see the Artisan model as this style is one of the most comfortable and adjustable pottery stools on the market.

There are also two upgrade models of the Artisan stool. One model is the same seat but has a tilt adjustment, or you can choose a model with a flat, round, padded seat.

It is on the heavier side and won’t stack, but otherwise it’s a great option. Available only at Clay King in South Carolina for $111.

How to Find the Best Height for Throwing

Seated throwing at the pottery wheel can be very comfortable if you get your body positioned in the right way. I prefer to sit at least equal or higher to the wheelhead. This allows my upper body and torso to be involved in the throwing. The lower you set your seat in relation to the wheelhead, the more you will only rely on your shoulders and upper back for power, which can lead to strains and problems. You definitely want your abdomen, torso, and even your thighs to be involved in throwing.

Here’s how I suggest you find the position that is right for you. Keep in mind that every body is shaped differently. Different lengths of torsos and arms are really what come in to play with wheelthrowing:

  1. Set your chair or stool to be approximately 1 inch higher than your wheelhead. Keep in mind that bats may change the height of the wheelhead. I always sit higher than the wheelhead and instruct my students to start the same way. This allows you to “lean” in and really get a lot of power simply from the weight of your torso.

  2. If this is not comfortable, adjust your seat higher in lower in approximately 1/2” intervals until you find a comfortable position.

  3. Feel free to move your foot pedal from left to right if possible. You can also raise the footpedal on bricks or boards.

  4. Add a brick or upside down bucket underneath your non-pedal foot. Raising your leg allows your thigh to get a bit involved with adding power to your arms.

  5. While throwing, try to keep a curve in your lower back by keeping your chest up. This is hard to do.

  6. Take frequent breaks to stand up, stretch your arm, or move a bit so your body doesn’t get locked into a static position.

If you have aches and pains, you may need to consider switching your throwing position. It also doesn’t hurt to have a regular stretching routine, either before or after throwing. And adding core / ab exercises to your week will only improve your comfort and ability on the wheel.

If seated throwing is not working for you, keep in mind that many manufacturers make legs for wheels, or you can place a wheel on a table top or elevate it with cinder blocks. (Click here for a guide to table top wheels.) Many people find that a standing wheel is more comfortable and this is what you will find at many factories that work with jigs and molds on wheels. Keep in mind that if you are new to pottery, you may just need to develop new muscles, so start with 30 to 60 minute throwing sessions and grow from there over time.


This post has reviewed the best stools for use at at pottery wheel and covered some ideas on how to find the most comfortable position for throwing. Our top pick is the economical, sturdy, and functional adjustable Shimpo Pottery Stool. But there are other options so that everyone can find the best stool for their studio.

Best Bats for the Pottery Wheel

Updated for 2025

This is a complete guide to all the different types of pottery wheel bats on the market, including different materials, bat systems, and assorted tools that are useful with bats.

Bats are available in various sizes and a variety of materials, including plaster, plastic, medex, MDF, and tempered hardboard such as Masonite. In addition to individual bats, there are also bat systems with inserts that can speed up the throwing process.

This post will attempt to cover all the bats available on the market, explain the options, and help you pick the right bats for your studio. This guide is based on more than 20 years of personal experience with pottery and wheelthrowing, including managing a variety of studios and using all sorts of different bats.

A 12” Speedball Plastic Bat on a 14” wheel head.

A 12” Speedball Plastic Bat on a 14” wheel head.

TOP PICK: Speedball Plastic Bats

The top pick for most studios are Speedball Plastic Bats. Available in 3 sizes and a variety different colors, they have a lip that makes picking up and removing from the wheel a breeze, they don’t warp, and they are long-lasting.

Injection molded, all the bats (even the square!) have universal 9” and 10” pin spacing. They are easy to clean and store, and a good value for the money.

One tradeoff is that plastic bats are not absorbent. Absorbent bats, such as Hydrobats, are a definite upgrade but they often cost almost twice as much. But given the price, durability, and all-around functionality, the Speedball plastic bats definitely have a place in a lot of studios.

Speedball Plastic Bats
7 1/2” square, $8-$10
12” round, $11-$13
14” round, $12-$15

The bottom of a 12.5” HydroBat, note the red rubber bat pin grommets.

The bottom of a 12.5” HydroBat, note the red rubber bat pin grommets.


Hydro-Bats are made from Hydro-Stone, a gypsum compound that is harder than plaster, and feature rubber grommets cast into the bat. Most have 10” pin spacing but there are other sizes as well. The absorbent Hydro-Stone virtually eliminates the need to cut your works off with a wire, and it is more resistant to chipping and scraping than plaster. They are thicker than plastic bats, about 1/2” thick, but if you have the room, these are a joy to use.

Hyrdo-Bats are manufactured by The Ceramic Shop in Philadelphia, PA and are available there and from a variety of other ceramic suppliers.

Available in almost 20 sizes both flat and shaped like plates, bowls and platters,
Prices range from $10 to $50 each
As an example, the flat 12.5” bats are around $21

About Bats:

Bats are useful for a variety of reasons: they provide a platform to pick up and move your work as it is drying, they protect the wheelhead, and they might even make clean-up easier. You can throw directly on the wheel head, but for wide or flat forms, you will definitely need a bat to successfully move it off the wheel.

Scroll down for a full review of a all types of bats.

Table of Contents:

  • Top Pick: Speedball Plastic Bats

  • Upgrade Pick: HydroBats

  • Amaco Plasti-Bats

  • Laguna Plaster Bats

  • Masonite Bats

  • Medex Bats

  • Bat Systems

  • Bat Accessories

  • Summary

The 7.5 inch square Speedball Plastic Bat

The 7.5 inch square Speedball Plastic Bat

Top Pick: Speedball Plastic Bats

The bottom of the Speedball Plastic Bat.

The bottom of the Speedball Plastic Bat.

Speedball Plastic Bats are injection molded and available in three sizes: 14 inch round, 12 inch round, and 7.5 inch square. All feature universal 9 and 10 inch pin spacing (yes, even the square!). They have a grid of support on the underside, are about 1/4” thick, and do not warp. They don’t chip, but they can be cut by sharp knives.

A side view of the lip on the Speedball Plastic Bat.

A side view of the lip on the Speedball Plastic Bat.

The best feature of these bats is the lip on the side. This makes them very easy to remove, as opposed to the Amaco Plasti-bats, which sit flush with the wheel head. The one drawback is with the pin opening on the bottom, you can find yourself hunting to match the bat up with pins.

These bats can be stored horizontally or vertically. The most interesting is the space-saving 7.5 inch square bat, which can really reduce storage space if you are making a variety of bowls or platters.

They are available in a variety of different colors, including brown, blue, green, orange, teal, purple, pink, and red.

Speedball Plastic Bats
7 1/2” square, $8-$10
12” round, $11-$13
14” round, $12-$15

The 12 inch Speedball Plastic Bat on a 14” wheel head.

The 12 inch Speedball Plastic Bat on a 14” wheel head.

The 14 inch Speedball Plastic Bat.

The 14 inch Speedball Plastic Bat.

Upgrade Pick: Hydro-Bats

The bottom of a 12.5 inch diameter Hyrdo-Bat, with the red rubber grommets that fit on standard 3/8” bat pins.

The bottom of a 12.5 inch diameter Hyrdo-Bat, with the red rubber grommets that fit on standard 3/8” bat pins.

Hydro-Bats are a line of bats made from HydroStone, a U.S. Gypsum product that is harder and stronger than plaster but still absorbent. They are widely available, but are manufactured by the team at The Ceramic Shop in Philadelphia. In addition to the absorbent surface, the bats have a lip for easy removal, and rubber grommets that easily fit over bat pins.

The complete line has flat bats, hump bats, and a variety of plate and platter shapes. The flat bats have two sizes of pin spacing: the standard 10” pin spacing comes in diameters ranging from 12.5 to 28 inches, and the smaller 6” pin spacing has bats that are 8.5 and 10 inches in diameter. The 6 inch pins might fit tabletop wheels or there is also a 10” to 6” adapter available.

Hydro-Bats do take up more space, they are about 1/2 inch thick. And if they become saturated with water, they won’t be very useful until they dry out. But the absorbency of the HydroStone makes these a great option for throwing bigger forms, as you will have more even drying on all sides of the vessel. When the clay pulls away from the bat without sticking, your ware will be at the perfect dryness for trimming.

Hydrobats will chip or take cuts from very sharp knives, but from experience I can say that you can drop them without much risk of them breaking (you might get some chips though.) Overall, these are my favorite bats to use because they make trimming much easier, and they are stronger and easier to use than homemade plaster bats, or other absorbent bats without grommets. They do cost more, but it’s worth it.

Available in almost 20 sizes, prices range from $10 to $50 each.
Flat 12.5” bats are around $21

Amaco Plasti-Bats

Amaco Plasti-Bats are available in 12” and 14” diamater.

Amaco Plasti-Bats are available in 12” and 14” diamater.

Amaco Plasti-Bats are 1/4” thick hard plastic with holes for bat pins drilled through. Available in 14 and 12 inch diameter, and 9 inch square, the holes are a universal 10 inch spacing. It would be simple to drill new holes if needed for alternative pin spacing. Simple, easy, and effective, these are functional bats that will get the job done.

There is also a 9” square Amaco Plasti-Bat, which also has holes for 10” pin spacing.

There is also a 9” square Amaco Plasti-Bat, which also has holes for 10” pin spacing.

With no ribs or lip, either side can be used and cleanup is very easy. As with all plastic bats, they are non-absorbent.

The drawback with these is that while they are easy to attach to the wheel head because you can see the pin holes, the lack of a lip makes removal a bit hard. Some sort of tool or knife is needed to wedge one side of the bat up, so that your fingers can get underneath. Without the ribbing, these can warp if stored incorrectly. It’s best to store these horizontally, but they can be stored vertically as long as pressure is not applied.

These bats used to be some of the cheapest on the market, but now they cost almost as much as Hydro-Bats, making them a less attractive pick.

Amaco Plasti-Bats
9” square, $16.75
12” round, $25
14” round, $30

Medex Bats


Medex Bats are a made by a variety of manufacturers including Speedball and Penguin Pottery. Medex is a 3/8” thick, engineered particle board that is made with no formaldehyde. It’s smooth, dense, and water resistant. Think of it as thicker Masonite.

With Medex, avoid soaking or long-term ware storage, or the bats may warp and/or grow mold. But if kept clean and cycling through your studio, these bats should stay flat and are cost-effective. They are more prone to warping than plastic bats, but if used correctly, they are a cost-effective option.

Potters choose these over plastic bats as the absorbency of the material will help your ware dry more evenly. Depending on the vendor, these range from half the price of a Hydro-bat to just a few dollars less, so it might be worth it to pay extra and upgrade to the Hydro-bats

Speedball Medex Bats
12” round, $12-$17
14” round, $14-$20
16” round, $17


Penguin Pottery Medex Bats
9” square, set of 5 bats: $45 ($5 each)
12” round, set of 5 bats, $65 ($13 each)

Masonite Bats

A 12” Masonite bat with universal 10” bat pins.

A 12” Masonite bat with universal 10” bat pins.

Masonite bats are made by a variety of manufacturers. They are affordable, thin, and can be real workhorses if used correctly. Masonite is a 1/4” thick, tempered, water-resistant hardboard that is usable on both sides and is slightly absorbent, making it ideal for helping pots dry. Their affordability also makes these common in production pottery, but if they stay wet for a long time (such as long-term storage of wet ware) or are soaked, they will warp, break down, or get moldy. They will also scratch if metal tools are used too aggressively on the surface.

The best way to use masonite bats is to remove the pot when it is ready for trimming, then clean the bat with a minimum of water, and allow the bat to dry before using again. Also, never soak a Masonite bat or flex it when wet, and store them horizontally. With care, Masonite bats can last a long time.

Masonite bats, generic manufacturers
12” round, around $5 per bat (usually sold in multi-packs)

Baltic Birch / Tiger Ply Plywood Bats

Plywood bats

Plywood bats

Bailey Ceramic Supply in New York makes 3/4” thick Plywood Bats in either Baltic Birch or Tiger Ply. (Baltic Birch Plywood is hard to come by because of the war in Ukraine so they have switched to Tiger Ply.) Absorbent like plaster, these bats are lighter than plaster or Hydro Stone, and won’t break or chip if you drop them. They are also more rigid for larger forms—plastic gets floppy at larger diameters. You could make your own plywood bats but these are predrilled and ready to go.

Like Masonate / Medex / hardboard, plywood will warp and get moldy if clay and ware is stored on them for a few weeks. Clean up with a minimum of water, and remove your piece as soon as you are able. It’s also a good idea to let these dry out in between uses. If properly cared for, plywood bats are long lasting.

Plywood bats
12” round to 29.5” round, $17 to $74

Bat Systems

Bat systems feature a large bat and smaller inserts that can be swapped out. The idea is to save space on the shelf, and not have to bother attaching bats over and over. It’s particularly ideal for smaller work such as mugs, and small cylinders and bowls. The downside is that you commit to one manufacturer if you need extra or replacement bats. Some potters make their own version of these using a drill and a jigsaw. Only commit to a bat system if you know it’s the right system for you, the size of work you make, and your studio. It can be a definite space saver, though, so it is worth considering if it makes sense for you..

Penguin Pottery Heavy Duty Bat System

The Penguin Pottery Heavy Duty Bat System is made from MDF.

Penguin Pottery Heavy Duty Bat System

This system features a 14” circular bat with 6 inch square inserts, all made of Medex / MDF. The pins on the large bat are set for a 10” bat pin spacing, and the system is made in the USA. The inner bats are easily removable via four finger holes.

The Penguin Pottery Bat System comes with the 14” bat and 5 inserts, along with 2 pins.
Listed at $71

Dirty Girl Bat Systems

The Dirty Girl round bat system.

The Dirty Girl round bat system.

Dirty Girl tools makes two bat system, a square and round set. The large bat is 12.5”, and the smaller bats are 6.5 inches.

It’s not listed on the site, but it appears the larger bat is Medex or pressboard, and the inserts are thinner Masonite or some kind of tempered hardboard.

Dirty Girl Bat System
includes 10 bat inserts, $78

Snap Bat Throwing System

The all plastic Snap Bat system.

The all plastic Snap Bat system.

The Snap Bat Throwing System is an all-plastic option developed by The Ceramic Shop in Philadelphia. The large bat is 11.5” round and 1/2 thick, and the smaller bats 7 x 7 inches square and 1/4” thick.

Snap Bat Throwing System
comes with 5 inserts
Listed at $83

Generic Bat Systems

The WonderBat Square Bat System.

The WonderBat Square Bat System.

There are a variety of generic bat systems available on Amazon.

As with all the sort of generic “Amazon Brands,” these products seem to come and go, and are often direct copies of some of the bat systems listed above.

Buyer beware! These may be a great deal, or they might be a piece of junk.

Bat Accessories

There are a variety of accessories and add-ons that can help with bats and the throwing process.

Xiem Studio Tools BatMate.

Xiem Studio Tools BatMate.

Xiem Studio Tools BatMate

The BatMate from Xiem Studio Tools is a 12-inch diameter piece of synthetic fabric that can be placed in between a bat and wheel head to virtually eliminate any wobble, improving the accuracy of throwing and trimming. Many potters, however, wet the fabric and place it directly on a wheel head to use when trimming pots. Pots will stay put just by tension, without adding little balls of clay wadding. This saves time and works just as well.

It’s probably not necessary if you get Speedball Plastic Bats or Hydro-Bats, but it may be helpful for masonite or other bats that might have a slight warp. And it’s also a great tool for trimming small pots. At around $15, this is a tool that gets used all the time once it’s in a potter’s kit.

Xiem BatMate
12 and 14 inch diameters, $11-$14

Xiem Tools Bat Lifter


If you have bats without a lip, the Xiem Tools Bat Lifter will save your fettling knife or nails, helping you easily pick up one side of the bat. If you have Amaco Plasti-Bats, you definitely want one of these!

Xiem Tools Bat Lifter

WiziWig Tools Clay Shield

The WiziWig Tools Clay Shield.

The WiziWig Tools Clay Shield.

The WiziWig Tools Clay Shield is a set of 14 flexible panels that will guard your throwing area from trimming and throwing splatters. Each panel is 4 1/4” wide, 8 3/4” tall, and has a base that slides under your splash pan. When combined, the Clay Shield will cover a 20 inch diameter. Coverage varies depends on set up and your wheel, but overall, this is a simple tool that can make a big difference in cleanup. It does require some set up and can get in the way, but if you’re working in tight quarters it can really help.

If this doesn’t seem right for you, some people tape newspaper, cardboard, or even flexible cutting boards to achieve the same ends.

WiziWig Clay Shield

Foam Trimming Bat

Foam Trimming Bats by StudioPro.

Foam Trimming Bats by StudioPro.

StudioPro and others make foam trimming bats. These are foam glued to a bat. You can make your own, but StudioPro offers two options: one has 1/4 in foam for smaller pots, and another has 3/4” foam for heavier or uneven pots. Simple, easy and time saving, if you think a foam bat is going to help you, it probably will.

StudioPro Foam Trimming Bats
14” or 18” round
1/4” or 3/4” thick foam

Brent Batmobile

Brent Batmobile.jpg

The Brent Batmobile is a mobile cart perfectly designed to hold scores of round bats. It can accommodate bats that are 12 to 14 inches tall, and has locking 4 inch rubber casters. It’s not cheap—you might try a DIY option—but Brent’s entire product line is built to withstand heavy use in a production or busy academic studio. It will last forever.

Brent Batmobile Bat Cart

Grinding Discs

There are now a variety of grinding discs that fit right on your wheel head. A great solution—you’ve already got this spinning motor with a waterproof splash pan! Some grinding discs have sticker backs that can be used with a bat. If you’re interested in this, a good place to start is with our DIY grinding disc tutorial.


This post covered a variety of bats for use on the pottery wheel. There are bats available in plastic, HydroStone, plaster, Masonite and other hardboards, and even plywood. There’s also a variety of bat systems and other bat accessories. Overall, my favorite bat is the Speedball Plastic Bat for it’s easy to move lip and resistance to warping. Hydro-Bats are my favorite for absorbent bats.

What are your favorite bats?

The Best Banding Wheels for Pottery and Ceramics

blue nidec shimpo banding wheel

The Nidec Shimpo 9 1/2” wide banding wheel.

Banding wheels are one of the most useful tools in a ceramic studio, especially for handbuilding, decorating, and carving. They allow you to turn a piece while building, and can be extremely useful during the glazing process.

A good banding wheel will spin freely and with some speed, allowing you to hold a brush steady and paint a “band” or line of or underglaze glaze. But they can be so much more than that.

This post will cover quality banding wheels that can handle the weight of clay and be cleaned. You don’t want to mess with cheap plastic options, or lazy susans that aren’t designed to get dirty and be cleaned again. Those cheaper options will often break down or don’t have enough weight to spin freely.

The best banding wheels are heavy and made out of metal, but there are a variety of options to fit each studio and budget. Read below for a full buyer’s guide to banding wheels.

This guide is based on personal experience with all the banding wheels, along with observations of what works and holds up in academic and community ceramic studios, and what tends to fall apart and not be worth the money.

Table of Contents

  1. Top Pick: Shimpo Banding Wheels

  2. Budget Pick: CSI Banding Wheels

  3. Great option: Generic Metal Banding Wheels from Falling in Art etc

  4. Other Banding Wheels

  5. Summary

Top Pick: Nidec Shimpo Banding Wheels

The complete line of Shimpo Banding Wheels.

The complete line of Shimpo Banding Wheels. The three shorter options are 2 1/4” tall while the two “pedestal” banding wheels are 4 3/4” and 7 1/2” tall.

Nidec Shimpo banding wheels are made of cast iron and painted with rust-resisted blue paint and are heavy, durable and will last a lifetime. They have sealed ball bearings, a one-piece design that will not come apart when picked up, and the weight of the cast iron results in a smooth, even spin. These banding wheels are a pleasure to use whether you are coil building, painting, carving, or sculpting.

Once again, these are solid, durable cast iron. Take good care of this banding wheel and it you will be passing it down to the next potter in decades or longer. They are easy to clean, just don’t submerge the whole thing in water.

Shimpo banding wheels come in five sizes ranging from 7” to 11 3/4” wide. The three smaller wheels are all 2 1/4” tall, while the two taller sizes are 4 3/4” tall and 7 1/2” tall.

My preference is for the shorter, lower-profile banding wheels but a pedestal-style banding wheel may work for your studio. Some may find these banding wheels to be on the heavy side, but the weight works to your advantage to create a steady, even, long-lasting spin.

Shopping tip: These banding wheels tend to be cheaper at Blick than Amazon. Yes, the Nidec Shimpo are the most expensive banding wheels out there but they are also the heaviest, most durable, and the weight allows them to spin for much longer than other banding wheels. In the 5 years we have been maintaining this guide to banding wheels, the Nidec Shimpo banding wheel prices have only increased by a few dollars to they have remained a good value.

The Shimpo 25L Banding Wheel is 9 7/8” x 2 1/4” and is the most versatile size.

The Shimpo 25L Banding Wheel is 9 7/8” x 2 1/4”

Shimpo Banding Wheel Specs:
Model number, diameter, height, and weight:

18L 7” x 2 1/4”, 6.5 lbs, $66-$82 (Shop at Amazon | Shop at Blick)

22L 8 3/4” x 2 1/4”, 13 lbs, $77-$90 (Shop at Blick)

25L 9 1/2” x 2 1/4”, 15 lbs, $131 (Shop at Amazon)

25H 9 7/8” x 7 1/2”, 19 lbs, $123-$148 (Shop at Amazon | Shop at Blick)

30M 11 3/4” x 4 3/4”, 28 lbs, $142-$172 (Shop at Amazon | Shop at Blick)

More pics of the Nidec Shimpo banding wheel

Top view nidec shimpo banding wheel

Top view

bottom view of Nidec Shimpo Banding wheel

Bottom view

Budget Pick: CSI Banding Wheels

CSI Banding Wheels come in sizes ranging from 8” to 16” in diameter.

CSI Banding Wheels come in sizes ranging from 8” to 16” in diameter.

CSI Banding Wheels are heavy-duty, economical banding wheels made from two Formica-covered particle boards with stainless steel ball bearings. They are 2 inches tall and range from 8 to 16” in diameter. These banding wheels are portable and stackable, and are lighter than cast-iron options such as the Shimpo. They have decent turning capacity but they don’t turn as readily and easily as the Shimpo banding wheels. They are great for everything except a very fast and continuous painting of a line or band.

For heavy sculptures or vessels these are great options for handbuilding where you will be turning the piece slowly. The 8” and 10” wheels have a 200 lb capacity, the 12” is rated to 300 lbs, and the 14” and 16” are rated to an 800 lb capacity.

The CSI banding wheels range in price from around $28 to about $42. That’s an incredibly great deal for a heavy-duty banding wheel, making this a great option for educational studios, beginners, or those more focused on sculpture and handbuilding rather than spinning decoration.

Metal Wheel Budget Pick: Falling In Art Banding Wheel

US Art Supply metal banding wheel.jpg

These generic metal banding wheels, available under a variety of names online such as Falling In Art or US Art Supply, are highly rated and run about half the price of the Shimpo banding wheels. Available in 7” and 12” diameter, with a 4 inch pedestal, and a weight of about 10 lbs, these wheels have a set screw to hold the top and bottom pieces together. They are not quite as heavy as the Shimpo, but much heavier than other options such as the CSI Turntables or plastic wheels. For 1/3 to 1/2 of the price of the Shimpo banding wheels, these are a decent option for any studio, especially if you are on a budget.

As with all the banding wheels, do not submerge these in water for cleaning to avoid damaging the ball bearings.

7” banding wheel, generally $28

12” banding wheel, generally $38-$40

Other Banding Wheels options:

Laguna Banding Wheels

Laguna NL 278 aluminum and cast iron banding wheel turntable 12 inches wide by 2 inches tall with concentric rings on the top wheel head

The Laguna NL-278 Banding Wheel is 12 inches wide and 2 inches tall.

Laguna Clay makes a line of banding wheels with a cast iron base, steel bearings, and aluminum wheel head. Often, the wheel head will be very similar to the wheel head of a regular pottery wheel.

There are 6 options in the Laguna product line; 4 pedestal banding wheels that range from 5” to 6.5” tall, and 2 that are 2 inches tall. My favorite model is NL-278 which is 12 inches wide and 2 inches tall and retails for around $140. It’s basically a full-size wheel head, but as a banding wheel.

Because these are aluminum on top, they don’t spin as long as the Shimpo wheels, but they are well made and hold up. These wheels are available at a variety of ceramic suppliers, or directly from Laguna via their Axner Clay website.

Yncotte 7” Aluminum Banding Wheel

Yncotte aluminum banding wheel for ceramic studios

This light duty banding wheel is 7” wide, made out of aluminum, and is ok for light duty work. It doesn’t spin very long, due to the light weight. But it can be used in either direction and it fits just about anywhere as it is small.

I have used these more recently in a number of academic studios and they are definitely better than a plastic banding wheel, but given the $32 price tag, I would go for either the Falling In Art banding wheel, or spend more and get the Nidec Shimpo Banding Wheel.

Amaco #5 banding wheel.jpg

Amaco #5 Banding Wheel

The Amaco #5 Banding Wheel is a 7” wide aluminum banding wheel that sits on a pedestal stand. Along with the Shimpo and CSI banding wheels, it’s quite common to see this in many ceramic studios. The smaller size, lighter weight, and pedestal stand makes it popular for decorating, carving, scraffitto work, and painting. It is not designed for heavy weight, but it is sturdy.

The drawbacks with this stand is that it is in two pieces and will separate if picked up by the top piece. There are also a variety of mixed reviews online, mentioning poor construction quality. AMACO may be having production issues with this unit, but in my experience, it’s a quality turntable that is great for small decorative tasks.

As of 2025, this turntable doesn’t appear to be listed on the Amaco website or at any stores. It is most likely out of production, but you may still see it for sale used.

Plastic Banding Wheels

Plastic banding wheel.jpg

The Richeson Plastic Banding Wheel is 8” wide and 1 1/2” tall.

To be completely honest, I feel that plastic banding wheels are not worth buying. They can’t really be used for painting or banding, as the light weight doesn’t result in any lasting spin. They are also prone to breaking. You’ll be better off spending a bit more to get a CSI wheel or Falling in Art.

The only reason I can see to get a plastic banding wheel is for working with young children. They are lightweight and stackable (but not robust…treat them carefully!) Or the other reason if you just need a lightweight turntable for detail work such as carving or fine detail sculpting.

Given the price of these, ranging from $21 to $36, the money would be better used to get a metal banding wheel.

Richeson Plastic Banding Wheel
8” diameter, 1 1/2” tall, $21

Amaco Decorating Wheel in brown plastic 8" wide

The Amaco Decorating Wheel is 8” wide, all plastic, and is available in brown or off white.

Amaco Plastic Banding Wheel
8” diameter, $36

Jack Richeson Mobile Sculpture Stand and Turntable

Sculpture Stand.jpg

A mobile sculpture stand gives you the freedom to work on pottery and sculptures from all sides, and roll your work station out of the way if needed. This can be a great option for figurative sculpture, or if you want to create an additional workspace without adding another table. To work on this stand comfortably, you’ll need a tall stool or work standing up. The center shaft is adjustable for a working height of 39.5 to 44 inches. The wooden work surface is 12 inches square, and the base is 29 inches square with 4 locking caster wheels. It’s a great stand for working on sculptures, pottery, or as a display stand.

Jack Richeson Mobile Sculpture Stan
$215 to $225.


This post has covered a variety of banding wheels, turntables, and sculpture stands. In general, the best option is the heavy-duty cast iron Shimpo banding wheels, especially if you need to get a smooth, steady spin for painting pottery. If you are working with heavy sculptures, the CSI Turntables are a sturdy, economical option. And there are other cheaper and lighter options.

What banding wheels do you use? Let us know in the comments.

2025 Pottery Wheel Buyer's Guide — The Best Wheels For All Studios

A classroom set of our top pick, the Shimpo VL-Whisper pottery wheel. The latest model of the Whisper has a slightly different table top shape but same super-quiet motor.

A classroom set of our top pick, the Shimpo VL-Whisper pottery wheel. The latest model of the Whisper has a slightly different table top shape but same super-quiet motor.


This guide will help you choose the wheel that is best for your studio and budget. This guide includes our recommended picks, an overview of the features found on pottery wheels, and a comprehensive guide to every model of wheel we could find on the market.

First, a quick rundown of our top picks, with more detailed descriptions below:

Shimpo VL-Whisper pottery wheel

The Shimpo VL-Whisper is our top pick for a pottery wheel.

As in previous guides, our top pick for all studios in 2025 is the Shimpo VL-Whisper. It’s a super-quiet workhorse with a 1/2 horse power motor that usually costs around $1,600–$1,800.


The Shimpo VL-Lite is our top pick for a budget wheel.

For a budget / entry level wheel, we love the Shimpo VL-Lite. It’s got a belt-driven, 1/2 horse power moter and usually retails for around $900. It is also the most affordable wheel designed for professional use.


The Speedball Clay Boss is another great wheel that is available at a more budget-friendly price.

Another great budget wheel is the Speedball Clay Boss, which also has 1/2 HP belt-driven motor. It did, however, take a big price jump recently and now typically retails for around $1,000 to $1,040.


The CXC is the top-of-the-line Brent Wheel and has a 1 HP motor.

Any of the above wheels are great and are used by many professionals, but for extra power and a heavy-duty build, check out Brent wheels such as the Model C or CXC; a Skutt Wheel, especially the Skutt Classic with an aluminum splash pan; or a Soldner Wheel. Both Skutt and Brent wheels usually retail for $2,000 and up and Soldner Wheels start at $2,350.

Skutt Classic Pottery wheel with a red splash and black legs.

The Skutt Classic pottery wheel features a cast aluminum splash pan.


In addition to reviews and recommendations of top wheels, this guide will cover:

  • What to look for when buying a wheel

  • Tips on where and how to buy

  • Provide a side-by-side comparison chart of just about every wheel on the market so that you can make the most informed decision.

Changes for 2025
A few of the big changes for 2025:

  1. Brent Wheels have a slightly more streamlined approach. The B model now has a 14” wheel head (up from a 12”) so the main difference between the B, C and CXC models now is the motor strength.

  2. Skutt Wheels have also streamlined their product line. As opposed to multiple options of motor strengths in the Legend and Classic model, now just a 1/3 HP model of each are listed.

  3. Soldner Wheels are still not available at most retailers, but they can be ordered directly from the manufacturer, Bluebird Clay. The models and features have changed with new ownership.

  4. Price increases: Almost every wheel is more expensive than our last guide (from October ‘23), and some are hundreds of dollars more, building in massive increases in the five years of this guide from The Studio Manager. Some manufacturers, however, are little changed from fall of ‘23. For example, the Speedball Clay Boss and Nidec Shimpo VL-Lite used to be available for around $700-$750 in 2020. The VL-Lite was usually around $860 in 2023 and now is around $900. The Speedball Clay Boss is still around $1,000 to $1,050. Outside of entry-level models, there have been more aggressive price increases. In 2020, The Shimpo VL-Whisper was around $1450. That climbed to around $1,550 in 2023 and now $1,650 and up. The Brent C used to be around $1,500 in 2020 as well, then climbed to around $1,950 in 2023. It is now listed at $2,700 but is typically available for around $2,100, or about a 40% increase over the typical 2015 price.

  5. Budget / Entry Level wheels: A few ceramic retailers are carrying Bth wheels, a new entry in the budget line of wheels and a possible competitor for the Shimpo VL-Lite and Speedball Clay Boss.

Note on “Under $200” wheels:
This guide covers wheels from manufacturers including Bailey, Brent, Lockerbie, Pacifica, Shimpo, Skutt, Soldner, and Speedball. These are designed for professional, heavy-duty use. Wether you spend $850 or $1,850, you will get a wheel that could last a lifetime.

The small Vevor wheel is available for just $130.

But what if you are just starting out and want to try wheelthrowing for less? It is probably best to try the wheel in a class, but if you really want something at home, there are numerous wheels that are available online for such as a Vevor for $142 or even just $120. These wheels are small, have weak motors that max out with about 5 pounds of clay, no holes for bat pins, and may not hold up under regular use. You can make them work, but that $100 to 200 would be better put towards any wheel listed in this article, which will last 10 to 20 years or when used properly, a lifetime.

Another option is to check out our guide to table top and portable wheels, which start around $600.

For a complete review and guide to full-size wheels, keep scrolling.

How This Guide Was Created

This guide draws on almost 25 years of experience working in ceramic studios, including using almost every single model of wheel listed in this guide. While for the most part, if the wheel spins, it will do what you need to do, each manufacturer brings something different to the table and this guide will help you narrow down the right model for you. The technical and pricing info was drawn from visiting numerous websites to compile technical and price information, and is updated as of February 2025.

Table of Contents

  1. Top Pick: Shimpo VL-Whisper

  2. Budget Picks: Shimpo VL-Lite or Speedball Clay Boss

  3. Pro Pick: Brent Wheels, Soldner, or Skutt Wheels

  4. Other Great Wheels

  5. Understanding Pottery Wheels

  6. How To Shop For A Wheel

  7. Pottery Wheel Comparison Charts

Top Pick: Shimpo VL-Whisper

The Nidec-Shimpo VL-Whisper pottery wheel, our top pick for a wheel. It has a super-quiet motor, adjustable legs, and a lot of thoughtful features.

The Nidec-Shimpo VL-Whisper pottery wheel, our top pick for a wheel. It has a super-quiet motor, adjustable legs, and a lot of thoughtful features.

Our top pick for all types of studios and skill levels is the Nidec Shimpo VL-Whisper pottery wheel. Introduced almost 20 years ago, this has become one of the top-selling wheels mainly due to its innovative 1/2 horse power, direct-drive DC motor that uses magnets to drive the wheel. This system makes the VL-Whisper truly the most quiet wheel on the market. Almost every other wheel uses a belt-drive system that makes more noise and has more moving parts that can break down over time.

The Shimpo VL-Whisper with the legs removed, for use as a table top wheel if you prefer to stand while throwing.

The Shimpo VL-Whisper with the legs removed, for use as a table top wheel if you prefer to stand while throwing.

Along with being super quiet, the VL-Whisper magnetic drive has instant torque and is powerful enough for most potters. The rest of the wheel is well designed with a three legs, sturdy plastic top, 2-part splash pan that surrounds a 14” wheelhead, a moveable floor pedal, and a switch to run the wheel clockwise or counterclockwise. The 1/2 horsepower 400 watt motor is rated to a centering capacity of 100 lbs and the wheel comes with a 5 year warranty.

The VL-Whisper has other thoughtful engineering touches, including adjustable, removable legs that allow for tabletop use or a variety of heights on the floor. The wheelhead also turns freely at 0 rpm, allowing for use as a banding wheel (although it is more that it spins freely rather than working as a true banding wheel.” The VL-Whisper weighs around 120 lbs and measures 23 1/8” x 27 1/2” and can range from 11” to 21” in height.

The drawbacks to this wheel would be that the splash pan is not the sturdiest. If you are careful and just using it yourself, it will be fine, but I have noticed that it is more prone to cracking in heavy-use communal studios than the Brent splash pan. The foot pedal cord is also prone to twisting. But these are relatively minor issues.

Some pro potters may want a more powerful motor, and some beginners may find the price tag prohibitive (typically $1,750), but I can really say without a doubt that this is the best overall wheel on the market. What really sets it apart is the quiet motor, adjustable legs, 0 rpm banding wheel option, and how it is just a thoughtfully designed, sturdy machine. The Nidec Shimpo company has also done a good job keeping the price down. Brent B wheels, for example, used to priced about the same as the VL-Whisper, but now the entry-level Brent is typically $200 to $300 more than the VL-Whisper.

This wheel is available at just about every ceramic supplier worldwide. The wheel is readily available at Blick art stores in North America or can sometimes be found at Amazon as well.

Shimpo VL-Whisper
14 inch wheel head, reversible, 1/2 horsepower
List price: $1,900
Typical Price: $1,600-$1,800

Budget Picks: Shimpo VL-Lite or Speedball Clay Boss

The VL-Lite from Shimpo is a great, budget-friendly wheel.

The Shimpo VL-Lite and Speedball Clay Boss are the best budget wheels on the market, but the VL-Lite is now usually priced around $100 cheaper than the Clay Boss, making it the clear favorite on price.

The VL-Lite has 1/2 horsepower motor, 12 inch wheel had, sturdy plastic table top with metal legs, and is reversible via a switch.

The drawback to this wheel would be it’s somewhat limited, 25-pound centering capacity. But for many, that would be an extremely large amount of clay! So you have to think about what you typically throw and consider if this is the right wheel for you.

Shimpo VL-Lite
12 inch wheel head, reversible, 1/2 horsepower
List Price: $1,060
Typical Price: $901

The Speedball Clay Boss, our top pick for a budget wheel. It’s got a 1/2 horse power motor and lighter body construction that many prefer.

The Speedball Clay Boss, has a 1/2 horse power motor and a lighter body construction that many prefer for ease of moving the wheel around.

The Speedball Clay Boss has a 1/2 horse power motor, a belt-driven, 14” wheelhead, and a standard triangular design that weighs around 83 pounds, making it one of the lightest full-size wheels on the market. (The VL-Lite weighs 85)

The Clay Boss has a detached foot pedal, and is reversible by switching the direction of the plug, so it will work for throwing clockwise or counter clockwise. Speedball rates it at a 100 pound throwing capacity.

There aren’t any big downsides to this wheel, but there are trade offs. It doesn’t have the most robust build on the foot pedal. And it’s belt-driven, so it will be noisier than our top pick, the Shimpo VL-Whisper. But it’s still a great wheel that will get the job done.

Speedball Clay Boss
14 inch wheel head, reversible with plug, 1/2 horsepower
List Price: $1,299
Typical Price: $1,040

Pro Pick: Soldner Wheels or Skutt Wheels

The Soldner P-450, a 3/4 horse power pottery wheel. Soldner wheels are known for their ultra-responsive foot pedal and are now ultra-customizable with a variety of table top and color options.

For potters looking for an upgraded experience, the best option are Soldner or Skutt wheels. These wheels feature large, oversized motors and extra-responsive, upgraded foot pedals, combined with sturdy legs and tops. Do you need a wheel like this? If you are serious potter, spending a few hours a day on the wheel or more, the larger motors will really deliver for you and not overheat (The Shimpo VL-Whisper is great in this regard too). But the big upgrade for many will be the super-sensitive foot pedals.

Soldner Wheels and manufacturer Bluebird Clay were purchased by a new owner in 2022 or 2023 and are still the same great quality with some changes. You can now choose a standard pedal or the upgraded Soldner pedal, along with choosing a plastic table top or the classic Soldner plywood top. (Speaking as an owner of an older Soldner wheel before these changes were offered, go with the upgrades if you can afford it.) There have been some other changes as well, such as colors and a few options on the motor, but all with the eye to building upon the Soldner Wheel history while updating the product line. The Soldner wheels are known for their smooth, strong motors with a top-of-the-line foot pedal that will adjust to every touch you give. These wheels are a pleasure to use. Any of the six wheels in the line up are great.

There is no doubt that these are expensive wheels, but they are made in Colorado to your specifications and in the scheme of things, a wheel that will easily last you 30 years or more is probably worth the extra hundreds of dollars you will spend. Visit to learn more and shop for Soldner Wheels.

The Skutt Classic wheel with a built-in, aluminum splash pan.

The Skutt Pottery Wheel line features three wheels, including their entry-level model, the Prodigy, which has a circular splash pan on a table much like other wheels.

Pros will want to look at the two higher-end models which feature large and deep splash pans.

The Legend wheels have a removable wheel head and splash pan for easy cleanup, and is available 1/3 hp options. Skutt previously offered a 1/2 and 1 HP option, but those aren’t listed online any more.

The Classic wheel has a built in, super sturdy aluminum splash pan and also has the a 1/3 HP motor (the 1/2 and 1 HP options also appears to be gone.

The Skutt wheels also have an optional “SSX” foot pedal upgrade, which gives you an ultra-responsive, smooth response that puts these in the same range as the Soldner wheels. As of 2023, Skutt wheels also feature a new color scheme of red and black.

Skutt Classic
14” wheel head, reversible
Built in splash pan
List Price: $2,195
Typical price: $1,900 to $1,950

Skutt Legend
14” wheel head, reversible
Removable splash pan
List Price: $2,325
Typical Price: $1,850-$1,900

Other Great Wheels: Brent Wheels and Others

The Brent B, a 1/2 horse power pottery wheel that is one of the most popular wheels on the market.

The Brent B, a 1/2 horse power pottery wheel that is one of the most popular wheels on the market.

In addition to the options above, there are other pottery wheel options to consider, particularly wheels from Brent, Bailey, and Pacifica.

For many potters, their favorite wheels are made by Brent. Known for their distinctive yellow ochre plastic tops and splash pans, you have probably seen or used a Brent as they are arguably the best-selling wheels in North America. (This data isn’t public but Brent and Shimpo seem to be the two most common wheels).

As a point of comparison, the Brent B is closest to the other wheels we have recommended above. It has a 1/2 horsepower motor, can go forward and reverse, and now has a 14 inch wheel head. When new, these wheels are very quiet even though they utilize a belt-driven system, and with a 10-year warranty, you can be assured that Brent wheels will last for decades.

While the Brent wheels are incredibly popular, they are not our top pick for two reasons: The Shimpo VL-Whisper is much quieter. And the Soldner and Skutt wheels come with added features, such as better foot pedals and oversized motors. Brent doesn’t have these upgrades, but if they had a more responsive foot pedal option, they would be strong contenders along with Soldner and Skutt wheels

As of early 2025, it appears that Brent has streamlined it’s offering but switching the B model to a 14” wheel head. They also now offer each of their wheels in an all-black option, in addition to the classic yellow ochre. The only difference now is the strength of the motor, so choose accordingly between the B, C, or CXC model.

For a complete guide to Brent wheels, click here.

Brent B
14” wheel head, reversible
1/2 HP motor
List Price: $2,600
Typical Price: $2,000-$2,300

Brent C
14” wheel head, reversible
3/4 HP motor
List Price: $2,700
Typical Price: $2,100-$2,400

Understanding Pottery Wheels, a Pottery Wheel Buying Guide

In this section, we’ll go through each part and feature to help you understand wheels and how to choose the best one for you. Unfortunately, there’s usually not a store or supplier where you can go and sit down and try every wheel, so going through each part of the wheel will help you understand the different features offered by each manufacturer.


The biggest difference between wheels, even within a manufacturer’s product line, is usually the motor. With wheels on the market ranging from 1/4 horsepower to 1 horsepower, most potters will find that a 1/2 HP motor is the sweet spot of plenty of power without paying extra. If you are able to test wheels in person, you will see the difference in size of motors too. Not all motors are created equally, even if they are rated to the same HP. You may want to also compare the wattage of the motor, to see which motors may have a higher capacity and will hopefully better withstand overheating under heavy use.

With that in mind, if you can afford it, go for the biggest motor that fits your budget to give yourself more longevity.

Centering Capacity

A similar consideration to the motor power, centering capacity is often mentioned with wheels. It’s a somewhat useful metric that is basically a stand-in for horsepower. Skutt, however, refuses to provide this centering capacity number, arguing that it is a useless metric. But since most manufacturers use it, we’ve kept it in our chart below. Centering capacity is related to both the power of the motor, the torque it gives at start up, and the sensitivity of the foot pedal. If it matters to you, and you have the money, you won’t be disappointed with a bigger motor with more centering capacity. Realistically, most potters aren’t centering more than 10 or 20 lbs so wheels advertising 200 or 300 lb centering capacities are really indicating that they have an overbuilt motor that will be able to take a lot of use.

Table Top, Legs, Frame

The next biggest difference is the material and design of the table and legs. Most wheels have a sturdy plastic top, and metal legs. Some have beefier legs, metal tops, or in the case of Soldner wheels, a marine-grade plywood top option. Manufacturers typically have one or maybe two table styles, and will build different features on top of these frames. These frame constructions will determine the dimensions and some of the weight of the wheel. When choosing a wheel, consider the size, weight, and type of frame and table top that will work for your studio. If you are moving wheels around, say in a classroom, then a lighter wheel may be better.

Splash Pan

Another point of comparison is the splash pan. Typically a two-part plastic pan that clips around the wheelhead, splash pans are useful for collecting throwing water or trimming scraps. Some wheels, such as Baileys and Skutts, have large one-piece splash pans that cover the whole top of the frame. Some of these one-piece splash pans are removable, and others are built in and can be cleaned and emptied via a drain plug. As cleanup is a big part of throwing, choosing a splash pan that suits you can be important.

Weight / Dimensions

Most wheels are about the same size and shape, with some variation with half moon shapes with Soldner and Lockerbie wheels. The weight is determined by the size of the motor and the frame construction. A lighter wheel, such as a Speedball, is easier to move while pro-type wheels, such as Skutt, have marketing pictures of potters standing on top of the wheel. How you are going to use a wheel and your studio space will really determine if you need a lightweight or heavyweight wheel. Some manufacturers have add-on shelves that attach to the wheel for more working space, but you can also set your wheel up next to a low table to have more shelf space within reach.

Wheel head

Most wheels have a 12”, 13” or 14” wheelhead with bat pins spaced 10” a part. Some smaller wheels or table top wheels will have different styles. Measure a wheel head that you like using to determine the size you like, although most wheels now have a 14” wheel head.

Another point of consideration is if the wheel head can be removed or replaced. Typically, this is only built in for everyday cleaning in a few models from Skutt and Bailey. For ongoing maintenance, most wheel head ball bearing assemblies are completely sealed and not designed to be oiled or repacked with grease. If your wheel head develops a grinding sound, you may have to replace it.

Foot Pedal

A foot pedal may seem just like a simple speed control, but the pro-level Skutt and Soldner wheels use their ultra-responsive (and more expensive) pedals as a selling point. In addition to the upgraded pedal options, also consider if the foot pedal and on-board electronics are providing some kind of computer-controlled speed modulation to keep things even (such as Pacifica wheels), or just letting you control the speed with the pedal (such as Brent, Shimpo, Soldner, and Skutt wheels.) The more experienced you are, the less you’ll want the wheel making decisions for you.

One other point of consideration with foot pedals is whether it is fixed or not. Every model listed below has a moveable foot pedal except the Shimpo RK-Whisper, which has an attached pedal on the right side. A moveable foot pedal lets you to choose which side to place it, and allows you to raise the pedal on bricks if needed.


Many manufacturers provide a rotations per minute (RPM) figure in relation to motors, which we’ve included below. Once again, these give you a rough approximation of motor power and torque, but they are all within a range that is about the same, ranging from 0 to 240-260 rpm max. The Lockerbie motor has a much lower max rpm but it’s a super beefy 1/3 HP motor that trades a high speed for great torque.


Most good wheels these days come with a convenient switch where you can reverse the direction of the motor, allowing you to throw clockwise or counter clockwise. Some lower-priced wheels have a reversible plug, where you have to manually switch the direction of the cord to have the wheel go clockwise or counter-clockwise. Some wheels are not reversible at all.

Adjustable Legs and Leg extenders

Some wheels, such as Soldners, come with adjustable legs so that you can set the wheel height exactly how you want it. Almost any other wheel will have to be adjusted with shims or bricks, if you want to move it up a few inches.

A few manufacturers make leg extenders, so that a wheel can be converted to a standing wheel. This style of throwing can be more comfortable for your lower back. Definitely consider this when choosing a wheel, or look at the models such as the Shimpo Whisper, which has removable legs and a flat bottom so that it can be easily placed on a table.

Shipping and Assembly

Some wheels arrive completely assembled, others need some light assembly such as attaching legs. They also vary on whether they ship via FedEx / UPS or by freight. Expect to pay extra for shipping and delivery, unless you are picking a wheel up in person. Also consider how you will get the wheel into your studio, as they can be heavy. Some vendors will include free shipping so definitely compare prices with shipping included to find the best deal.


Warranties on wheels range from 2 to 10 years. But every wheel listed below is a top-quality product that should last for decades. If you are careful and respectful, you shouldn’t worry too much about a shorter warranty. But if you are buying for an educational or communal studio where wheels can really be abused, you might want to consider wheels with longer warranties.

In our experience, the main upkeep on wheels is keeping them clean and trying to occasionally add some oil to moving parts. Foot pedals can be adjusted, electronics such as switches can be replaced. The biggest concern would be a wheel head bearing assembly getting repeatedly swamped with too much water in the splashpan. But if you are careful, a wheel may never need any major repairs.

The “under $200” wheels don’t seem to come with any warranty at all.


All the factors above contribute to the price. The lowest price possible is often the driving force of any purchase, and if that is you, we recommend the Shimpo VL-Lite wheel, which typically cost around $900. For this lower price you are getting a lighter, less beefy frame and most likely a noisier motor but one that will still get the job done for you. Professional-grade wheels typically cost $1,500 and up to $2,000 or more, depending on the options you select. If you are on the fence when choosing upgrades such as a bigger motor or a better foot pedal, consider how you will feel in 5 to 10 or 20 years. You probably won’t think about the extra few hundred dollars you spent initially, instead you will be happy that you got the upgrades to make your wheel last a lifetime.

Where to Shop and Buy Pottery Wheels

Before buying a wheel, think about what you have used and what features you need. If you currently have a favorite style or brand of wheel, you’ll probably be happy sticking with that style. For research, the best place to start is your local ceramic shop where you can hopefully “test drive” different models to see what feels good to you. Consider asking if they have floor models or special deals on wheels already in stock. Unfortunately, most ceramic suppliers do not have every model of wheel available in the store to try out, so you will almost always be choosing based on limited in-person experience.

If you are shopping online, we have provided links to some wheels at Blick (North America) and Amazon. Some ceramic stores advertise a price that includes shipping, while others add it on in your cart. So definitely shop around and see where you can find the best deals. If you order from online vendors, the wheel is most likely going to be shipped directly from the manufacturer anyway, so you should try to find the best deal.

Wheel Repair and Warranty

After buying a wheel, you will be dealing with the manufacturer if you need any repairs, although a relationship with a local ceramic shop is a great resource if you need help with repairs or adjustments. Manufacturers such as Skutt and Bailey are known for their great online and phone customer service. Other manufacturers, such as Brent, provide lots of support both in person and with repair videos on YouTube.

Most likely, nothing will go wrong with your wheel in the short term but you should expect to make adjustments to foot pedals. And if you are messy, or have an academic studio, expect students to jam clay into any open spot on the wheel, potentially damaging parts such as on/off switches or swamping the wheel head with water, getting water into the bearing assembly. For most quality wheels, repair parts are readily available from ceramic suppliers or the manufacturer. The good news is that manufacturers are increasingly using sealed switches and other waterproof parts.

Pottery Wheel Comparison Chart

This chart is in alphabetical order by manufacturer, including Bailey, Brent, Bth, Lockerbie, Pacifica, Shimpo, Skutt, Soldner, and Speedball. These are all trustworthy brands and any of the wheels listed below will last a long time. We have done our best to compile a typical range of prices found online and in store, along with each wheel’s features, updated as of February 2025. There is also a description of what to expect from each manufacturer’s wheels.

The Bailey Pro-XL Pottery Wheel is our pick for the best Bailey wheel. It has a 1-piece splash pan and a 1/2 HP motor.

The Bailey Pro-XL Pottery Wheel is our pick for the best Bailey wheel. It has a 1-piece splash pan and a 1/2 HP motor.

Bailey Pottery Wheels

Bailey Wheels are manufactured by the Bailey Pottery Corporation of Kingston, New York. Known for innovative and high quality slab rollers, kilns, extruders, and other equipment for ceramic studios, the Bailey wheels are characterized by a large, table-sized splash pan. There are two main models, the ST and the PRO model, which each come in three different options. The ST models have a 2-piece, removable splash pan while the PRO models have a 1-piece, counter-sized fixed splash plan with a plug and a drain tube.

Bailey sells optional leg extenders that work with all the models, which can extend the height from 29 to 37 inches.

All the models utilize a standard belt drive system, and have detached foot pedals.

The prices on Bailey wheels have not changed since our last guide in fall of 2023. I’m not sure if they are sitting on a large inventory of unsold stock, or they can absorb the rising costs of manufacturing, but it’s nice to see someone hold the line on pricing and it makes the wheels increasingly competitive while still being a somewhat niche brand in comparison to Brent, Shimpo, and Speedball.

For the best option, go with the ST-XL or PRO-XL, which both feature a 1/2 HP motor, 13” wheelhead, and a reversing switch.

Bailey Pottery Wheels

Available at
Model List Price Typical Price Motor (HP) Wheelhead
Bat Pin
Reversible Dimensions Weight Speed (RPM) Warranty Capacity
ST $1,687 $1,351 1/4 HP 12" 10" Yes, plug 22.5 x 25.5 x 21" 93 lbs 0-200 5/10 years 50 lbs
ST-X $2,055 $1,541 1/4 HP 13" 10" Yes, switch 24.5 x 29 x 20.25" 103 lbs 0-200 10 years 50 lbs
ST-XL $2,154 $1,702 1/2 HP 13" 10" Yes, switch 24.5 x 29 x 20.25" 123 lbs 0-200 10 years 100 lbs
PRO-50R $1,874 $1,499 1/4 HP 12" 10" Yes, plug 24.25 x 29 x 20.25" 92 lbs 0-200 10 years 50 lbs
PRO-X $2,109 $1,581 1/4 HP 13" 10" Yes, switch 24.5 x 29 x 20.25" 102 lbs 0-200 10 years 50 lbs
PRO-XL $2,141 $1,692 1/2 HP 13" 10" Yes, switch 24.5 x 29 x 20.25" 116 lbs 0-200 10 years 100 lbs

Brent Pottery Wheels

The Brent B Pottery Wheel, a full-sized wheel with a 1/2 HP motor.

The Brent B Pottery Wheel, a full-sized wheel with a 1/2 HP motor.

Brent wheels are the workhorses of the ceramics world. These are some of the most popular wheels and you will see these yellow ochre machines just about everywhere. Founded in 1967 by Robert Brent, the wheels have been manufactured by the American Art Clay Company (AMACO) since 1978. The wheels are sturdy, dependable, and easy to adjust and repair. Expect these machines to easily last 15 to 20 years or more even under the heaviest of uses.

The product line is straightforward with one style of frame available in yellow ochre or all black. The difference in the models is simply a larger motor.

The Brent B has a 1/2 hp motor, the C has a 3/4 hp motor, and the CXC has a 1 hp motor. (As of 2023, Brent no longer listed the 1 1/2 hp CXC model.)

One note is the Brent centering capacity, as listed below. These are some really big numbers — Brent claims a 150 lb centering capacity for the Model B with a 1/2 HP motor. Most other manufacturers claim 50 lbs for a 1/2 HP motor. So these numbers may be a bit inflated but we’ve included Brent’s numbers below.

Brent wheels are available at ceramic suppliers or click the links in the chart to shop at Dick Blick. For a complete overview of the product line, click click here.

Brent Pottery Wheels

Click links in the chart to shop at Blick or Amazon.
Model List Price Typical Price Shopping Link Motor (HP) Wheelhead
Bat Pin
Reversible Dimensions Weight Speed (RPM) Warranty Capacity
B $2,600 $1,999-$2,300 Blick
1/2 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 21 x 28 x 21.5" 119 lbs 0-240 10 years 150 lbs
B Black $2,650 $2,100 1/2 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 21 x 28 x 21.5" 119 lbs 0-240 10 years 150 lbs
C $2,700 $$2,100-$2,400 Blick 3/4 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 21 x 28 x 21.5" 121 lbs 0-240 10 years 225 lbs
C Black $2,750 $2,200-$2,450 Blick 3/4 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 21 x 28 x 21.5" 121 lbs 0-240 10 years 225 lbs
CXC $2,800 $2,200-$2,600 Blick 1 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 21 x 28 x 21.5" H 129 lbs 0-240 10 years 300 lbs
CXC Black $2,875 $2,250-$2,650 Blick 1 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 21 x 28 x 21.5" H 129 lbs 0-240 10 years 300 lbs
Model 16 $4,800 $3,995-$4,320 Blick 1/2 HP 12" 10" Yes, switch 36 x 36 x 21-35" H 287 lbs 0-240 2 years 150 lbs

Bth Pottery Wheels

A newer entry to the North American market, Bth Pottery Wheels are available at just a few ceramic suppliers. The two models are competitively priced entry-level wheels.

This is the one wheel I haven’t been able to use in person yet. Reviews in online forums report decent quality on the wheels with some questions about the design of the splash pan, which attaches with magnets. With that said, it is always great to see new products enter into this relatively small field.

Bth Pottery Wheels

Available at The Ceramic Shop and other suppliers.
Model List Price Typical Price Motor (HP) Wheelhead Diameter Bat Pin Diameter Reversible Dimensions Weight Speed (RPM) Warranty Capacity
B2 $1,058 $849 500 watt 12" 10" Yes, switch 31 x 26 x 23" 51 lbs 0-300 rpm 5 years 88 lbs
D3 Andromeda $1,680 $1,344 400 watt 14" 10" Yes, with switch 28 x 25 x 16.5-20.5" 89 lbs 0-300 rpm 5 years 130 lbs

Lockerbie Pottery Wheels

The Lockerbie Motorized Kick Wheel, a true workhorse of a wheel with possibly the biggest motor on the market.

The Lockerbie Motorized Kick Wheel, a true workhorse of a wheel with possibly the biggest motor on the market.

Lockerbie Wheels are an interesting option manufactured by Laguna Clay in California. There are three models: a kickwheel (K), a motorized kickwheel (EK), and a reversible motorized kickwheel (EK-R). These are big, heavy wheels but if you want to switch between a kickwheel and a motor, this is the best option on the market. All models feature an adjustable wooden seat, a metal splash pan, and an all-metal frame with a concrete flywheel.

The flywheel results in a steady, even spin when used as a kickwheel. While centering and throwing on a non-motorized wheel can take a lot of work, trimming on a kickwheel is an absolute pleasure. The upgraded model with a motor is where this wheel really shines. It’s got a large, powerful motor that while only rated to 1/3 HP and a max of 157 rpm, has a lot of torque and can definitely handle more than the rated 50 lbs centering capacity. When you press the pedal, the motor engages the flywheel through a rubber wheel, or what Laguna calls “rubber friction drive.” This rubber wheel does wear out over time but is easily replaced. When you release the pedal, the kickwheel will continue to spin, until you stop it with a foot or let the flywheel come to a stop.

Lockerbie wheels have been around since the 1960s and in 2007, the company merged with Laguna Clay. The wheel style and design has been virtually unchanged for decades but it is a tough, well-designed beast of a wheel. It’s a great option for educational studios or if you want to have a kickwheel option. The simple, no frills design results in a relatively low price but you will need to pay for freight shipping. Between the fall 2023 guide and early 2025 writing of this guide, each model increased in price by about 10%, or between $150 and $200.

Lockerbie Pottery Wheels

Available at and other ceramic suppliers.
Model Typical Price Motor (HP) Wheelhead Diameter Bat Pin Diameter Reversible Dimensions Weight Speed (RPM) Warranty Capacity
Kickwheel $1,735 N/A 13" 10" N/A 42 x 36 x 30" 325 lbs N/A 5 years N/A
Electric $2,070 1/3 HP 13" 10" No 42 x 36 x 30" 365 lbs 0-157 5 years 50 lbs
Electric-Reversible $2,230 1/3 HP 13" 10" Yes 42 x 36 x 30" 365 lbs 0-157 5 years 50 lbs

Pacifica Pottery Wheels

The Pacifica GT400, one of two wheels from Pacifica with 1/4 HP motor and a 13” wheelhead.

The Pacifica GT400, one of two wheels from Pacifica with 1/4 HP motor and a 13” wheelhead.

Pacifica has been making wheels since 1972 and was purchased by Laguna Clay in 1992. There are currently two wheels in the product line, the GT400 and GT800. Both wheels are have belt driven, 13” wheelheads, optional leg extensions, and a water-resistant foot pedal. The difference is in the size of the motor, 1/4 HP for the GT400 and 1/2 HP for the GT800.

Pacifica differs from other manufacturers in claiming that, through it’s belt and electronic system, it’s 1/4 HP motor has an effective 1/2 HP, and the 1/2 HP motor has an effective 1 HP. Should these claims be believed? It’s hard to know. What can be said is that these wheels have on-board systems that attempt to modulate the wheel speed and torque to provide even power. In my opinion, the more experienced you are the less you will want these electronic modifications deciding wheel speed for you.

Pacifica wheels do have some of the highest RPMs on the market, topping out at 260 rpms, which is slightly higher than most wheels. Expect these wheels to have a lot of torque. In addition, these wheels are affordable and are a great option for students, educational studios, or serious hobbyists.

Pacifica Wheels are available at ceramic suppliers or click the links in the chart to shop at Blick. Prices of Pacifica wheels have gone up about 10 percent since 2023.

Pacifica Pottery Wheels

Click the links to shop at Blick.
Model List Price Typical Price Motor (HP) Wheelhead
Bat Pin
Reversible Dimensions Weight Speed (RPM) Warranty Capacity
GT400 $1,385 $1,260 1/4 HP 13" 10" Yes 31 x 27 x 20" 92 lbs 0-260 5 years 80 lbs
GT800 $1,635 $1,635 1/2 HP 13" 10" Yes 31 x 27 x 20" 105 lbs 0-260 5 years 100 lbs

Nidec-Shimpo Wheels

The Shimpo VL-Whisper, a 1/2 HP wheel with the quietist motor on the market and a 14” wheelhead.

The Shimpo VL-Whisper, a 1/2 HP wheel with the quietist motor on the market and a 14” wheelhead.

Shimpo has a straightforward line of three different full-sized wheels and a table top wheel. Founded in Tokyo, Japan in 1952, Shimpo wheels are distributed world wide. North American operations opened in Chicago, Illinois in 1974 as the Nidec-Shimpo Corporation.

Shimpo’s top-of-the-line VL-Whisper (VL stands for Velocity) is our favorite pottery wheel due to its innovative and quiet magnetic direct drive 1/2 HP 400 watt motor. The wheel is reversible, has a 14” wheelhead, and a detached foot pedal. The wheelhead on the VL-Whisper and RK-Whisper models also turns freely at 0 rpm, for use as a banding wheel.

The classic Shimpo RK-Whisper has been updated to feature the same super-quiet magnetic motor as the VL-Whisper, but with a 12” wheelhead and fixed foot pedal.

The classic Shimpo RK-Whisper has been updated to feature the same super-quiet magnetic motor as the VL-Whisper, but with a 12” wheelhead and fixed foot pedal.

The classic Shimpo RK model now has this same super quiet 1/2 HP 400 watt magnetic Whisper motor, but with a 12” wheel head. Most importantly, this model has a fixed foot pedal on the right side and hand lever. Many love this fixed foot pedal but definitely try this out before buying.

Rounding out the Shimpo product line, the VL-Lite model is a strong competitor for Speedball and other budget models. It features a 1/2 HP 100 watt belt-driven motor, 14” wheelhead and detached foot pedal.

Note that the info below includes both the horse power and wattage for the motor. Not every manufacturer provides the wattage info, but in this case it helps distinguish between the two motors with the VL-Lite having a lower wattage and less powerful motor.

Shimpo Wheels are available at ceramic suppliers, Amazon, or click the links in the chart to check prices at Blick.

Nidec Shimpo Pottery Wheels

Click the links below to shop at Blick or Amazon.
Model List Price Typical Price Shopping Link Motor (HP) Wheelhead
Bat Pin
Reversible Dimensions Weight Speed (RPM) Warranty Capacity
Aspire table top $690 $670 Blick 1/3 HP 100w 7" 6" No 14.5 x 20 x 9" 25 lbs 0-230 hand, 0-250 foot 5 years 20 lbs
VL-Lite $1,060 $901 Blick 1/2 HP 100w 12" 10" Yes, switch 22 x 28 x 21" 85 lbs 0-250 5 years 25 lbs
RK-Whisper $1,740 $1,400-$1,500 Blick 1/2 HP, 400w 12" 10" Yes, switch 20 x 21 x 20" 118 lbs 0-250 5 years 100 lbs
VL-Whisper $1,900 $1,600-$1,800 Blick
1/2 HP, 400w 14" 10" Yes, switch 23.2 x 27.5 x 22.75" 122 lbs 0-250 5 years 100 lbs

Skutt Wheels

The Prodigy Wheel, the entry-level model from Skutt.

Skutt is well known as a manufacturer of electric kilns, and they have been manufacturing wheels since 2008 when they acquired Thomas Stuart Wheels in 2008.

The Skutt line of wheels has been trimmed to just 3 wheels. Previously, there were 3 options of motors each in the Legend and Classic models, but each just has a 1/3 HP option.

The wheels are:

  • The entry-level Prodigy wheel

  • The Legend wheels with a removable, one-piece, plastic splash pan

  • The Classic wheels with a built-in, aluminum splash pan that has a plug and drain tube for cleaning

The Skutt Legend Wheel, which has a removable wheelhead and splash pan.

All the wheels are also available with an optional “SSX” pedal upgrade, which promises a more even and controlled throwing experience, especially at low speeds. In our opinion, if you are getting a Legend or Classic, you should get the SSX upgrade.

If you read through Skutt’s information, they claim to have the thickest wheelheads, beefiest frames, and oversized motors that can go all day without overheating. Skutt also doesn’t make claims on the centering capacity of their models, arguing that this commonly-used metric is almost meaningless. We agree that it’s just a stand-in for horsepower, so you can judge accordingly by reviewing the chart below.

The Skutt Classic wheel with a built-in, cast aluminum splash pan.

Finally there are also optional leg extensions that allow these wheels to be converted to standing options. These are awesome wheels that would work for just about everyone. They do come at a premium price, but the features and quality deliver and Skutt is well known for its customer service and commitment to its products.

The red and black color scheme was new for these wheels in 2023.

Skutt Wheels are available at ceramic suppliers or click the links in the chart for models available at Blick.

Skutt Pottery Wheels

Click the links in the chart to shop at Blick.
*Note that Skutt does not provide RPMs or Centering Capacity.
Model List Price Typical Price Shopping Link Motor (HP) Wheelhead
Bat Pin
Reversible Dimensions Weight Speed (RPM) Warranty Capacity
Prodigy $1,715 $1,400-$1,700 Blick 1/3 HP 12" 10" No 24 x 30 x 24" 94 lbs - 10 years -
Removable splash pan:
Legend $2,325 $1,900-$2,300 Blick 1/3 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 24 x 30 x 24" 117 lbs - 10 years -
Built-In Splash Pans:
Classic $2,195 $1,950-$2,150 Blick 1/3 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 24 x 30 x 24" 127 lbs - 10 years -

Soldner Wheels

The Soldner P series features a half-moon shaped table.

Paul Soldner was one of the original innovators of motorized pottery wheels and founded Soldner Wheels in 1955. For decades, they have been manufactured by Bluebird Manufacturing of Fort Collins, Colorado. In 2023, that company changed hands and is now know as Bluebird Clay. There have been a number of changes to the product line, but the basics are the same: the Studio or S series with a smaller table, and the P or Professional series with a half-moon shaped table. Both styles come with a variety of options now, including choices of motor, pedal, and table top material. If you are going to spend the money on a Soldner, our recommendation is to get the upgraded Soldner pedal and go for the classic plywood table top.

The Soldner wheels are known for their ability to handle large amounts of clay, ultra-smooth, proprietary foot pedal.

The Soldner S series has a studio-sized wheel head in 1/6 HP or 1/4 HP motor options.

The Soldner S series has a studio-sized wheel head. Pictured is an older model from pre-2023.

The wheels come with optional splash pans, or the two-piece Brent splash pans will fit every model. The wheels also feature adjustable legs, which can accommodate a variety of heights for seated pottery. Both the S and P series now ranged from 21.5” to 26” high (The older models were listed as ranging from 19” to 28”.)

Soldner wheels are less common but they have a devoted fan base. They are an absolute pleasure to use, with the foot pedal delivering even, steady power. And the plywood table top is distinctive and very pleasant in the studio environment, as well as being super-tough.

Recently, Bluebird upgraded the motors in these wheels to brushless motors, and improved the foot pedal to make it more waterproof for classroom use.

Soldner Wheels are mostly available directly from Bluebird Clay in Fort Collins, Colorado and shipping is available.

Soldner Pottery Wheels

Available at Bluebird Clay.
Model List Price Motor (HP) Wheelhead
Bat Pin
Reversible Dimensions Weight Speed (RPM) Warranty Capacity
S100 $3,450 1/4 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch ? x ? x 21.5-26" ? lbs ? ? ?
S150 $2,350 1/2 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch ? x ? x 21.5-26" ? ? ? ?
P200 $3,750 1/2 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 38 x 28 x 21.5-26" ? ? ? ?
P250 $2,650 1/2 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 38 x 28 x 21.5-26" ? ? ? ?
P400 $3,995 3/4 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 38 x 28 x 21.5-26" ? ? ? ?
P450 $2,750 3/4 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 38 x 28 x 21.5-26" ? ? ? ?

Speedball Pottery Wheels

The Speedball Clay Boss, a 1/2 HP pottery wheel with a 14” wheelhead. Our top pick for a budget wheel.

The Speedball Clay Boss, a 1/2 HP pottery wheel with a 14” wheelhead. Our top pick for a budget wheel.

Speedball Pottery Wheels are known for being lighter-weight wheels that still deliver a professional quality motor. Speedball started making wheels in 2009 when they acquired Creative Industries of Cajon, California, which began making wheels in 1971. Many of those Creative Industries wheels are going strong today, although Speedball has changed the table shape and upgraded the line with newer features.

There are three regular-sized wheels in the Speedball product line:

The Clay Boss is an affordable, entry-level wheel. It features a 1/2 HP belt-drive motor, a 14” wheel head, reversible motor by switching the direction of the plug, and can handle 100 lbs of clay. Building on the Clay Boss, the Big Boss and Boss Elite have virtually similar frames and options, but with bigger motors and larger centering capacity.

The Speedball wheels are a great option if price and weight are concerns. There is a trade off with a lighter-weight frame but that also allows you to easily move the wheels around as needed.

Speedball Wheels are available at ceramic suppliers or click the links in the chart to shop at Blick.

Speedball Pottery Wheels

Click the model name to shop at Blick or Amazon.
Model List Price Typical Price Shopping Link Motor (HP) Wheelhead
Bat Pin
Reversible Dimensions Weight Speed (RPM) Warranty Capacity
Artista table top $675 $565 Blick
1/3 HP 11" 10" No 24 x 18 x 9" 26 lbs 0-220 2 years 25 lbs
Clay Boss $1,299 $1,000-$1,040 Blick 1/2 HP 14" 10" Yes, plug 21 x 26 x 19.5" 83 lbs 0-240 10 years 100 lbs
Big Boss $1,599 $1,279 Blick 1 HP 14" 10" Yes, plug 21 x 26 x 19.5" 89 lbs 0-250 10 years 150 lbs
Boss Elite SQ $1,799 $1,499-$1,700 Blick 1 HP 14" 10" Yes, plug 21 x 26 x 19.5" 96 lbs 0-240 5 years 175 lbs


Thank you for reading our guide to pottery wheels. It is comprehensive overview of every professional grade wheel we could find on the market, comparing all the features and options of each wheel. Let us know if you have any questions in the comments.

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Pottery Wheel Comparison Chart 2025

The Shimpo VL-Whisper, the top pick in our Pottery Wheel Buyer’s Guide.

The Shimpo VL-Whisper, the top pick in our Pottery Wheel Buyer’s Guide.

This chart includes every wheel made by dependable manufacturers, including Bailey, Brent, Lockerbie, Pacifica, Shimpo, Skutt, Soldner, and Speedball. The chart includes specifications, typical price ranges, and other information to help you make a decision when shopping for a wheel. Additions for 2025 include Bth pottery wheels.

Note: The chart below uses affiliate links with Dick Blick and Amazon. If you click a link and make a purchase, we may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.

Bailey Pottery Wheels

Available at
Model List Price Typical Price Motor (HP) Wheelhead
Bat Pin
Reversible Dimensions Weight Speed (RPM) Warranty Capacity
ST $1,687 $1,351 1/4 HP 12" 10" Yes, plug 22.5 x 25.5 x 21" 93 lbs 0-200 5/10 years 50 lbs
ST-X $2,055 $1,541 1/4 HP 13" 10" Yes, switch 24.5 x 29 x 20.25" 103 lbs 0-200 10 years 50 lbs
ST-XL $2,154 $1,702 1/2 HP 13" 10" Yes, switch 24.5 x 29 x 20.25" 123 lbs 0-200 10 years 100 lbs
PRO-50R $1,874 $1,499 1/4 HP 12" 10" Yes, plug 24.25 x 29 x 20.25" 92 lbs 0-200 10 years 50 lbs
PRO-X $2,109 $1,581 1/4 HP 13" 10" Yes, switch 24.5 x 29 x 20.25" 102 lbs 0-200 10 years 50 lbs
PRO-XL $2,141 $1,692 1/2 HP 13" 10" Yes, switch 24.5 x 29 x 20.25" 116 lbs 0-200 10 years 100 lbs

Brent Pottery Wheels

Click links in the chart to shop at Blick or Amazon.
Model List Price Typical Price Shopping Link Motor (HP) Wheelhead
Bat Pin
Reversible Dimensions Weight Speed (RPM) Warranty Capacity
B $2,600 $1,999-$2,300 Blick
1/2 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 21 x 28 x 21.5" 119 lbs 0-240 10 years 150 lbs
B Black $2,650 $2,100 1/2 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 21 x 28 x 21.5" 119 lbs 0-240 10 years 150 lbs
C $2,700 $$2,100-$2,400 Blick 3/4 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 21 x 28 x 21.5" 121 lbs 0-240 10 years 225 lbs
C Black $2,750 $2,200-$2,450 Blick 3/4 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 21 x 28 x 21.5" 121 lbs 0-240 10 years 225 lbs
CXC $2,800 $2,200-$2,600 Blick 1 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 21 x 28 x 21.5" H 129 lbs 0-240 10 years 300 lbs
CXC Black $2,875 $2,250-$2,650 Blick 1 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 21 x 28 x 21.5" H 129 lbs 0-240 10 years 300 lbs
Model 16 $4,800 $3,995-$4,320 Blick 1/2 HP 12" 10" Yes, switch 36 x 36 x 21-35" H 287 lbs 0-240 2 years 150 lbs

Bth Pottery Wheels

Available at The Ceramic Shop and other suppliers.
Model List Price Typical Price Motor (HP) Wheelhead Diameter Bat Pin Diameter Reversible Dimensions Weight Speed (RPM) Warranty Capacity
B2 $1,058 $849 500 watt 12" 10" Yes, switch 31 x 26 x 23" 51 lbs 0-300 rpm 5 years 88 lbs
D3 Andromeda $1,680 $1,344 400 watt 14" 10" Yes, with switch 28 x 25 x 16.5-20.5" 89 lbs 0-300 rpm 5 years 130 lbs

Lockerbie Pottery Wheels

Available at and other ceramic suppliers.
Model Typical Price Motor (HP) Wheelhead Diameter Bat Pin Diameter Reversible Dimensions Weight Speed (RPM) Warranty Capacity
Kickwheel $1,735 N/A 13" 10" N/A 42 x 36 x 30" 325 lbs N/A 5 years N/A
Electric $2,070 1/3 HP 13" 10" No 42 x 36 x 30" 365 lbs 0-157 5 years 50 lbs
Electric-Reversible $2,230 1/3 HP 13" 10" Yes 42 x 36 x 30" 365 lbs 0-157 5 years 50 lbs

Pacifica Pottery Wheels

Click the links to shop at Blick.
Model List Price Typical Price Motor (HP) Wheelhead
Bat Pin
Reversible Dimensions Weight Speed (RPM) Warranty Capacity
GT400 $1,385 $1,260 1/4 HP 13" 10" Yes 31 x 27 x 20" 92 lbs 0-260 5 years 80 lbs
GT800 $1,635 $1,635 1/2 HP 13" 10" Yes 31 x 27 x 20" 105 lbs 0-260 5 years 100 lbs

Nidec Shimpo Pottery Wheels

Click the links below to shop at Blick or Amazon.
Model List Price Typical Price Shopping Link Motor (HP) Wheelhead
Bat Pin
Reversible Dimensions Weight Speed (RPM) Warranty Capacity
Aspire table top $690 $670 Blick 1/3 HP 100w 7" 6" No 14.5 x 20 x 9" 25 lbs 0-230 hand, 0-250 foot 5 years 20 lbs
VL-Lite $1,060 $901 Blick 1/2 HP 100w 12" 10" Yes, switch 22 x 28 x 21" 85 lbs 0-250 5 years 25 lbs
RK-Whisper $1,740 $1,400-$1,500 Blick 1/2 HP, 400w 12" 10" Yes, switch 20 x 21 x 20" 118 lbs 0-250 5 years 100 lbs
VL-Whisper $1,900 $1,600-$1,800 Blick
1/2 HP, 400w 14" 10" Yes, switch 23.2 x 27.5 x 22.75" 122 lbs 0-250 5 years 100 lbs

Skutt Pottery Wheels

Click the links in the chart to shop at Blick.
*Note that Skutt does not provide RPMs or Centering Capacity.
Model List Price Typical Price Shopping Link Motor (HP) Wheelhead
Bat Pin
Reversible Dimensions Weight Speed (RPM) Warranty Capacity
Prodigy $1,715 $1,400-$1,700 Blick 1/3 HP 12" 10" No 24 x 30 x 24" 94 lbs - 10 years -
Removable splash pan:
Legend $2,325 $1,900-$2,300 Blick 1/3 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 24 x 30 x 24" 117 lbs - 10 years -
Built-In Splash Pans:
Classic $2,195 $1,950-$2,150 Blick 1/3 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 24 x 30 x 24" 127 lbs - 10 years -

Soldner Pottery Wheels

Available at Bluebird Clay.
Model List Price Motor (HP) Wheelhead
Bat Pin
Reversible Dimensions Weight Speed (RPM) Warranty Capacity
S100 $3,450 1/4 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch ? x ? x 21.5-26" ? lbs ? ? ?
S150 $2,350 1/2 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch ? x ? x 21.5-26" ? ? ? ?
P200 $3,750 1/2 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 38 x 28 x 21.5-26" ? ? ? ?
P250 $2,650 1/2 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 38 x 28 x 21.5-26" ? ? ? ?
P400 $3,995 3/4 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 38 x 28 x 21.5-26" ? ? ? ?
P450 $2,750 3/4 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 38 x 28 x 21.5-26" ? ? ? ?

Speedball Pottery Wheels

Click the model name to shop at Blick or Amazon.
Model List Price Typical Price Shopping Link Motor (HP) Wheelhead
Bat Pin
Reversible Dimensions Weight Speed (RPM) Warranty Capacity
Artista table top $675 $565 Blick
1/3 HP 11" 10" No 24 x 18 x 9" 26 lbs 0-220 2 years 25 lbs
Clay Boss $1,299 $1,000-$1,040 Blick 1/2 HP 14" 10" Yes, plug 21 x 26 x 19.5" 83 lbs 0-240 10 years 100 lbs
Big Boss $1,599 $1,279 Blick 1 HP 14" 10" Yes, plug 21 x 26 x 19.5" 89 lbs 0-250 10 years 150 lbs
Boss Elite SQ $1,799 $1,499-$1,700 Blick 1 HP 14" 10" Yes, plug 21 x 26 x 19.5" 96 lbs 0-240 5 years 175 lbs

Sources and Research

The information in the chart was compiled by visiting manufacturers’ websites, reviewing product manuals, and researching products on various retailers’ websites. Every effort has been made to provide accurate, up-to-date info. If you notice any errors, please contact us.

Click here for our complete 2025 Pottery Wheel Buyer’s Guide.

Or check out our 2023-24 Table Top Wheel Buyer’s Guide.

Other posts of interest:

Gift Guide For Potters and Ceramic Artists

Best Loop Tools for Trimming Pottery

For more info on Pottery Wheels and where this data was sourced from:





Nidec Shimpo: Japan; North America:

Skutt Thomas Stuart:



Pottery Wheel Buyer's Guide — The Best Wheels For All Studios 2023

Note: This post is out of date and will be archived soon.

Click here to visit the new and updated 2025 Pottery Wheel Buyer’s Guide

A classroom set of our top pick, the Shimpo VL-Whisper pottery wheel. The latest model of the Whisper has a slightly different table top shape but same super-quiet motor.

A classroom set of our top pick, the Shimpo VL-Whisper pottery wheel. The latest model of the Whisper has a slightly different table top shape but same super-quiet motor.


Updated and revised, October 2023

This guide will help you choose the wheel that is best for your studio and budget. This guide includes our recommended picks, an overview of the features found on pottery wheels, and a comprehensive guide to every model of wheel we could find on the market.

First, a quick rundown of our top picks, with more detailed descriptions below:

Shimpo VL-Whisper pottery wheel

The Shimpo VL-Whisper is our top pick for a pottery wheel.

Our top pick for all studios is the Shimpo VL-Whisper. It’s a super-quiet workhorse with a 1/2 horse power motor that usually costs around $1,500.

Shop VL-Whisper at Blick

Shop VL-Whisper at Amazon


The Shimpo VL-Lite is our top pick for a budget wheel.

For a budget / entry level wheel, we love the Shimpo VL-Lite. It’s got a belt-driven, 1/2 horse power moter and usually retails for around $860. It is also the most affordable wheel designed for professional use.

Shop Shimpo VL-Lite at Blick


The Speedball Clay Boss is another great wheel that is available at a more budget-friendly price.

Another great budget wheel is the Speedball Clay Boss, which also has 1/2 HP belt-driven motor. It did, however, take a big price jump recently and now typically retails for around $1,040.

Shop Clay Boss at Blick

Shop Clay Boss at Amazon


The CXC is the top-of-the-line Brent Wheel and has a 1 HP motor.

Any of the above wheels are great and are used by many professionals, but for extra power and a heavy-duty build, check out Brent wheels such as the Model C or CXC or a Skutt Wheel, especially the Skutt Classic with an aluminum splash pan. Both Skutt and Brent wheels usually retail for $1,900 and up.

Skutt Classic Pottery wheel with a red splash and black legs.

The Skutt Classic pottery wheel features a cast aluminum splash pan.


In addition to reviews and recommendations of top wheels, this guide will cover:

  • What to look for when buying a wheel

  • Tips on where and how to buy

  • Provide a side-by-side comparison chart of just about every wheel on the market so that you can make the most informed decision.

Changes for 2023
A few of the big changes for 2023:

  1. Skutt Wheels have a new red and black color scheme and now come with a 10 year warranty instead of 5 years. The product line has also been renamed, but the wheel specifications and designs are the same.

  2. Soldner Wheels are no longer available at most retailers, but are still available directly from Bluebird Manufacturing in Colorado.

  3. Price increases: Almost every wheel is more expensive than last year, and some are hundreds of dollars more than even 3 years ago. For example, the Speedball Clay Boss and Nidec Shimpo VL-Lite used to be available for around $700-$750. Now the Speedball starts around $1,000 and the VL-Lite can be found for $860. Some brands have raised prices more aggressively than other companies.

Note on “Under $200” wheels:
This guide covers wheels from manufacturers including Bailey, Brent, Lockerbie, Pacifica, Shimpo, Skutt, Soldner, and Speedball. These are designed for professional, heavy-duty use. Wether you spend $850 or $1,850, you will get a wheel that could last a lifetime.

The small Vevor wheel is available for just $130.

But what if you are just starting out and want to try wheelthrowing for less? It is probably best to try the wheel in a class, but if you really want something at home, there are numerous wheels that are available online for such as a Vevor for $126 or even just $100. These wheels are small, have weak motors that max out with about 5 pounds of clay, no holes for bat pins, and may not hold up under regular use. You can make them work, but that $100 to 200 would be better put towards any wheel listed in this article, which will last 10 to 20 years or when used properly, a lifetime.

Another option is to check out our guide to table top and portable wheels, which start around $500.

For a complete review and guide to full-size wheels, keep scrolling.

Table of Contents

  1. Top Pick: Shimpo VL-Whisper

  2. Budget Picks: Shimpo VL-Lite or Speedball Clay Boss

  3. Pro Pick: Brent Wheels or Skutt Wheels

  4. Other Great Wheels

  5. Understanding Pottery Wheels

  6. How To Shop For A Wheel

  7. Pottery Wheel Comparison Charts

Top Pick: Shimpo VL-Whisper

The Nidec-Shimpo VL-Whisper pottery wheel, our top pick for a wheel. It has a super-quiet motor, adjustable legs, and a lot of thoughtful features.

The Nidec-Shimpo VL-Whisper pottery wheel, our top pick for a wheel. It has a super-quiet motor, adjustable legs, and a lot of thoughtful features.

Our top pick for all types of studios and skill levels is the Nidec-Shimpo VL-Whisper pottery wheel. Introduced about 15 years ago, this has become one of the top-selling wheels mainly due to its innovative 1/2 horse power, direct-drive DC motor that uses magnets to drive the wheel. This system makes the VL-Whisper truly the most quiet wheel on the market. Almost every other wheel uses a belt-drive system that makes more noise and has more moving parts that can break down over time.

The Shimpo VL-Whisper with the legs removed, for use as a table top wheel if you prefer to stand while throwing.

The Shimpo VL-Whisper with the legs removed, for use as a table top wheel if you prefer to stand while throwing.

Along with being super quiet, the VL-Whisper magnetic drive has instant torque and is powerful enough for most potters. The rest of the wheel is well designed with a three legs, sturdy plastic top, 2-part splash pan that surrounds a 14” wheelhead, a moveable floor pedal, and a switch to run the wheel clockwise or counterclockwise. The 1/2 horsepower 400 watt motor is rated to a centering capacity of 100 lbs and the wheel comes with a 5 year warranty.

The VL-Whisper has other thoughtful engineering touches, including adjustable, removable legs that allow for tabletop use or a variety of heights on the floor. The wheelhead also turns freely at 0 rpm, allowing for use as a banding wheel. The VL-Whisper weighs around 120 lbs and measures 23 1/8” x 27 1/2” and can range from 11” to 21” in height.

The drawbacks to this wheel would be that the splash pan is not the sturdiest. If you are careful and just using it yourself, it will be fine, but I have noticed that it is more prone to cracking in heavy-use communal studios than the Brent splash pan. The foot pedal cord is also prone to twisting. But these are relatively minor issues.

Some pro potters may want a more powerful motor, and some beginners may find the price tag prohibitive (typically $1550), but I can really say without a doubt that this is the best overall wheel on the market. What really sets it apart is the quiet motor, adjustable legs, 0 rpm banding wheel option, and how it is just a thoughtfully designed, sturdy machine. The Nidec Shimpo company has also done a good job keeping the price down. Brent B wheels, for example, used to priced about the same as the VL-Whisper, but now the entry-level Brent is typically $300 more than the VL-Whisper.

This wheel is available at just about every ceramic supplier worldwide. The wheel is readily available at Blick art stores in North America or can sometimes be found at Amazon as well.

Shimpo VL-Whisper
14 inch wheel head, reversible, 1/2 horsepower
Typical Price: $1532

Budget Picks: Shimpo VL-Lite or Speedball Clay Boss

The VL-Lite from Shimpo is a great, budget-friendly wheel.

The Shimpo VL-Lite and Speedball Clay Boss are the best budget wheels on the market, but the VL-Lite is now usually priced around $180 cheaper than the Clay Boss, making it the clear favorite on price.

The VL-Lite has 1/2 horsepower motor, 12 inch wheel had, sturdy plastic table top with metal legs, and is reversible via a switch.

The drawback to this wheel would be it’s somewhat limited, 25-pound centering capacity. But for many, that would be an extremely large amount of clay! So you have to think about what you typically throw and consider if this is the right wheel for you.

Shimpo VL-Lite
12 inch wheel head, reversible, 1/2 horsepower
Typical Price: $860

The Speedball Clay Boss, our top pick for a budget wheel. It’s got a 1/2 horse power motor and lighter body construction that many prefer.

The Speedball Clay Boss, has a 1/2 horse power motor and a lighter body construction that many prefer for ease of moving the wheel around.

The Speedball Clay Boss has a 1/2 horse power motor, a belt-driven, 14” wheelhead, and a standard triangular design that weighs around 83 pounds, making it one of the lightest full-size wheels on the market. (The VL-Lite weighs 85)

The Clay Boss has a detached foot pedal, and is reversible by switching the direction of the plug, so it will work for throwing clockwise or counter clockwise. Speedball rates it at a 100 pound throwing capacity.

There aren’t any big downsides to this wheel, but there are trade offs. It doesn’t have the most robust build on the foot pedal. And it’s belt-driven, so it will be noisier than our top pick, the Shimpo VL-Whisper. But it’s still a great wheel that will get the job done.

Speedball Clay Boss
14 inch wheel head, reversible with plug, 1/2 horsepower
Typical Price: $1,040

Pro Pick: Soldner Wheels or Skutt Wheels

The Soldner P-200, a 1/2 horse power pottery wheel. Soldner wheels are known for their ultra-responsive foot pedal and plywood table tops.

The Soldner P-200, a 1/2 horse power pottery wheel. Soldner wheels are known for their ultra-responsive foot pedal and plywood table tops.

For potters looking for an upgraded experience, the best option are Soldner or Skutt wheels. These wheels feature large, oversized motors and extra-responsive, upgraded foot pedals, combined with sturdy legs and tops. Do you need a wheel like this? If you are serious potter, spending a few hours a day on the wheel or more, the larger motors will really deliver for you and not overheat (The Shimpo VL-Whisper is great in this regard too). But the big upgrade for many will be the super-sensitive foot pedals.

Soldner wheels are the only wheels on the market with wooden tops. Made by and now almost exclusively available from Bluebird Manufacturing in Fort Collins, Colorado, the finished, marine-grade plywood is attractive and super strong. And the Soldner wheels are known for their smooth, strong motors with a top-of-the-line foot pedal that will adjust to every touch you give. These wheels are a pleasure to use. Any of the five wheels in the line up are great.

The Skutt Classic wheel with a built-in, aluminum splash pan.

The Skutt line features three wheels, including their entry-level model, the Prodigy, which has a circular splash pan on a table much like other wheels.

Pros will want to look at the two higher-end models which feature large and deep splash pans.

The Legend wheels have a removable wheel head and splash pan for easy cleanup, and is available in 1/3 hp, 1/2 hp or 1 hp options.

The Classic wheel has a built in, super sturdy aluminum splash pan and also has the option of a 1/3 hp, 1/2 hp, or 1 hp motor.

The Skutt wheels also have an optional “SSX” foot pedal upgrade, which gives you an ultra-responsive, smooth response that puts these in the same range as the Soldner wheels. For 2023, Skutt wheels also feature a new color scheme of red and black.

Skutt Classic
14” wheel head, reversible
Built in splash pan
Typical price: $2,153 for 1/2 hp option

Skutt Legend
14” wheel head, reversible
Removable splash pan
Typical Price: $1,980 for 1/2 hp option

Other Great Wheels: Brent Wheels and Others

The Brent B, a 1/2 horse power pottery wheel that is one of the most popular wheels on the market.

The Brent B, a 1/2 horse power pottery wheel that is one of the most popular wheels on the market.

In addition to the options above, there are other pottery wheel options to consider, particularly wheels from Brent, Bailey, and Pacifica.

For many potters, their favorite wheels are made by Brent. Known for their distinctive yellow ochre plastic tops and splash pans, you have probably seen or used a Brent as they are arguably the best-selling wheels in North America. (This data isn’t public but Brent and Shimpo seem to be the two most common wheels).

As a point of comparison, the Brent B is closest to the other wheels we have recommended above. It has a 1/2 horsepower motor, can go forward and reverse, and has a 12 inch wheel head. When new, these wheels are very quiet even though they utilize a belt-driven system, and with a 10-year warranty, you can be assured that Brent wheels will last for decades.

While the Brent wheels are incredibly popular, they are not our top pick for two reasons: The Shimpo VL-Whisper is much quieter. And the Soldner and Skutt wheels come with added features, such as better foot pedals and oversized motors. Brent doesn’t have these upgrades, but if they had a more responsive foot pedal option, they would be strong contenders along with Soldner and Skutt wheels

For a complete guide to Brent wheels, click here.

Brent B
12” wheel head, reversible, 1/2 HP motor
Typical Price: $1,900

Brent C
14” wheel head, reversible, 3/4 HP motor
Typical Price: $1,983

Understanding Pottery Wheels, a Pottery Wheel Buying Guide

In this section, we’ll go through each part and feature to help you understand wheels and how to choose the best one for you. Unfortunately, there’s usually not a store or supplier where you can go and sit down and try every wheel, so going through each part of the wheel will help you understand the different features offered by each manufacturer.


The biggest difference between wheels, even within a manufacturer’s product line, is usually the motor. With wheels on the market ranging from 1/4 horsepower to 1 horsepower, most potters will find that a 1/2 HP motor is the sweet spot of plenty of power without paying extra. If you are able to test wheels in person, you will see the difference in size of motors too. Not all motors are created equally, even if they are rated to the same HP. You may want to also compare the wattage of the motor, to see which motors may have a higher capacity and will hopefully better withstand overheating under heavy use.

With that in mind, if you can afford it, go for the biggest motor that fits your budget to give yourself more longevity.

Centering Capacity

A similar consideration to the motor power, centering capacity is often mentioned with wheels. It’s a somewhat useful metric that is basically a stand-in for horsepower. Skutt, however, refuses to provide this centering capacity number, arguing that it is a useless metric. But since most manufacturers use it, we’ve kept it in our chart below. Centering capacity is related to both the power of the motor, the torque it gives at start up, and the sensitivity of the foot pedal. If it matters to you, and you have the money, you won’t be disappointed with a bigger motor with more centering capacity. Realistically, most potters aren’t centering more than 10 or 20 lbs so wheels advertising 200 or 300 lb centering capacities are really indicating that they have an overbuilt motor that will be able to take a lot of use.

Table Top, Legs, Frame

The next biggest difference is the material and design of the table and legs. Most wheels have a sturdy plastic top, and metal legs. Some have beefier legs, metal tops, or in the case of Soldner wheels, a marine-grade plywood top. Manufacturers typically have one or maybe two table styles, and will build different features on top of these frames. These frame constructions will determine the dimensions and some of the weight of the wheel. When choosing a wheel, consider the size, weight, and type of frame and table top that will work for your studio. If you are moving wheels around, say in a classroom, then a lighter wheel may be better.

Splash Pan

Another point of comparison is the splash pan. Typically a two-part plastic pan that clips around the wheelhead, splash pans are useful for collecting throwing water or trimming scraps. Some wheels, such as Baileys and Skutts, have large one-piece splash pans that cover the whole top of the frame. Some of these one-piece splash pans are removable, and others are built in and can be cleaned and emptied via a drain plug. As cleanup is a big part of throwing, choosing a splash pan that suits you can be important.

Weight / Dimensions

Most wheels are about the same size and shape, with some variation with half moon shapes with Soldner and Lockerbie wheels. The weight is determined by the size of the motor and the frame construction. A lighter wheel, such as a Speedball, is easier to move while pro-type wheels, such as Skutt, have marketing pictures of potters standing on top of the wheel. How you are going to use a wheel and your studio space will really determine if you need a light or heavyweight wheel. Some manufacturers have add-on larger shelves for more working space, but you can also set your wheel up next to a low table to have more shelf space within reach.


Most wheels have a 12”, 13” or 14” wheelhead with bat pins spaced 10” a part. Some smaller wheels or table top wheels will have different styles. Measure a wheelhead that you like using to determine the size you like, although most wheels now have a 14” wheelhead.

Another point of consideration is if the wheelhead can be removed or replaced. Typically, this is only built in for everyday cleaning in a few models from Skutt and Bailey. For ongoing maintenance, most wheelhead ball bearing assemblies are completely sealed and not designed to be oiled or repacked with grease. If your wheelhead develops a grinding sound, you may have to replace it.

Foot Pedal

A foot pedal may seem just like a simple speed control, but the pro-level Skutt and Soldner wheels use their ultra-responsive (and more expensive) pedals as a selling point. In addition to the upgraded pedal options, also consider if the foot pedal and on-board electronics are providing some kind of computer-controlled speed modulation to keep things even (such as Pacifica wheels), or just letting you control the speed with the pedal (such as Brent, Shimpo, Soldner, and Skutt wheels.) The more experienced you are, the less you’ll want the wheel making decisions for you.

One other point of consideration with foot pedals is whether it is fixed or not. Every model listed below has a moveable foot pedal except the Shimpo RK-Whisper, which has an attached pedal on the right side. A moveable foot pedal lets you to choose which side to place it, and allows you to raise the pedal on bricks if needed.


Many manufacturers provide a rotations per minute (RPM) figure in relation to motors, which we’ve included below. Once again, these give you a rough approximation of motor power and torque, but they are all within a range that is about the same, ranging from 0 to 240-260 rpm max. The Lockerbie motor has a much lower max rpm but it’s a super beefy 1/3 HP motor that trades a high speed for great torque.


Most good wheels these days come with a convenient switch where you can reverse the direction of the motor, allowing you to throw clockwise or counter clockwise. Some lower-priced wheels have a reversible plug, where you have to manually switch the direction of the cord to have the wheel go clockwise or counter-clockwise. Some wheels are not reversible at all.

Adjustable Legs and Leg extenders

Some wheels, such as Soldners, come with adjustable legs so that you can set the wheel height exactly how you want it. Almost any other wheel will have to be adjusted with shims or bricks, if you want to move it up a few inches.

A few manufacturers make leg extenders, so that a wheel can be converted to a standing wheel. This style of throwing can be more comfortable for your lower back. Definitely consider this when choosing a wheel, or look at the models such as the Shimpo Whisper, which has removable legs and a flat bottom so that it can be easily placed on a table.

Shipping and Assembly

Some wheels arrive completely assembled, others need some light assembly such as attaching legs. They also vary on whether they ship via FedEx / UPS or by freight. Expect to pay extra for shipping and delivery, unless you are picking a wheel up in person. Also consider how you will get the wheel into your studio, as they can be heavy. Some vendors will include free shipping so definitely compare prices with shipping included to find the best deal.


Warranties on wheels range from 2 to 10 years. But every wheel listed below is a top-quality product that should last for decades. If you are careful and respectful, you shouldn’t worry too much about a shorter warranty. But if you are buying for an educational or communal studio where wheels can really be abused, you might want to consider wheels with longer warranties.

In our experience, the main upkeep on wheels is keeping them clean and trying to occasionally add some oil to moving parts. Foot pedals can be adjusted, electronics such as switches can be replaced. The biggest concern would be a wheelhead bearing assembly getting repeatedly swamped with too much water in the splashpan. But if you are careful, a wheel may never need any major repairs.

The “under $200” wheels don’t seem to come with any warranty at all.


All the factors above contribute to the price. The lowest price possible is often the driving force of any purchase, and if that is you, we recommend the Shimpo VL-Lite wheel, which typically cost around $860. For this lower price you are getting a lighter, less beefy frame and most likely a noisier motor but one that will still get the job done for you. Professional-grade wheels typically cost $1,300 to $1,500 and up to $2,000 or more, depending on the options you select. If you are on the fence when choosing upgrades such as a bigger motor or a better foot pedal, consider how you will feel in 5 to 10 or 20 years. You won’t think about the extra few hundred dollars, you will be happy that you got the upgrades to make your wheel last a lifetime.

Where to Shop and Buy Pottery Wheels

Before buying a wheel, think about what you have used and what features you need. If you currently have a favorite style or brand of wheel, you’ll probably be happy sticking with that style. For research, the best place to start is your local ceramic shop where you can hopefully “test drive” different models to see what feels good to you. Consider asking if they have floor models or special deals on wheels already in stock. Unfortunately, most ceramic suppliers do not have every model of wheel available in the store to try out, so you will almost always be choosing based on limited in-person experience.

If you are shopping online, we have provided links to some wheels at Blick (North America) and Amazon. Some ceramic stores advertise a price that includes shipping, while others add it on in your cart. So definitely shop around and see where you can find the best deals. If you order from online vendors, the wheel is most likely going to be shipped directly from the manufacturer anyway, so you should try to find the best deal.

Wheel Repair and Warranty

After buying a wheel, you will be dealing with the manufacturer if you need any repairs, although a relationship with a local ceramic shop is a great resource if you need help with repairs or adjustments. Manufacturers such as Skutt and Bailey are known for the great online and phone customer service. Other manufacturers, such as Brent, provide lots of support both in person and with repair videos on YouTube.

Most likely, nothing will go wrong with your wheel in the short term but you should expect to make adjustments to foot pedals. And if you are messy, or have an academic studio, expect students to jam clay into any open spot on the wheel, potentially damaging parts such as on/off switches or swamping the wheelhead with water, getting water into the bearing assembly. For most quality wheels, repair parts are readily available from ceramic suppliers or the manufacturer. The good news is that manufacturers are increasingly using sealed switches and other waterproof parts.

Pottery Wheel Comparison Chart

This chart is in alphabetical order by manufacturer, including Bailey, Brent, Lockerbie, Pacifica, Shimpo, Skutt / Thomas Stuart, Soldner, and Speedball. These are all trustworthy brands and any of the wheels listed below will last a long time. We have done our best to compile a typical range of prices found online and in store, along with each wheel’s features, updated as of October 2023. There is also a description of what to expect from each manufacturer’s wheels.

The Bailey Pro-XL Pottery Wheel is our pick for the best Bailey wheel. It has a 1-piece splash pan and a 1/2 HP motor.

The Bailey Pro-XL Pottery Wheel is our pick for the best Bailey wheel. It has a 1-piece splash pan and a 1/2 HP motor.

Bailey Pottery Wheels

Bailey Wheels are manufactured by the Bailey Pottery Corporation of Kingston, New York. Known for innovative and high quality slab rollers, kilns, extruders, and other equipment for ceramic studios, the Bailey wheels are characterized by a large, table-sized splash pan. There are two main models, the ST and the PRO model, which each come in three different options. The ST models have a 2-piece, removable splash pan while the PRO models have a 1-piece, counter-sized fixed splash plan with a plug and a drain tube.

Bailey sells optional leg extenders that work with all the models, which can extend the height from 29 to 37 inches.

All the models utilize a standard belt drive system, and have detached foot pedals.

For the best option, go with the ST-XL or PRO-XL, which both feature a 1/2 HP motor, 13” wheelhead, and a reversing switch.

Bailey Pottery Wheels

Available at
Model Typical Price Motor (HP) Wheelhead
Bat Pin
Reversible Dimensions Weight Speed (RPM) Warranty Capacity
ST $1,351 1/4 HP 12" 10" Yes, plug 22.5 x 25.5 x 21" 93 lbs 0-200 5/10 years 50 lbs
ST-X $1,541 1/4 HP 13" 10" Yes, switch 24.5 x 29 x 20.25" 103 lbs 0-200 10 years 50 lbs
ST-XL $1,702 1/2 HP 13" 10" Yes, switch 24.5 x 29 x 20.25" 123 lbs 0-200 10 years 100 lbs
PRO-50R $1,499 1/4 HP 12" 10" Yes, plug 24.25 x 29 x 20.25" 92 lbs 0-200 10 years 50 lbs
PRO-X $1,581 1/4 HP 13" 10" Yes, switch 24.5 x 29 x 20.25" 102 lbs 0-200 10 years 50 lbs
PRO-XL $1,692 1/2 HP 13" 10" Yes, switch 24.5 x 29 x 20.25" 116 lbs 0-200 10 years 100 lbs

Brent Pottery Wheels

The Brent B Pottery Wheel, a full-sized wheel with a 1/2 HP motor.

The Brent B Pottery Wheel, a full-sized wheel with a 1/2 HP motor.

Brent wheels are the workhorses of the ceramics world. These are some of the most popular wheels and you will see these yellow ochre machines just about everywhere. Founded in 1967 by Robert Brent, the wheels have been manufactured by the American Art Clay Company (AMACO) since 1978. The wheels are sturdy, dependable, and easy to adjust and repair. Expect these machines to easily last 15 to 20 years or more even under the heaviest of uses.

The product line is straightforward with one style of frame available in yellow ochre or all black. The difference in the models is simply a larger motor.

The Brent B has a 1/2 hp motor, the C has a 3/4 hp motor, and the CXC has a 1 hp motor. (As of 2023, Brent is no longer listing the 1 1/2 hp CXC model.)

One note is the Brent centering capacity, as listed below. These are some really big numbers — Brent claims a 150 lb centering capacity for the Model B with a 1/2 HP motor. Most other manufacturers claim 50 lbs for a 1/2 HP motor. So these numbers may be a bit inflated but we’ve included Brent’s numbers below.

Brent wheels are available at ceramic suppliers or click the links in the chart to shop at Dick Blick. For a complete overview of the product line, click here.

Brent Pottery Wheels

Click links in the chart to shop at Blick.
Model Typical Price Motor (HP) Wheelhead
Bat Pin
Reversible Dimensions Weight Speed (RPM) Warranty Capacity
B $1,898 1/2 HP 12" 10" Yes, switch 21 x 28 x 21.5" 119 lbs 0-240 10 years 150 lbs
B Black $1,938 1/2 HP 12" 10" Yes, switch 21 x 28 x 21.5" 119 lbs 0-240 10 years 150 lbs
C $1,983 3/4 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 21 x 28 x 21.5" 121 lbs 0-240 10 years 225 lbs
C Black $2,023 3/4 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 21 x 28 x 21.5" 121 lbs 0-240 10 years 225 lbs
CXC $2,064 1 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 21 x 28 x 21.5" H 129 lbs 0-240 10 years 300 lbs
CXC Black $2,104 1 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 21 x 28 x 21.5" H 129 lbs 0-240 10 years 300 lbs
Model 16 $3,855 1/2 HP 12" 10" Yes, switch 36 x 36 x 21-35" H 287 lbs 0-240 2 years 150 lbs

Lockerbie Pottery Wheels

The Lockerbie Motorized Kick Wheel, a true workhorse of a wheel with possibly the biggest motor on the market.

The Lockerbie Motorized Kick Wheel, a true workhorse of a wheel with possibly the biggest motor on the market.

Lockerbie Wheels are an interesting option manufactured by Laguna Clay in California. There are three models: a kickwheel (K), a motorized kickwheel (EK), and a reversible motorized kickwheel (EK-R). These are big, heavy wheels but if you want to switch between a kickwheel and a motor, this is the best option on the market. All models feature an adjustable wooden seat, a metal splash pan, and an all-metal frame with a concrete flywheel.

The flywheel results in a steady, even spin when used as a kickwheel. While centering and throwing on a non-motorized wheel can take a lot of work, trimming on a kickwheel is an absolute pleasure. The upgraded model with a motor is where this wheel really shines. It’s got a large, powerful motor that while only rated to 1/3 HP and a max of 157 rpm, has a lot of torque and can definitely handle more than the rated 50 lbs centering capacity. When you press the pedal, the motor engages the flywheel through a rubber wheel, or what Laguna calls “rubber friction drive.” This rubber wheel does wear out over time but is easily replaced. When you release the pedal, the kickwheel will continue to spin, until you stop it with a foot or let the flywheel come to a stop.

Lockerbie wheels have been around since the 1960s and in 2007, the company merged with Laguna Clay. The wheel style and design has been virtually unchanged for decades but it is a tough, well-designed beast of a wheel. It’s a great option for educational studios or if you want to have a kickwheel option. The simple, no frills design results in a relatively low price but you will need to pay for freight shipping.

Lockerbie Pottery Wheels

Available at and other ceramic suppliers.
Model Typical Price Motor (HP) Wheelhead Diameter Bat Pin Diameter Reversible Dimensions Weight Speed (RPM) Warranty Capacity
Kickwheel $1,575 N/A 13" 10" N/A 42 x 36 x 30" 325 lbs N/A 5 years N/A
Electric $1,881 1/3 HP 13" 10" No 42 x 36 x 30" 365 lbs 0-157 5 years 50 lbs
Electric-Reversible $2,024 1/3 HP 13" 10" Yes 42 x 36 x 30" 365 lbs 0-157 5 years 50 lbs

Pacifica Pottery Wheels

The Pacifica GT400, one of two wheels from Pacifica with 1/4 HP motor and a 13” wheelhead.

The Pacifica GT400, one of two wheels from Pacifica with 1/4 HP motor and a 13” wheelhead.

Pacifica has been making wheels since 1972 and was purchased by Laguna Clay in 1992. There are currently two wheels in the product line, the GT400 and GT800. Both wheels are have belt driven, 13” wheelheads, optional leg extensions, and a water-resistant foot pedal. The difference is in the size of the motor, 1/4 HP for the GT400 and 1/2 HP for the GT800.

Pacifica differs from other manufacturers in claiming that, through it’s belt and electronic system, it’s 1/4 HP motor has an effective 1/2 HP, and the 1/2 HP motor has an effective 1 HP. Should these claims be believed? It’s hard to know. What can be said is that these wheels have on-board systems that attempt to modulate the wheel speed and torque to provide even power. In my opinion, the more experienced you are the less you will want these electronic modifications deciding wheel speed for you.

Pacifica wheels do have some of the highest RPMs on the market, topping out at 260 rpms, which is slightly higher than most wheels. Expect these wheels to have a lot of torque. In addition, these wheels are affordable and are a great option for students, educational studios, or serious hobbyists.

Pacifica Wheels are available at ceramic suppliers or click the links in the chart to shop at Dick Blick.

Pacifica Pottery Wheels

Click the links to shop at Blick.
Model Typical Price Motor (HP) Wheelhead
Bat Pin
Reversible Dimensions Weight Speed (RPM) Warranty Capacity
GT400 $1,260 1/4 HP 13" 10" Yes 31 x 27 x 20" 92 lbs 0-260 5 years 80 lbs
GT800 $1,485 1/2 HP 13" 10" Yes 31 x 27 x 20" 105 lbs 0-260 5 years 100 lbs

Nidec-Shimpo Wheels

The Shimpo VL-Whisper, a 1/2 HP wheel with the quietist motor on the market and a 14” wheelhead.

The Shimpo VL-Whisper, a 1/2 HP wheel with the quietist motor on the market and a 14” wheelhead.

Shimpo has a straightforward line of three different full-sized wheels and a table top wheel. Founded in Tokyo, Japan in 1952, Shimpo wheels are distributed world wide. North American operations opened in Chicago, Illinois in 1974 as the Nidec-Shimpo Corporation.

Shimpo’s top-of-the-line VL-Whisper (VL stands for Velocity) is our favorite pottery wheel due to its innovative and quiet magnetic direct drive 1/2 HP 400 watt motor. The wheel is reversible, has a 14” wheelhead, and a detached foot pedal. The wheelhead on the VL-Whisper and RK-Whisper models also turns freely at 0 rpm, for use as a banding wheel.

The classic Shimpo RK-Whisper has been updated to feature the same super-quiet magnetic motor as the VL-Whisper, but with a 12” wheelhead and fixed foot pedal.

The classic Shimpo RK-Whisper has been updated to feature the same super-quiet magnetic motor as the VL-Whisper, but with a 12” wheelhead and fixed foot pedal.

The classic Shimpo RK model now has this same super quiet 1/2 HP 400 watt magnetic Whisper motor, but with a 12” wheel head. Most importantly, this model has a fixed foot pedal on the right side and hand lever. Many love this fixed foot pedal but definitely try this out before buying.

Rounding out the Shimpo product line, the VL-Lite model is a strong competitor for Speedball and other budget models. It features a 1/2 HP 100 watt belt-driven motor, 14” wheelhead and detached foot pedal.

Note that the info below includes both the horse power and wattage for the motor. Not every manufacturer provides the wattage info, but in this case it helps distinguish between the two motors with the VL-Lite having a lower wattage and less powerful motor.

Shimpo Wheels are available at ceramic suppliers, Amazon, or click the links in the chart to check prices at Blick.

Shimpo Pottery Wheels

Click the links below to shop at Blick.
Model Typical Price Motor (HP) Wheelhead
Bat Pin
Reversible Dimensions Weight Speed (RPM) Warranty Capacity
Aspire table top $569 1/3 HP 100w 7" 6" No 14.5 x 20 x 9" 25 lbs 0-230 hand, 0-250 foot 5 years 20 lbs
VL-Lite $858 1/2 HP 100w 12" 10" Yes, switch 22 x 28 x 21" 85 lbs 0-250 5 years 25 lbs
RK-Whisper $1,310 1/2 HP, 400w 12" 10" Yes, switch 20 x 21 x 20" 118 lbs 0-250 5 years 100 lbs
VL-Whisper $1,532 1/2 HP, 400w 14" 10" Yes, switch 23.2 x 27.5 x 22.75" 122 lbs 0-250 5 years 100 lbs

Skutt Wheels

The Prodigy Wheel, the entry-level model from Skutt.

Skutt is well known as a manufacturer of electric kilns, and they have been manufacturing wheels since 2008 when they acquired Thomas Stuart Wheels in 2008.

The Skutt line of wheels has seven wheels that fall in to three categories

  • The entry-level Prodigy wheel

  • The Legend wheels with a removable, one-piece, plastic splash pan

  • The Classic wheels with a built-in, aluminum splash pan that has a plug and drain tube for cleaning

The Skutt Legend Wheel, which has a removable wheelhead and splash pan.

The Prodigy is available with a 1/3 hp motor, while the Legend and Classic wheels area available in 1/3 hp, 1/2 hp, or 1 hp models. For most potters, the 1/2 HP options will be plenty powerful.

All the wheels are also available with an optional “SSX” pedal upgrade, which promises a more even and controlled throwing experience, especially at low speeds. In our opinion, if you are getting a Legend or Classic, you should get the SSX upgrade.

If you read through Skutt’s information, they claim to have the thickest wheelheads, beefiest frames, and oversized motors that can go all day without overheating. Skutt also doesn’t make claims on the centering capacity of their models, arguing that this commonly-used metric is almost meaningless. We agree that it’s just a stand-in for horsepower, so you can judge accordingly by reviewing the chart below.

The Skutt Classic wheel with a built-in, cast aluminum splash pan.

Finally there are also optional leg extensions that allow these wheels to be converted to standing options. These are awesome wheels that would work for just about everyone. They do come at a premium price, but the features and quality deliver and Skutt is well known for its customer service and commitment to its products.

The red and black color scheme was new for these wheels in 2023 and at the time of this writing, the SSX upgrade was included for free as a promotional offer on these re-invisioned wheels.

Skutt Thomas Stuart Wheels are available at ceramic suppliers or click the links in the chart for models available at Blick.

Skutt Pottery Wheels

Click the links in the chart to shop at Blick.
*Note that Skutt does not provide RPMs or Centering Capacity.
Model Typical Price Motor (HP) Wheelhead
Bat Pin
Reversible Dimensions Weight Speed (RPM) Warranty Capacity
Prodigy $1,320 1/3 HP 12" 10" No 24 x 30 x 24" 94 lbs - 10 years -
Removable splash pans:
Legend $1,849 1/3 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 24 x 30 x 24" 117 lbs - 10 years -
Legend $1,980 1/2 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 24 x 30 x 24" 119 lbs - 10 years -
Legend $2,100 1 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 24 x 30 x 24" H 128 lbs - 10 years -
Built-In Splash Pans:
Classic $1,900 1/3 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 24 x 30 x 24" 127 lbs - 10 years -
Classic $2,153 1/2 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 24 x 30 x 24" 128 lbs - 10 years -
Classic $2,189 1 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 24 x 30 x 24" 140 lbs - 10 years -

Soldner Wheels

The Soldner P series features a half-moon shaped table with 1/4 HP, 1/2 HP, or 3/4 HP motor options.

The Soldner P series features a half-moon shaped table with 1/4 HP, 1/2 HP, or 3/4 HP motor options.

Paul Soldner was one of the original innovators of motorized pottery wheels and founded Soldner Wheels in 1955. For decades, they have been manufactured by Bluebird Manufacturing of Fort Collins, Colorado. The wheels are known for their ability to handle large amounts of clay, ultra-smooth, proprietary foot pedal, and distinctive tops made from polyurethane coated marine-grade plywood.

The Soldner S series has a studio-sized wheel head in 1/6 HP or 1/4 HP motor options.

The Soldner S series has a studio-sized wheel head in 1/6 HP or 1/4 HP motor options.

The wheels come with optional splash pans, or the two-piece Brent splash pans will fit every model. The wheels also feature adjustable legs, which can accommodate a variety of heights for seated pottery. The S-series wheels range from 19” to 25” in height, and the P series range from 22” to 28” high.

Soldner wheels are less common but they have a devoted fan base. They are an absolute pleasure to use, with the foot pedal delivering even, steady power. And the plywood table top is distinctive and very pleasant in the studio environment, as well as being super-tough.

Recently, Bluebird upgraded the motors in these wheels to brushless motors, and improved the foot pedal to make it more waterproof for classroom use.

Soldner Wheels are not readily available via ceramic suppliers, but you can contact Bluebird directly to order these wheels.

Soldner Pottery Wheels

*Prices listed are as of 2022.
Model Typical Price Motor (HP) Wheelhead
Bat Pin
Reversible Dimensions Weight Speed (RPM) Warranty Capacity
S50 $1,409 1/6 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 24 x 24 x 19-25" 85 lbs 0-250 2 years 50 lbs
S100 $1,576 1/4 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 24 x 24 x 19-25" 95 lbs 0-250 2 years 100 lbs
P100 $1,891 1/4 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 29 x 38 x 22-28" 130 lbs 0-250 2 years 100 lbs
P200 $2,079 1/2 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 29 x 38 x 22-28" 145 lbs 0-250 2 years 200 lbs
P400 $2,438 3/4 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 29 x 38 x 22-28" 160 lbs 0-250 2 years 400 lbs

Speedball Pottery Wheels

The Speedball Clay Boss, a 1/2 HP pottery wheel with a 14” wheelhead. Our top pick for a budget wheel.

The Speedball Clay Boss, a 1/2 HP pottery wheel with a 14” wheelhead. Our top pick for a budget wheel.

Speedball Pottery Wheels are known for being lighter-weight wheels that still deliver a professional quality motor. Speedball started making wheels in 2009 when they acquired Creative Industries of Cajon, California, which began making wheels in 1971. Many of those Creative Industries wheels are going strong today, although Speedball has changed the table shape and upgraded the line with newer features.

There are three regular-sized wheels in the Speedball product line:

The Clay Boss is an affordable, entry-level wheel. It features a 1/2 HP belt-drive motor, a 14” wheel head, reversible motor by switching the direction of the plug, and can handle 100 lbs of clay. Building on the Clay Boss, the Big Boss and Boss Elite have virtually similar frames and options, but with bigger motors and larger centering capacity.

The Speedball wheels are a great option if price and weight are concerns. There is a trade off with a lighter-weight frame but that also allows you to easily move the wheels around as needed.

Speedball Wheels are available at ceramic suppliers or click the links in the chart to shop at Blick.

Speedball Pottery Wheels

Click the model name to shop at Blick.
Model Typical Price Motor (HP) Wheelhead
Bat Pin
Reversible Dimensions Weight Speed (RPM) Warranty Capacity
Artista table top $549 1/3 HP 11" 10" No 24 x 18 x 9" 26 lbs 0-220 2 years 25 lbs
Clay Boss $1038 1/2 HP 14" 10" Yes, plug 21 x 26 x 19.5" 83 lbs 0-240 10 years 100 lbs
Big Boss $1,271 0.85 HP 14" 10" Yes, plug 21 x 26 x 19.5" 89 lbs 0-250 10 years 150 lbs
Boss Elite SQ $1,428 1 HP 14" 10" Yes, plug 21 x 26 x 19.5" 96 lbs 0-240 5 years 175 lbs


Thank you for reading our guide to pottery wheels. It is comprehensive overview of every professional grade wheel we could find on the market, comparing all the features and options of each wheel. Let us know if you have any questions in the comments.

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Table Top Pottery Wheel Buyer's Guide 2023

A lightweight, compact pottery wheel can be a great option for throwing small to medium sized pots, and are priced more economically priced than full-size wheels, generally in the $300 to $550 range. Table top wheels are especially great for at home use, occasional classroom use, or if you have a small working space and need to take your wheel out and put it away.

You can get great results with table top wheels, but there are trade-offs in power and other options found in full-size wheels. If portability isn’t your biggest concern, there are also larger wheels that can be used on table tops, and these will be covered below

This guide will cover portable / table top pottery wheels and also review a few of the super affordable “budget” wheels that are lightweight and can be moved around.

The Speedball Artista table top wheel.

The Speedball Artista table top wheel.

Top Pick: Speedball Artista

The Speedball Artista is our top pick for a table top wheel. With an 11 inch wheel head, it’s almost as big as a full size wheel (usually they have 12 to 14 inch wheel heads) and with a 1/3 horsepower motor, it has enough power for small to medium size pots. And it’s light! The wheel weighs in at just 26 pounds.

The Speedball line of wheels. At right is the Artista with the optional leg and foot pedal attachments.

The Speedball line of wheels. At right is the Artista with the optional leg and foot pedal attachments.

The Artista wheel head has standard 10” bat pin spacing, a hand-controlled speed lever, and a variety of add ons such as a foot pedal and static or folding legs. The wheel comes with a 2 year warranty, and is available in right or left handed models. It typically retails for $549.

The optional legs and foot pedal will add about another $200 to $300 to the total cost, giving you basically a full size pottery wheel. Being able to store all these pieces is great, but if you are thinking of getting all the add ons, you might also look into the full size Nidec Shimpo VL-Lite pottery wheel for $858. But if you need something that you can move around, put away when not in use, and set up in a variety of places, then the Speedball Artista is great option. It’s also a great wheel for kids, hobbyists, or something that you can add to the corner of a classroom or home studio.

For more on portable and table top wheels, please keep reading below.

Table of Contents

  1. Speedball Artist Portable Wheel

  2. Shimpo Aspire Portable Wheel

  3. Shimpo VL-Whisper

  4. U.S. Art Supply Table Top Wheel

  5. Other Lightweight Wheels

  6. Comparison Chart

  7. Summary

Nidec-Shimpo Aspire Table Top Wheel

The Shimpo Aspire table top wheel.

The Shimpo Aspire table top wheel, pictured here with the hand lever.

The Shimpo Aspire pictured with the optional foot pedal.

The Shimpo Aspire pictured with the optional foot pedal.

The Aspire is Nidec-Shimpo’s table top option, with a 1/3 horse power, belt-driven 7 inch wheel head. It is rated to a 20 lb centering capacity, and the wheel has a max speed of 230 rpm via the hand lever, and up to 250 rpm if controlled by the optional foot pedal. The whole unit weighs 31 lbs, making it relatively easy to put away on a shelf or closet when not in use.

The main drawback of the Aspire is that it has a small, 7 inch wheel head. There are a variety of bats and attachments designed for this wheel, but overall it feels more like a toy while the Speedball Artista feels like a portable version of a professional wheel.

The Aspire costs about the same as the Speedball Artista, generally around $569 for the hand lever option or more if you choose to add a foot pedal. The Aspire does not have optional legs.

Overall, this is a quality machine that might be the right wheel for your situation, but it is on the small side.

Shimpo VL-Whisper

With the legs removed, the Shimpo VL-Whisper makes a great table top wheel.

With the legs removed, the Shimpo VL-Whisper makes a great table top wheel.

The Shimpo VL-Whisper is our top-rated full-size wheel and is also a great option for table top use. While not exactly “portable” due to the weight, it has a flat design that can sit on a table top when the legs are removed. If you want a table-top or standing wheel with all the bells and whistles of a top-of-the-line wheel, this is a great option.

Rather than a motor and belt, the VL-Whisper is driven by a virtually silent series of magnets that spin the wheel.

Rather than a motor and belt, the VL-Whisper is driven by a virtually silent series of magnets that spin the wheel.

The VL-Whisper (VL stands for velocity) has a 1/2 horse power motor, a 14” wheel head, a reversible switch, and can center up to 100 lbs. At around 135 lbs, it is heavy, but it’s a sturdy machine with the quietest motor on the market. It has a unique magnet-driven wheel which is virtually silent and is the reason it can sit flat as there is no traditional motor hanging below the wheel head. At a typically price of $1517, it hits that sweet spot of great performance and options, while being in about the middle of the price range for full size wheels.

But once again, the decision is do you need a lightweight, portable wheel or a heavier but still great table top wheel.

U.S. Art Supply Table Top Wheel

US Art table top wheel.jpg

Another option is the U.S. Art Supply 3/4 HP Table Top pottery wheel. It is sort of a hybrid of the Shimpo Aspire and Speedball Artista as it is a total unit that weighs around 43 pounds and it has an 11” wheelhead with a proprietary 3-pin bats,. It can go forward and reverse, tops out at 300 rpm, has a foot pedal, and retails for $600.

The reviews on this wheel are really mixed. Some people love it and have had great success, recommending it for beginners or intermediate potters. Some say it wobbles but others describe it as quite sturdy. In general, everyone agrees that the splash pan is not the best. With a one-year warranty, I can only recommend this wheel with reservations. For the price, I would go with the Speedball Artista. For around $200 more, you could get a full-size wheel such as the motor-driven Shimpo VL-Lite. But if you are looking for a table top wheel, definitely check this one out.

Other Lightweight Wheel Options

In recent years, a number of very affordable wheels in the $120 to $300 range have popped up on Amazon and other places. A variety of pottery influencers have reviewed these wheels on YouTube and found them ok for very small pots, and I can attest that some of my students have tried them and liked them. But if you go this route be aware that there are some limitations, including very limited service and support if anything breaks, weak motors, small wheel heads, and no holes for bat pins if you want to start throwing more adventurous or wider forms. But, I get that many want to try out pottery at a budget price so here are a few models. Do your research as many of these are available in a variety of permutations and generic options online.:

Vevor 11 inch pottery wheel

White Vevor pottery wheel

At $138, this little nugget of a wheel seems to be about the absolute cheapest you can go. It’s got an 11 inch wheel head and the legs are about 8 inches tall, along with a small foot pedal. In total, it weighs around 40 pounds.

With a wheel like this, you can throw up to 5 pounds of clay but there are tons of things you can make with just a pound or two of clay. If you want to try out wheel throwing, this might be the most entry level you can go. Just don’t expect it to last too long under heavy use.

VivoHome 28 cm / 11 inch Wheel

The VivoHome 28 cm wheel and tool kit.

Another budget option is the VivoHome 28 cm wheel. Rather than 3 legs, it has a boxy unit feel along with a detachable foot pedal. I am recommending this one because while the unit is so small and low, the detachable foot pedal will allow you to raise the wheel a bit (with blocks?) while keeping the foot pedal on the floor. The models with the attached foot pedal look too small for an adult to use.

This Vivo Home wheel weighs almost 28 pounds and retails for $189 but it does come with a variety of tools.

Table Top Pottery Wheel Comparison Chart

Below is a chart with all the wheels mentioned in this post.

Table Top Pottery Wheels

Click the model name to shop at Dick Blick or Amazon.
Model Typical Price Motor (HP) Wheelhead
Bat Pin
Reversible Dimensions Weight Speed (RPM) Warranty Capacity
Speedball Artista $549 1/3 HP 11" 10" No, but available as R or L handed 24 x 18 x 9" 26 lbs 0-220 2 years 25 lbs
Shimpo Aspire $569 1/3 HP 7" 6" No 14.5 x 20 x 9" 31 lbs 0-230 hand, 0-250 foot pedal 5 years 20 lbs
US Art Table Top $600 3/4 HP 11" Custom 3 pin design Yes, switch 17 x 26 x 13" 42.3 lbs 0-300 1 year 25 lbs
VL-Whisper $1,517 1/2 HP, 400w 14" 10" Yes, switch 23.2 x 27.5 x 22.75" 122 lbs 0-250 5 years 100 lbs

For a comparison of all types of wheels including full size wheels, click here.

And for our buyer’s guide to full-size wheels, click here


Table top pottery wheels are great options for a wide variety of potters. This post has covered a variety of portable and table top wheel options, with our top pick being the Speedball Artista wheel for it’s full size wheel head and ability to go from a comfortable sitting down wheel, to table top, to being packed away on the shelf.

But there are other options out there to suit every type of potter and studio. What table top pottery wheels do you prefer? Let us know in the comments.

Gift Guide For Potters and Ceramic Artists

The Shimpo VL Whisper, a top pick for a full sized potters wheel.

The Shimpo VL Whisper, a top pick for a full sized potters wheel.

This gift guide has more than 30 ideas of gifts for potters, ceramic artists, or anyone who works with clay. Most of these suggestions are priced between $5 and $100, along with a few higher-priced items like pottery wheels and slab rollers.

When shopping, keep in mind that most potters probably already have a basic tool kit and a few others tools. But if someone is just starting, we’ve also got a handy guide to the best tools for pottery beginners, and there are many other posts on this site with reviews of tools and books we love.

Note: This site uses affiliate links for sites such as Amazon and Blick. If you click the links and complete a purchase, we may receive a percentage at no extra cost to you.

Xiem Studio Tools BatMate

The Xiem Studio Tools BatMate.

The Xiem Studio Tools BatMate.

The BatMate from Xiem Studio Tools is a 12 or 14 inch diameter piece of synthetic fabric that can be placed in between a bat and wheel head to virtually eliminate any wobble, improving the accuracy of throwing and trimming. Many potters, however, wet the fabric and place it directly on a wheel head to use when trimming pots. At around $15, this is a tool that gets used all the time once it’s in a potter’s kit.

The Claypron


The Claypron is a split-leg apron designed specifically for working with clay at the potter’s wheel. It’s available in a variety of colors, is made with high-quality, washable cotton, and is one of the most popular aprons in ceramic studios. It has ties at the neck and waist, and generally retails for around $35.

Weleda Skin Food

Weleda Skin Food is a luxurious, extra-thick cream.

Weleda Skin Food is a luxurious, extra-thick cream.

Pottery and clay can be hard on hands and any potter will appreciate the gift of nice lotion. A favorite everyday cream is O’Keeffe’s Working Hands Cream (shop at Amazon), but a real upgrade is Weleda Skin Food. It’s a rich, luxurious cream that will help protect hands during a long studio session or at home. This extra thick cream smells great, melds into your skin quickly, and the squeeze tube makes it easy to use at home or studio. It usually costs around $17–19 for a 2.5 oz tube.

Potter’s Skin Butter

Potters Skin Butter hand cream jar

Potter’s Skin Butter from Cara Mae Skincare is deep hydration for hardworking hands. Made by a potter for potters, this is a great gift. Available in Tangerine, Lavender, Mint and Unscented in a variety of sizes.

Cara Mae Skincare has other lotions as well, all equally great.

10,000 Years of Pottery by Emmanuel Cooper

The 4th edition of 10,000 Years of Pottery

The 4th edition of 10,000 Years of Pottery

This lavishly illustrated book is a great addition to any potter’s bookshelf and will provide years of inspiration. It’s 360 pages long and there are full-color pictures on almost every page. Tracing the history of ceramics from the Ancient Near East through contemporary times, the book covers all parts of the globe along with the arts and crafts movement, ceramics and industry, studio ceramics, and more. Originally published in 1972, the book has been updated continuously since. The most recent 4th edition is available as a paperback for $40.

Speedball Artista Tabletop Wheel

The Speedball Artista Wheel (top) pictured here with Speedball bats.

The Speedball Artista Wheel (top) pictured here with Speedball bats.

The Speedball Artista is a great tabletop wheel that is strong enough for most potters but is also portable and can be stored with ease. It’s the perfect option for an at-home practice wheel or for someone looking to try out pottery with a professional machine. It has an 11” wheelhead, a 1/3 horsepower motor, is compatible with standard 10” bats, and weighs just 26 pounds. It’s usually available for $450-$500. For a complete overview, check out our guide to tabletop wheels.

Diamond Hand Polishing Block

The Stadea diamond hand polishing foam blocks.

The Stadea diamond hand polishing foam blocks.

Diamond hand pads are the perfect way to sand away burrs, small glaze drips, and rough patches on pots, sculptures, or kiln shelves and posts. Made of industrial-grade diamonds embedded in plastic, these are available from a variety of manufacturers such as Stadea as either soft, flexible pads or semi-hard foam blocks. The foam blocks are my favorite because they provide structure and support your hand, but the flexible pads are useful for sanding more complicated shapes. Available as sets or individual pads, it’s recommended to get four individual pads in the range of 50 grit, 100 grit, 200 grit, and 400 grit.

Shimpo Banding Wheels

Shimpo Banding Wheels are available in a variety of sizes.

Shimpo Banding Wheels are available in a variety of sizes.

Banding wheels are very useful for coil building, sculpting, and decorating. Nidec-Shimpo Banding Wheels are the best on the market, made of cast iron with sealed bearings. They are on the heavy side, but this added weight gives the wheels a smooth, even spin. Shimpo banding wheels come in five different sizes ranging from $60 to about $120. For more info, read our complete review of banding wheels, but of the options on the market, there is no doubt that these are the best.

Nidec-Shimpo Handheld Extruder

The Nidec-Shimpo Handheld Extruder comes with 5 basic dies and a blank.

The Nidec-Shimpo Handheld Extruder comes with 5 basic dies and a blank.

A handheld extruder is one of the best ways to make handles or other shapes in a quick, efficient way. Basically a specialized version of a caulking gun, soft clay is inserted in the 2” wide barrel, a die is placed at the end, the cap screwed on, and you can pull the trigger and the plunger begins pushing clay through the die. You can also use hollow dies to make small forms that would be almost impossible to make by hand.

There are a variety of handheld extruders, which are all about the same, but the Nidec-Shimpo Handheld Extruder is compact and well built. The key is getting dies that work for. In addition to the basic dies, my favorite add on is the Scott Creek Handle Die kit, which should match up with any small handheld extruder. The Shimpo Handheld Extruder is usually around $60 and extra die kits generally cost around $40.

MudTools Essentials Kit

The MudTools Essentials Kit.

The MudTools Essentials Kit.

MudTools makes innovative tools such as their beloved flexible plastic ribs, and this MudTools Essential Starter Kit includes nine of their most popular tools. A great gift for beginners, experienced potters will also appreciate this kit. Included are three flexible polymer ribs, the Mudshark cutting tool, a cut-off wire with polymer handles, a long plastic scraper/rib, a sponge, the MudTools all-in-one trimming tool, and the MudTools shredder. The kit typically costs around $70.

Note: Some marketing describes this as a 10-piece kit, but I wouldn’t classify the plastic box/holder as a “tool.”

Speedball Underglaze Sample Pack

The Speedball Underglaze Sampler includes 12 colors in 2oz bottles.

The Speedball Underglaze Sampler includes 12 colors in 2oz bottles.

Speedball Underglazes are studio favorites and are great way to get vibrant, saturated colors on ceramics. They can be applied by brush, sponge, or spraying. Use alone for a matte finish, or in combination with a clear glaze for a glossy finish. Sample packs are a great way to find the underglaze colors that work best, and are available from Speedball and a variety of manufacturers. The Speedball sampler pack includes 12 colors in 2 oz bottles, and typically costs around $42.

There are a lot more underglaze options. Here are a few that are recommended:

AMACO Velvet Underglazes are available in 4 different sampler sets of 2 oz jars for $52 each. Shop at Blick

Mayco has a 10 pack underglaze sampler for around $40. Shop at Amazon

Sax True Flow Underglaze has a 12 pack sampler set for around $43. Shop at Amazon

Bluetooth Speaker

The JBL Flip 4 is our pick for an entry-level bluetooth speaker.

The JBL Flip 4 is our pick for an entry-level bluetooth speaker.

It’s always great to have tunes in the studio, and a portable bluetooth speaker makes it easy to play anything from your phone, tablet, or laptop. The JBL Flip 4 is slightly older (meaning it’s available at a discount) but is still a great option that sounds great, is easy to pair with devices, and comes with long-lasting build quality. For something bigger and louder, check out the JBL Charge line of speakers. The JBL Flip 4 is waterproof, available in a variety of colors, and usually retails for around $90.

Mastering Ceramics book series

Mastering the Potter's Wheel.jpg
Mastering Kilns and Firing.jpeg

The Mastering Ceramics books are great for beginners and intermediate pottery students. The thorough, straightforward advice covers a variety of techniques in an easy to approach style. All three books are a great addition to any potter’s bookshelf.

The books include

Mastering the Potters Wheel by Ben Carter, published 2016

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Mastering Hand Building by Sunshine Cobb, published 2018

Shop at Amazon | Shop at Blick | Shop at

Mastering Handbuilding.jpeg

Mastering Kilns and Firing by Lindsay Oesterritter, published 2019

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Tote Bag for Tools

This nylon tote bag is great for ceramics, pottery, art, and craft tools.

This nylon tote bag is great for ceramics, pottery, art, and craft tools.

Potters and ceramic artists usually have a variety of tools and an open-top bag is the best way to store them. It allows tools to dry out without rusting, and provides easy access to grab what you need. The JJRing nylon art/craft bag is has a variety of pockets, is available in eight colors, and is a great value, typically priced at $15 to $25.

Revco Green Split Leg Apron

The Revco split-leg apron

The Revco split-leg apron

This green split-leg apron is popular with many potters and has a few features that make it a nice upgrade from a standard kitchen apron. Made from cotton, it has an adjustable, clip-on neck strap and it also has clips to attach the split legs to either leg. Some may prefer a longer apron (such as the Claypron) but this apron covers the thighs and the split-leg design makes it perfect for sitting at the pottery wheel. Usually available for $20 to $25, the Revco green apron is available in 36”, 42”, and 48” lengths. The 36” will work for most, or pick 42” for someone around 6’ tall.

For our complete guide to aprons, click here.

Xiem Studio Tools Precision Applicator

The 3 oz Precision Applicator from Xiem Studio Tools.

The 3 oz Precision Applicator from Xiem Studio Tools.

A great decorating tool is the Xiem precision applicator, available in 1 and 3 oz sizes. These applicators have a soft, flexible rubber bulb with a variety of screw-on metal tips. Mostly used for slip trailing and slip-decoration techniques, these bulbs can be used to apply just about any type of thicker, viscous liquid. The larger 3 oz size will be the best option for most. There are cheaper slip-trailing options that are a plastic bottle with similar metal tips, but the rubber bulb in the Xiem applicator provides steady, even pressure that is just easier to use. For around $22, this is a quality tool.

Magna Cart

The Magna Cart.

The Magna Cart.

If you work with clay, you need to move heavy stuff all the time. Whether it is boxes of clay, packaged ware for shipping, or large sculptures, the Magna Cart is an invaluable tool that folds up for efficient storage when not in use. Store it in a closet or the trunk of a car, it’s a handy tool that will get used all the time. The cart can hold 150 lbs (I’ve pushed it to 200 and that can be too much), has 5” rubber wheels, a 15” wide base and the handle can extend to 39” tall. There are a lot of folding carts on the market now in all shapes and sizes, but the classic Magna Cart is still the best option.

Azul Board Game

Azul, a tile-based strategy game for 2-4 players.

Azul, a tile-based strategy game for 2-4 players.

This tile-based strategy game is fun for the whole family, but may be particularly enjoyed by fans of Portuguese ceramic tiles or azulejos. To play Azul, tiles are selected and arranged on the game board to score points. Once a player completes a horizontal row of tiles (typically after multiple rounds or 20–40 minutes of play) points are scored and a winner crowned. It’s an award-winning game that was first released in 2017. Recommended for ages 8 and up.

An example of Azul game play.

An example of Azul game play.

Milwaukee M12 Cordless Drill

The Milwaukee M12 3/8” cordless drill kit.

The Milwaukee M12 3/8” cordless drill kit.

The Milwaukee M12 compact cordless drill is a studio favorite. It’s strong enough for most jobs, but small and light so that it’s comfortable for just about anyone. Paired with the right mixer blade, this is an ideal drill for mixing glazes, plaster, or other tasks in a ceramics studio. Quality tools are always appreciated in the studio, and a cordless drill like this just gets the job done. Milwaukee also makes a wide variety of tools that fit the M12 battery. This kit typically retails for $99.

Click here to read more on cordless drills.

Recommended drill accessories for ceramics:

Jiffy LM Laboratory mixer for mixing small glaze cups.

Plastic helix mixer for mixing 1-2 gallon glaze buckets.

Jiffy ES Mixer for mixing 2 to 5 gallon bucket.

Dewalt 14 piece bit set for drilling holes and the Dewalt 45 piece screwdriver set.

Carve Your Clay by Hilda Carr

Carve Your Clay by Hilda Carr

Carve Your Clay by Hilda Carr

This recently-published book gives a lot of ideas for surface decoration including carving, inlay, scraffito, wire cutting and more. With easy-to-follow instructions and great illustrations, it’s an inspirational book. Based on Hilda Carr’s signature style but with variations and ideas for every potter, the book is available in hardcover or paperback.

Giffin Grip Trimming Tool

The Giffin Grip in use. The tool comes with arms of various sizes.

The Giffin Grip in use. The tool comes with arms of various sizes.

The Giffin Grip is a trimming tool that can really upgrade a studio. It attaches to any sized pottery wheelhead, and various arms allow you to easily grip vases, tall pots, or any pot really. It sure beats trying to attach pots using small bits of a clay. It’s not cheap—typically around $250—but it lasts for ever and once a potter has one, they’ll use it all the time.

Wooden Rollers and Stamps

Set of 5 wooden texture rollers

Set of 5 wooden texture rollers

These sets of wooden rollers and stamps allow potters to quickly and easily add relief textures and patterns to slabs, pots, or any piece of clay. The wood is long-lasting, durable, easy to clean, and can really add that extra-special touch to elevate handmade work.

The set of 5 wooden texture rollers is available from a few different sellers and typically retails for around $30.

Set of 16 stamps with a storage box.

Set of 16 stamps with a storage box.

The set of 16 stamps typically retails for around $20-$23.

Shimpo VL-Whisper Pottery Wheel


The full-sized Shimpo VL-Whisper pottery wheel is a top pick and one of the most popular wheel models on the market. Made by Nidec-Shimpo, it features an innovative magnet-driven wheelhead that is virtually silent. It also has a 14 inch wheel head, can center just about any amount of clay, and has adjustable legs. You can even remove the legs and have the wheel sit flat, converting it to a tabletop or standup wheel if desired. All around, it’s our favorite wheel and top pick in our pottery wheel buyer’s guide.

The VL-Whisper is reversible, has a detached foot pedal, and a removable splash pan. It typically retails for around $1,500 plus shipping.

Small Tools

These small tools are all great additions to any potter’s tool kit. Get one or all to make a great gift.

Kemper Clay Drill

The Kemper Clay Drill

The Kemper Clay Drill

The Kemper Clay Drill is the best way to drill holes for spouts or drain holes in planters, or just to make circular holes in any piece of clay. It makes a variety of sizes, simply keep twisting and work the tool deeper for a wider hole. It’s easy to use, easy to clean, and replaces all the other drill tools in one easy piece.

Mini Ribbon Tool Set

The Mini Ribbon Tool Set

The Mini Ribbon Tool Set

This set of 6 tools is great for detail work, decorating, and finishing a piece of pottery or a sculpture. At 5 1/2” each, the metal tools don’t take up much room but they can do a lot, especially for detail work or scraffito. For around $13, it’s a great addition to a potter’s tool kit.

Neiko Diamond Bits

Neiko diamond hole drilling bits.

Neiko diamond hole drilling bits.

Diamond bits allow you to drill through fired and glazed ceramic, and this small set from Neiko is a great introductory set. Pair it with any drill, and you are set. Just be sure to use it with plenty of water so the bits do not overheat. Ranging from 5/32” to 1/2”, the Neiko bits are a good size for tasks such as drilling cord holes in ceramic lamps or adding drainage holes for planters. At $10 or less, the Neiko bits are a cost-effective addition to any ceramic studio.

Metal Rib Set

Comiart Metal Rib Set.jpg

A variety of ribs can help a pottery easily achieve different shapes on the wheel or handbuilding. This cost-effective, affordable set of 10 ribs includes a wide variety of shapes as well as two serrated ribs that are useful for creating texture or joining clay together.

Fettling Knife

The Kemper Fettling Knife.

The Kemper Fettling Knife.

A good quality clay knife is so useful in the studio. The best option is the Kemper F97 Hard Fettling Knife. The blade is not “hard” but is just the right stiffness for cutting or turning the knife at an angle to use for smoothing or other detail work. The F96 Soft Fettling Knife has a more flexible blade that is not as useful or durable in the studio. Both Kemper knives are way better than the various generics as it the blade is attached to the handle with high quality glue. Generic fettling knives often fall apart with even the most basic use.

Anker Soundcore Q20 Noise Cancelling Headphones

Anker Soundcore.jpg

Over-ear noise cancelling headphones can really help you focus on your work, especially if you work in a shared studio environment. There are a lot of options for this type of headphone, but the Anker Soundcore Q20 strike a balance between quality and affordability, especially considering they will probably get covered in clay at some point. These headphones have an impressive 40 hour playing time, and a dynamic sound quality that while not quite audiophile level, really deliver a lot for the $50 price tag.

3M Respirator

A quality dust mask is a must have for anyone who mixes glazes from scratch, makes their own clay, or works with plaster. The best option is a 3M respirator. A basic model is about $15 plus the filters, but for a few dollars more you can get the “rugged comfort” mask which has a more comfortable liner and a few extra features. Pair it with P100 filters or P100 cartridges, and you’ve got high quality protection against silica and other airborne particulates.


Zebrawood Carving Tool

The P1 Zebrawood Carver from Diamond Core Tools.

The P1 Zebrawood Carver from Diamond Core Tools.

The Zebrawood Carvers from Diamond Core Tools are functional, long-lasting (replaceable blades!), and beautiful. At 5.5 inches long, they feel like a pencil and can be used for sharp, even cutting tasks such as scraffitto and other forms of decoration. Diamond Core makes these with a wide variety of cutting blades—the P1 is a great carver to start with. At $37 each, these are on the expensive side for a ceramic tool but the adjustable blade and beautiful wood makes this a great gift.

The Ceramics Reader

This book brings together texts, extracts, and other pieces of writing on the field of ceramics. Covering past and present, it’s recommended for serious hobbyists, ceramic students, professionals, or anyone that wants to read more about this amazing medium. At 616 pages long, there’s something in there for everyone. Don’t read it front to back—just flip it open and find what interests you.

Available in hardcover or paperback for around $50.

Shimpo Pottery Stool

The Shimpo Potter’s Stool

The Shimpo Potter’s Stool

The Shimpo Potter’s Stool is the most versatile, comfortable, and functional pottery stool on the market. It has four adjustable legs with nine adjustable slots on each leg, with a range of 19 to 26 inches high. The legs can be adjusted independently, allowing for the stool to be set at an angle if desired. It also has a comfortable, padded seat. It’s a great upgrade for any potter.

The Shimpo Potter’s Stool measures 16 x 16 inches and ranges up to 26 inches tall. It generally costs around $90.

Solid Maple Rolling Pin

The 24” wide solid maple rolling pin.

The 24” wide solid maple rolling pin.

This solid maple rolling pin is 24” wide and 3” in diameter with handles. Pair it with a few wooden shims or rulers, and you’ve got a quick adjustable height slab roller that will make wonderful slabs. And best of all, there are no bearings, gears, or internal parts that will break down. And since it is solid, it’s easy to just wipe down and clean with a sponge. At $30, it’s a great value and is a studio tool that will last forever.

Slab Mats

Slab Mats are great working surfaces for clay.

Slab Mats are great working surfaces for clay.

Slab Mats are great working surfaces for handbuilding, can be cut up and used underneath wheelthrown pots, and are also a canvas alternative for use with slab rollers. Slab mats are a plastic kind of fabric, with one smooth side and one side that is slightly fuzzy and ideal for working with clay. You can cut with clay knives on them and not worry about damaging your table top surfaces. They are easy to clean, just wipe down with a sponge, and seem to generate much less dust than canvas. They are available in a variety of sizes but the larger 22 x 50” size really allows you to spread out.

North Star Portaroller

The North Star Portaroller.

The North Star Portaroller.

The North Star Portaroller is an amazing machine that can instantly upgrade any studio. Designed for artists who are on the go, it’s also ideal for home studios because it quickly breaks down into three pieces that can be stored when not in use. The Portaroller has two metal rollers, a crank, and two table top pieces that fit on either side of the roller. The top roller can be adjusted for slab thicknesses up to 2.5 inches. The roller can make slabs that are 16 inches wide. It’s a well thought out piece of equipment that is backed by North Star’s impeccable record of quality. It typically retails for around $600.

Other Gift Ideas

Pottery Wheels

Thinking of getting a new wheel as a gift? Check out our guide to table top wheels here, and our guide to full-size wheels here.

Or maybe you were thinking of a kiln? Read our guide to Skutt kilns here.

We’ve got a lot more ideas in our tool guides such as:

Scales for glaze mixing

Accessories for glaze mixing

and tools that can be used in the kitchen or the studio.

Other Ceramic Gift Ideas:

Classes: A set of classes at your local ceramics studio can be a great gift. If you can’t find a studio, ask a local clay supplier if they can recommend local studios.

Magazine Subscriptions: Magazines are great sources of ideas and inspiration. Check out The Studio Potter, Pottery Making Illustrated, or Ceramics Monthly.

Tours, Trips, or Conferences: Look for pottery-specific travel tours, retreats, or conferences.

What ideas do you have for pottery gifts? Let us know in the comments.

More Gift Guides

Gift Guide for Young Artist and Creative Kids

Gift Guide for Artists Who Paint and Draw

Nidec-Shimpo Pottery Wheels Buyers Guide

This page is out of date. Please visit the 2025 Nidec-Shimpo Pottery Wheels Buyers Guide.

The VL-Whisper, the flagship wheel in the Nidec-Shimpo line and one of the best wheels on the market today.

The VL-Whisper, the flagship wheel in the Nidec-Shimpo line and one of the best wheels on the market today.

This page is out of date. Please visit the updated 2025 Nidec-Shimpo Pottery Wheels Buyers Guide.

Note: Updated pricing and info as of October 2023

Shimpo makes four different wheels ranging from the tabletop Aspire to the ultra-quiet VL-Whisper. The wheels are beloved, especially the classic RK style, and the four wheels do a great job of covering the prices and features that will work for any potter. The company also makes a variety of attachments and add-ons that make these wheels some of the most popular with professionals and production potters.

This post will cover all the models, features, and accessories in the Shimpo product line. For other manufacturers, check out our 2023-24 Pottery Wheel Buyer’s Guide and our Pottery Wheel Comparison Chart.

Top Pick: VL-Whisper


The VL-Whisper is our top pick in the Shimpo product line, and it’s also the top pick in our Pottery Wheel Buyer’s Guide. It has an innovative, magnet-driven wheel that doesn’t make any sound while still supplying great power, torque, and control. It can switch easily between forward or reverse. The adjustable legs can also be removed or lowered, and the plastic box covering the magnets and controls will sit flat on a tabletop, allowing you to easily convert this model into a powerful tabletop wheel.

This VL-Whisper has been on the market for about 10 years and has quickly become one of the most popular wheels among professionals and anyone looking for a quiet wheel.

Keep scrolling for a complete overview of Shimpo pottery wheels.

Table of Contents

  • Overview of Shimpo Wheels

  • Aspire Tabletop Wheel

  • VL-Lite

  • RK-Whisper

  • VL-Whisper

  • Shimpo Pottery Wheel Accessories

  • Notes on repairing Shimpo wheels

  • Summary

Overview of Shimpo Wheels

Founded in 1952 in Tokyo, Japan, Shimpo wheels are distributed worldwide. North American operations opened in Chicago, Illinois in 1974 as the Nidec-Shimpo Corporation. Increasingly, Shimpo products are branded with just the Nidec name but for this guide I will continue to use Shimpo as that is what most people call these wheels.

Shimpo also makes high quality pugmills, ball mills, slab rollers, banding wheels, and handheld extruders. There are also a variety of pottery wheel accessories (see below) that will work with the pro-level RK-Whisper or VL-Whisper. Shimpo also has a tabletop wheel and a budget model, the belt-driven VL-Lite.

Shimpo wheels have long been studio favorites for many potters. They are high quality, long lasting, easy to adjust and there is truly no other wheel quite like the little turtle-shaped RK models. With the newer offerings such as the VL-Whisper, Shimpo has opened up to a larger audience and to my eye, is about equal with Brent in terms of popularity in studios, community centers, and academic institutions.

The next sections will cover Shimpo wheels from cheapest to most expensive.

Notes on buying wheels online:

Wheels are available from a variety of vendors, and it’s good to shop around. Some stores will include shipping in the price, while other stores add shipping, which can cost $200 or more. With this in mind, it’s important to compare the total cost including shipping and delivery.

The Shimpo Aspire tabletop wheel.

The Shimpo Aspire tabletop wheel.


The Shimpo Aspire tabletop wheel has a 1/3 horse power motor and 7 inch wheelhead. It is belt-driven and is rated to a 20 lb centering capacity. There is also an optional foot pedal. The unit weighs 31 lbs, making it a truly portable wheel that can be put away when not in use. The bat pins have a 6 inch spacing, and there are a variety of bats available for this size.

The Shimpo Aspire with the optional foot pedal.

The Shimpo Aspire with the optional foot pedal.

Shimpo Aspire features
Motor: 1/3 horsepower
Wheelhead: 7 inch diameter
Reversible: No
Dimensions: 14 x 20 x 9 inches tall
Weight: 31 lbs
Speed: 0 to 230 rpm handheld, 0 to 250 rpm with foot pedal
Warranty: 5 years
Centering Capacity: 20 lbs
Price: Listed at $569


The Shimpo VL-Lite

The Shimpo VL-Lite

The VL-Lite is Shimpo’s entry-level, full-size wheel. It is a strong competitor for Speedball and other budget models, with a 1/2 HP 100 watt, belt-driven motor, 12” wheelhead and is reversible. It’s relatively lightweight at 85lbs, and is rated to a centering capacity of 25 lbs.

VL-Lite features
Motor: 1/2 horsepower, 100 watts
Wheelhead: 12 inch diameter
Reversible: Yes, with a switch
Dimensions: 22 x 28 x 21 inches tall
Weight: 85 lbs
Speed: 0 to 250 rpm
Warranty: 5 years
Centering Capacity: 25 lbs
Price: Listed at $860


The RK-Whisper model now has a virtually silent, magnetic-driven wheel.

The RK-Whisper model now has a virtually silent, magnetic-driven wheel.

The classic RK-Whisper is a beloved pottery wheel with a distinctive rounded-off rectangular shape and fixed foot pedal on the right side. Previous models had a belt-driven wheel and motor, but It is now made with the same, super-quiet 1/2 HP, 400 watt magnetic “motor” as the VL-Whisper, but with a 12” wheel head. It may look like the classic model but under the hood it is state of the art.

RK-Whisper features
Motor: 1/2 horsepower, 400 watts
Wheelhead: 12 inch diameter
Reversible: Yes, with a switch
Dimensions: 20 x 21 x 20 inches tall
Weight: 118 lbs
Speed: 0 to 250 rpm
Warranty: 5 years
Centering Capacity: 100 lbs
Price: Usually available for around $1310


The Shimpo VL-Whisper

The Shimpo VL-Whisper

Shimpo’s top-of-the-line VL-Whisper (VL stands for Velocity) is innovative and quiet, with the same 1/2 HP, 400 watt magnetic drive as the RK-Whsper but with a 14” wheelhead. The magnetic drive is ultra-quiet, powerful, and ready with instant torque when the pedal is engaged. There are no belts or motors in the Shimpo Whisper models, making them truly distinct on the pottery wheel market. The wheel is reversible with the turn of the switch and the wheelhead will turn freely at 0 rpm for use as a banding wheel although it does not turn as easily as a regular banding wheel.

My only complaint with the VL-Whisper is the splash pan is not as durable as the Brent splash pans. This is only a concern in shared studios, such as a community center where splash pans are cleaned often and can be abused by inexperienced users. An individual potter will be able to maintain a crack-free splash pan forever.

VL-Whisper features
Motor: 1/2 horsepower, 400 watt
Wheelhead: 14 inch diameter
Reversible: Yes, with a switch
Dimensions: 23 x 27.5x 22.75 inches tall
Weight: 122 lbs
Speed: 0 to 250 rpm
Warranty: 5 years
Centering Capacity: 100 lbs
Price: Usually available for $1532

Shimpo Pottery Wheel Accessories

Shimpo makes a variety of innovative accessories for wheels. For the most part, these are designed to be used with the RK models, but most will fit on the VL-Whisper as well. These accessories will most likely not fit well with the VL-Lite, but they possibly could be used with wheels from other manufacturers. The RK models and VL-Whisper have two bolts on the wheel tabletop that are designed to be used with these attachments, making Shimpo some of the most popular wheels with production potters.

The Shimpo Jigger Arm.

The Shimpo Jigger Arm.

Jigger Arm Attachment

The Shimpo Jigger Arm Attachment is a speciality tool for use with jigger/jolly plaster molds. It allows you to quickly make accurate pots using a pottery wheel. The product manual states that it will fit on the VL-Whisper, RK-Whisper, and the older RK-10 and RK-2 models. Contact Nidec-Shimpo if you have other models, but in general, it seems like it will work with most wheels that have a 12” or larger wheelhead.

To see these jigger arms in action, check out this video about Jono Pandolfi.

The Shimpo Ball Mill attachment on an RK wheel.

The Shimpo Ball Mill attachment on an RK wheel.

Ball Mill Attachment

The Shimpo Ball Mill attachment will turn your wheelhead into a ball mill without the added expense of a new machine. Ball mills are used for grinding and unifying glazes.

This attachment retails for around $560 while the smallest ball mill from Shimpo is about $1000, so this represents a real savings. Like the jigger arm, this attachment will definitely work with the VL-Whisper, RK-Whisper, the RK-10, and RK-2 models, and it may work with other wheels that are 12” in diameter or larger.

These days, many glaze products are so finely milled that a ball mill isn’t exactly a studio necessity, but it can still be a nice thing to have, such as making your own underglazes from ball clay and stain.

Extension Tables for RK Models

The Shimpo RK models do not have much table space, which is ideal for small studios. But if you want more room, Shimpo makes two add on tables that add either 2 or 4 square feet of work area within arms reach.

The small table adds 2 square feet of working area.

The small table adds 2 square feet of working area.

The large table adds 4 square feet of working area.

The large table adds 4 square feet of working area.

Extension Legs for VL-Whisper

Extension legs for the VL-Whisper models.

Extension legs for the VL-Whisper models.

Although the VL-Whisper can sit flat on a tabletop, you can also convert it into a standing wheel with these leg extensions. They will bring the wheelhead to a height ranging from 35 to 37 inches, and they work by replacing the standard legs that come with the wheel.

Notes on Repairing Shimpo Wheels

Shimpo pottery wheels have stood the test of time and there are many of these wheels on their second or third decade of constant use. They are good machines that are worth the money. However, like any wheel, there will be maintenance and repairs over time. Repair parts for Shimpo wheels are available at many ceramic suppliers.

On the older RK models with a motor and belt, you can make most adjustments to the speed and pedal by adjusting screws on the machine. And the older Shimpo switches seem more resilient than the electronics that Brent used to use, however Brent has begun using sealed switches that don’t seem to be affected by clay-covered hands.

The newer VL-Whisper and RK-Whisper models use fewer moving parts as they are magnet driven rather than having a motor and a belt. Ideally, this should mean fewer repairs. For the most part, it seems that most Whisper models are still going strong but as we get to 10 or 15 years out from when these models first came on the market, I expect there will be more repairs needed. However, I had a hard time finding message board and other info about broken Whisper models, and I haven’t seen them break down myself.

Overall, my biggest complaint with Shimpo wheels is that the splash pans are less resilient. This is not a concern for an individual, who can maintain their wheel with care. But in shared spaces such as community centers, where the splash pans are cleaned multiple times a day and dropped and abused, the Shimpo splash pans develop cracks faster than the Brent splash pans.


Shimpo Wheels are great wheels. If you decide to get one, it will be a useful studio tool for decades. With four wheels on the market, Nidec-Shimpo has really targeted their offerings with quality wheels that will work for any level of potter.

The Aspire is a great tabletop wheel for a hobbyist, kid, or a pro looking for a portable wheel. The VL-Lite is an affordable, entry-level wheel that will make great pots and is easier to move.

The RK-Whisper takes the classic Shimpo wheel shape and updates it with the super-quiet Whisper magnet drive with a 12 inch wheel. And the VL-Whisper is super quiet and offers a 14 inch wheel head with the same 1/2 hp, 400 watt Whisper magnet drive.

Combine this with offerings such as the Jigger Arm Attachment, and you’ve got a flexible and useful line of wheels.

What do you think about Shimpo wheels? Let us know in the comments.

Brent Pottery Wheels Buyers Guide

The Brent C, a classic pottery wheel and our top pick for a wheel from Amaco Brent.

The Brent C, a classic pottery wheel and our top pick for a wheel from Amaco Brent.

Please visit the updated 2025 Brent Pottery Wheel Buyers Guide. This page is now out of date.

Note: Updated pricing and info as of October 2023

Brent wheels are popular, dependable wheels known for an overbuilt style that features a strong plastic table with steel legs, sturdy splash pan, and a variety of belt-driven motors. You will see these yellow ochre machines everywhere and that’s because of their dependability and long-lasting quality. Brent wheels come with a 10 year warranty but expect them to last much longer than that.

This post will cover all the models and features of Brent pottery wheels. For other wheels, check out our 2023-24 pottery wheel buyer’s guide or a comparison chart of wheels.

TOP PICK: Brent Model C

Brent Model C pottery wheel in the classic Brent yellow.

Brent Model C pottery wheel in the classic Brent yellow.

The top pick for a Brent Wheel is the Model C. It features a 14” wheelhead, 3/4 HP motor, and can go forward or reverse with the flip of a switch. The Model C is generally available for around $1,980.

Model C is also the one model Brent has made available in a sleek, all-black model.

This model strikes a balance of features and affordability: The Model B has a smaller 12” wheelhead and less-powerful motor, while the other wheels feature larger, more costly, motors.


Most Brent Models, including the C, are also available in all black.

Read below for more info and an overview of each wheel offered by Brent.

Table of Contents

  • Overview of Brent Wheels

  • Brent Model B

  • Brent Model C

  • Brent Model CXC

  • Brent Model 16

  • Brent Pottery Wheel Accessories

  • Discontinued Brent Models

  • Notes on repairing Brent Wheels

  • Summary

Brent Wheels: Overview and Background

Founded in 1967 by Robert Brent, the wheels have been manufactured by the American Art Clay Company (AMACO) since 1978. There have been a variety of wheels over time (including the recently discontinued IE models) but for decades, Brent has had a classic lineup of wheels built on top of a similar table and frame. Each wheel has the same, high-quality foot pedal, the same frame, and same splash pan. The only differences will be wheelhead size and the power of the motor.

Brent wheels are easy to adjust and repair, and really hold up under heavy use such as at schools or community centers. In my experience, Brent splash pans are the sturdiest on the market and can take the most abuse. Brent has also made upgrades in the past few years, such as sealed switches that are easier to clean and can’t get clay and water jammed into them.

Brent wheels use belt-driven motors. These are strong motors with good torque; definitely get the largest motor your budget can afford. New Brent wheels are quiet and might stay that way over time, but if the wheelheads get waterlogged or the wheel gets abused (this will happen in most shared studio spaces) expect the belt, wheelhead and/or motor to develop some noise. It’s not the noisiest thing, but if this is a concern, check out other wheels such as the ultra-quiet Shimpo Whisper.

The B and C models are where most will find the sweet spot of power and price within the Brent product line. The difference in these models are the size of the motor (1/2 HP vs 3/4 HP) and the wheelhead diameter (12” vs 14”). The CXC and the EX model are basically the same as the C, but with bigger motors.

One note is the Brent centering capacity. These are some really big numbers — Brent claims a 150 lb centering capacity for the Model B with a 1/2 HP motor. Most other manufacturers claim 50 lbs for a 1/2 HP motor while other manufacturers don’t even use these numbers. So centering capacity may be a bit inflated but Brent’s numbers are included below. In general, I think Brent uses centering capacity to mean how much clay can be turned on the wheel. If you build big pots on the wheel, go for a bigger motor.

Overall, Brent makes great, dependable wheels. The Brent Wheels are workhorses and won’t disappoint, and will be a trusty, dependable studio tool for decades.

Brent Model B

Brent Model B Pottery Wheel.

Brent Model B Pottery Wheel.

The Brent Model B is currently Brent’s entry-level wheel. The main difference with this model is that it has a 12” wheelhead (most others have 14”) and a 1/2 HP motor. This motor is quite strong but if your budget allows, you might consider getting the Model C with a larger wheelhead and motor for about $100 more.

Brent Model B features
Motor: 1/2 Horsepower
Wheelhead: 12 inch diameter
Reversible: Yes, with a switch on the control panel
Dimensions: 21 x 28 x 21.5 inches
Weight: 119 lbs
Speed: 0 to 240 rpm
Warranty: 10 years
Centering Capacity: 150 lbs
Price: Usually available for around $1,898

Brent Model C

Brent Model C

Brent Model C

Brent Model C has the sweet spot of features and price in the Brent lineup, making it our top pick. It’s also available in an all black model. Model C has a 3/4 horsepower motor and a 14” wheelhead.

Brent Model C is also available in an all-black model.

Brent Model C is also available in an all-black model.

Brent Model C features
Motor: 3/4 Horsepower
Wheelhead: 14 inch diameter
Reversible: Yes, with a switch on the control panel
Dimensions: 21 x 28 x 21.5 inches
Weight: 121 lbs
Speed: 0 to 240 rpm
Warranty: 10 years
Centering Capacity: 225 lbs
Price: Usually available for $1,980.
Model C in black typically costs $2,023.

Brent Model CXC

The Brent CXC pottery wheel.

The Brent CXC pottery wheel.

The Brent Model CXC is virtually identical to the Model C, except that it has a 1 horsepower motor.

Brent Model CXC features
Motor: 1 Horsepower
Wheelhead: 14 inch diameter
Reversible: Yes, with a switch on the control panel
Dimensions: 21 x 28 x 21.5 inches
Weight: 129 lbs
Speed: 0 to 240 rpm
Warranty: 10 years
Centering Capacity: 300 lbs
Price: Listed at $2,045 but usually available for $1,550 to $1,600.

Model 16

The Brent Model 16 accessible pottery wheel.

The Brent Model 16 accessible pottery wheel.

The Brent Model 16 is an accessible wheel for use in rehabilitation programs or for potters in wheelchairs. It’s a really innovate design that adds flexibility and accessibility to a studio. It is completely adjustable, such as a crank to raise or lower the wheel/table, so it can be used sitting down or standing up.

The Model 16 can roll on casters and fit through a 36” door, and the casters can be secured so that it will not move while in use.

Regarding the wheel specs, it’s the same numbers as the Model B, with a 12” wheelhead and a 1/2 horsepower motor.

Brent Model 16 features
Motor: 1/2 Horsepower
Wheelhead: 12 inch diameter
Reversible: Yes, with a switch on the control panel
Dimensions: 36 x 36 x 21 to 35 inches high
Weight: 287 lbs
Speed: 0 to 240 rpm
Warranty: 2 years
Centering Capacity: 150 lbs
Price: Listed at $3,590 but usually available for $2,900

Brent Pottery Wheel Accessories

Brent Workstation

A Brent Workstation mounted on a Model C wheel.

A Brent Workstation mounted on a Model C wheel.

The Brent Workstation is a bean-shaped plastic table that will attach to almost any Brent wheel manufactured after 2009. It can really expand the work area within arms reach. It’s made of 3/8” thick black plastic—the same plastic used in Brent Plasti-Bats. It’s easy to clean, durable, and functional.

Brent Leg Extensions

The Brent Leg Extension Kit pictured here with a Model B wheel.

The Brent Leg Extension Kit pictured here with a Model B wheel.

The Brent Leg Extension Kit will convert most Brent wheels made after 2009 into a standing wheel. The steel legs are adjustable from 35 3/4 to 40 3/4 in one inch increments.

To use, simply place the pin at the desired height and slide the leg extensions over the wheel legs, and then tighten the screws to hold in place. These extenders will work with any wheel leg that have 2 3/8” diameter leg tubes.

The leg extenders retail for $350 but can often be found for around $300.

Brent Leg Booties

Brent Wheel Booties.jpeg

Brent Leg Booties will give your wheel a lift of 2 or 4 inches. It’s a useful addition that can be screwed on tight. You can also place your wheel on cinder blocks or pieces of wood, but these are a more stable option.

Discontinued Brent Pottery Wheels

Brent IE X.jpg

The Brent IE wheels were designed to work as full-size wheels or table top.

As recently as 2020, Brent made the IE models that could be used as a regular pottery wheel or could easily convert to a table top wheel. They are no longer listed on the AMACO Brent website, but you may find them available at stores.

Similarly, in 2023 we noted that the Model EX with a 1 1/2 HP motor is also no longer listed on the Brent website or is available for sale.

Over time, Brent has made kick wheels and other models, so you may seem some interesting used wheels out there.

For a short history on Robert Brent, the inventor of Brent wheels, check out this PDF or this 2018 article from the Santa Rosa (Calif.) Press-Democrat.

Notes on Repairing Brent Wheels

Brent Wheels are easy to repair and parts are readily available from AMACO Brent and ceramic supply stores.

The most common adjustment needed is to adjust the speed of the wheel via the foot pedal. This can be done by removing the bottom plate of the pedal and adjusting the potentiometers, which control the low and high limits on the wheel.

Other common repairs include replacing faulty on / off switches. You may also need to replace a belt. Brent has created repair videos for many of these common fixes, which can be found on YouTube.

The wheelhead is not designed to be oiled. Instead, the expectation is that the entire wheelhead assembly would be replaced if needed. For the most part, I think a wheel for an individual that is well maintained won’t need to be repaired much, if it all. But wheels that are used by beginners may have issues, such as being completely swamped by too much water, and the wheelhead can start making noise. For these more serious repairs, you may wan to ask at your local ceramic supplier if they know anyone who repairs wheels and can do these fixes for you.

Finally, if you find a used wheel you may or may not be able to find repair parts. Some of the original Brent wheels from the 1970s and 1980s are still working, or are still out there and turn up for sale. It’s hard to say if they are repairable. But a Brent Wheel that is 10 or 20 years old will probably be more straightforward to fix and use standard parts.


Brent Wheels are sturdy, dependable wheels that have been some of the most popular pottery wheels for the past 50 years. They are a worthwhile investment if you are serious about pottery. The product line doesn’t include a entry-level budget model, but instead focuses on professional-grade wheels that are great for beginners or professionals. If it’s the right wheel for you, it’ll be a dependable part of your studio for decades.

You might also enjoy:

2023-24 Pottery Wheel Buyer’s Guide

Gift Guide for Potters

Pottery Wheel Comparison Chart

Table Top Wheel Buyers Guide 2023

Best Loop Tools For Trimming Pottery

The Best Banding Wheels

Best Pottery Wheel Stools

Best Wheelthrowing and Pottery Sponges

Tack Sponges are economical, long-lasting synthetic sponges that are great for wheelthrowing and ceramic studios.

Tack Sponges are economical, long-lasting synthetic sponges that are great for wheelthrowing and ceramic studios.

For pottery and wheelthrowing, it is important to have a long-lasting sponge that doesn’t shred and fall apart after a few sessions. There are quite a few high-quality options these days, and also a lot of cheap generics that fall apart almost right away.

My favorite pottery sponge is a basic synthetic round yellow tack sponge. Designed for cleaning horses or polishing leather, these are also great for use in a ceramic studio. Tack sponges are more dense and long-lasting than other synthetic sponges, are comfortable, and get the job done.

There are a variety of tack sponges available for sale online, typically in 12 packs. Look for a a quality brand, such as Decker (and avoid Creative Hobbies “tack” sponges, which I believe are mis-labeled).

In addition to tack sponges, natural sponges and speciality pottery sponges are good options. You can also cut your own sponges from larger yellow sponges or upholstery foam. Our full review of pottery sponges is below, along with some ideas of the best ways to utilize sponges when throwing.

For a full review of heavy duty, rectangular yellow clean up sponges, click here.

Table of Contents

  1. Best Pottery Sponge: Tack Sponges

  2. MudTools Sponges

  3. Xiem Sponges

  4. Natural Sponges

  5. Other Sponge Options and Sponge Holders

  6. How to Cut Your Own Sponges

  7. Ways to Utilize Sponges in Wheelthrowing

  8. Summary

Best Pottery and Wheelthrowing Sponge: Tack Sponges

Decker Tack Sponges.jpg

Tack sponges are the best option for a pottery and wheelthrowing sponge. Soft but long-lasting, these synthetic sponges are also economical. Designed for cleaning horses, tack sponges have a fine-celled structure that is perfect for wheelthrowing and other uses in a ceramic studio.

To be honest, it can be hard to distinguish between synthetic yellow sponges, especially when shopping online. But through experience, I’ve learned to avoid sponges such as the “Creative Hobbies 25 pack” and other generics. These generics lose their loft and fall apart within a few weeks and while they may be fine for sponge painting or light-duty uses, they are generally not suited for intensive tasks such as wheelthrowing. That’s why it’s best to pay a bit extra and get tack sponges.

On Amazon, Decker is a brand you can trust (click the button below to shop). And if you have the chance to visit a ceramics store in person, you may find Kemper yellow sponges or other high-quality, round, yellow synthetic sponges.

Decker Tack Sponges are 3 inches in diameter by 1 inch high, and are available in a 12 pack that typically works out to a cost of about $1 per sponge.

MudTools MudSponge

The MudTools blue, orange, and white sponge.

The MudTools blue, orange, and white sponge.

The MudTools sponges are rib-shaped, and measure 2.63 x 3.75 inches.

The MudTools sponges are rib-shaped, and measure 2.63 x 3.75 inches.

MudTools makes three speciality sponges designed for use in ceramics. Shaped like a traditional pottery rib, they are available individually or in a 3 pack. The sponges range from a typical open-cell sponge structure to a fine-pored, denser sponge. MudTools calls these:

  • Workhorse, blue, (corse porosity)

  • Absorbant, orange, (medium porosity

  • Finishing sponge, white (fine porosity)

The blue “workhorse” sponge is the most similar to a typical yellow round tack sponge, so if you want something fine, go with the orange or white. Many prefer the densest white sponge for use as a wheelthrowing sponge, but all three will work on the wheel or for handbuilding.

The MudSponges do cost more, usually around $5 to $8 each, but are long lasting and the range of sponge density does give you options.

Xiem Studio Pro Sponges

Xiem Studio Pro Sponges

Xiem Studio Pro Sponges

Xiem Tools makes two Pro Sponges which are circular and have tapered edges. Available in corse, medium, and fine porosity, these are great sponges to add into the mix with a yellow tack sponge. They are modestly priced, typically around $4 each, are long-lasting, and do the job.

They are great sponges but there seems to be some supply chain difficulties, as they appear to be sold out everywhere online. You may see them in stores, and if so, they’re worth considering for your next throwing sponge.

Natural Sponges

Natural Sponges are a great option for pottery, and many potters use these exclusively.

Elephant Ear Sponges

Elephant Ear Sponges

Elephant ear sponges are dense, tough, thin, and are great for wheelthrowing. They are long lasting and do hold up to intensive use. While they are a favorite for many potters, I find them a bit too thin to hold comfortably while throwing, but I do use them for finishing and smoothing. It really comes down to how you hold a sponge and what you need them for. The sponges are available in different sizes, look for something around 3” wide or bigger. You can always cut sponges smaller if needed.

Value Sponge set wt wool, silk, and yellow sponges.

Value Sponge set wt wool, silk, and yellow sponges.

Other types of natural sponges, such as Wool, Silk, or Yellow sponges are great for decorative effects, such as sponge painting with underglaze, but I find them to be either too open or too prone to falling apart to be used for wheelthrowing. Your experience may differ.

Other Sponge Options and Sponge Holders

Creative Hobbies has a 25 pack of 2 1/2” round sponges

Creative Hobbies has a 25 pack of 2 1/2” round sponges

Generic round yellow sponges are available in bulk under a variety of names (sometimes mislabeled as tack sponges) such as Creative Hobbies. These may seem like a great deal, and they are good for sponge painting or other light-duty uses. But these sponges will not stand up to the intense use needed for wheelthrowing. Expect them to lose their loft and fall apart within a few weeks. I’ve order packs from Creative Hobbies a few times, but never again! Learn from my mistakes and stick to tack sponges, as detailed above.

Round Sponge Set.jpg

Round Sponges or Stipplers (sometimes labeled “Spouncers”) are one of my favorite sponge tools to use for glazing and other decorative effects, such as adding polka dots with glaze or underglaze. Available in sizes ranges from about 1/4” to 1” in diameter, these are a great addition to your decorative arsenal. There are not really any brand names, so go for a set that looks good to you. I’ve used both the blue foam and yellow foam; my instinct is that the blue foam is a bit finer and more long lasting, but both will work ok. They do break down over time.

Sponge Holders are a helpful tool for wheelthrowing and are most handy when you need to get water or slip out of the inside of a vessel. (If you leave water inside a pot you’ve just thrown it can cause cracking, uneven drying, and other problems). There are two main options for this: The Kemper Sponge Holder and the Xiem Tools X-Sponge Telescoping Sponge Holder. Is a tool like this really necessary? It may be, if you throw a lot of jars or vases with a narrow mouth. They can really help collect extra water or be used to smooth the inside of a vessel.

DIY TIP: If you don’t want to buy one of these speciality tools, you can take almost any stick (such as a drumstick) and attach a sponge to the end with a rubber band.

The Kemper Sponge Holder.

The Kemper Sponge Holder.

The Kemper Sponge Holder is a 13 inch long hardwood handle with a screw and small cup washer at one end. It comes with a sponge, and if that wears out, you can easily replace it with another sponge. Simple, effective, and durable, this is a great addition to your tool kit.

Xiem Telescoping sponge.jpg

The Xiem Studio X-Sponge 2 is a telescoping sponge holder that can extend from 8.5 to 26 inches, so it can really be deployed on some large pots if necessary. The sponge is a dense, long lasting, white foam sponge and there are proprietary replacement sponge heads available too. The sponge is very fine porosity, similar to the finest Xiem round sponge or the MudTools white MudSponge. The telescoping sponge holder is a real innovation and like all Xiem Studio Tools, is thoughtfully designed and well made. The dense, rounded sponge does give you more control than the yellow sponge attached to the Kemper stick.

How to Cut Your Own Sponges

ProPlus Grouting.jpg

One of the most economical sponge options is to take a large yellow clean-up sponge, and cut it into 8 or 12 pieces. My favorite sponge is the Armaly ProPlus Grouting and Concrete sponge, which is the best heavy duty clean up sponge I’ve found. (See a full review here).

To do this, you can draw lines on the sponge with a sharpie and then using a sharp chef’s knife or scissors, cut into pieces. The best way is to plan for 12 sponges—which is a pretty good value when you start with one large sponge.

It’s also great to cut big yellow sponges into pieces as they start to fall apart. These can be repurposed for clean-up sponges or use a rubber band to attach them to a stick for a DIY sponge holder.

How to Utilize a Sponge for Wheelthrowing

I prefer to throw with one sponge in my right hand. The sponge doesn’t necessarily touch the clay, but it is helpful for organizing my hand in a comfortable way, and as a small water reservoir. But there are as many ways to use a sponge as there are potters.

A few quick tips on sponges and throwing:

> When throwing, try holding no sponge, 1 sponge in your throwing hand, or 2 sponges (one in each hand). You will quickly find the method that works for you. Two sponges may be a great way for beginners to get the feel of clay and help focus the pressure.

> Keep in mind that you should have one point of pressure on the inside, and one on the outside. This could be a fingertip, a knuckle, or use a sponge to make that single point of contact.

> The best sponge is the one that is most comfortable for you. Check out the advice above, and try out a few sponges. Experience is the only way to figure out what works for you.

> Set up a large yellow sponge for easy clean up of your wheelhead or any spills / splashes. They are also great for wiping your hands. I wipe and clean my hands often when throwing, especially if I am going to touch a switch on the wheel, or switch to a shaping tool such as a rib. Large yellow sponges are the best way to quickly clean your hands.


This post has reviewed small sponges for use while throwing on the wheel, and given advice on other sponge tools along with a few DIY tips and ideas of how to use a sponge. The top recommended sponge is a synthetic round yellow tack sponge, but there are a lot of options.

What sponges do you use? Any tips for sponges and wheel throwing? Let us know in the comments.

Gift Guide For Potters and Ceramic Artists

UPDATE: Click here for our new 2023-24 Gift Guide!

Looking for a gift for a potter? Or perhaps ideas of how you can treat yourself? This post includes gift ideas for someone who works with clay and has sections for gifts under $25, $50, $100, and concludes with other ideas.

When shopping, keep in mind that most potters probably already have a basic tool kit and a few others tools. In a separate post, we’ve also got a handy guide to the best tools for pottery beginners, and there are many other posts on this site with reviews of tools we love.

Note: This site uses affiliate links for sites such as Amazon and Blick. If you click the links and complete a purchase, we may receive a percentage at no extra cost to you.

Gifts Under $25

Kemper Clay Drill

The Kemper Clay Drill

The Kemper Clay Drill

This single tool is a workhorse and replaces an entire set of hollow hole punches, many of which are more difficult to use and clean. The Kemper Clay Drill is easy to use, a breeze to clean, and is the best way to make holes in greenware for teapots, flower pots, lamp cords, or wherever you need a hole. This quality steel tool can drill a hole as small as 1/16” of an inch or as big as 3/4”. Simple insert and twist, and keep drilling to your desired diameter. The beveled edge results in a clean, even hole. It’s one of my favorite tools and usually costs around $4 to $5, making it a perfect stocking stuffer.

Xiem Studio Tools BatMate

The Xiem Studio Tools Bat Mate

The Xiem Studio Tools Bat Mate

The BatMate from Xiem Studio Tools is a 12-inch diameter piece of synthetic fabric that can be placed in between a bat and wheel head to virtually eliminate any wobble, improving the accuracy of throwing and trimming. Many potters, however, wet the fabric and place it directly on a wheel head to use when trimming pots. Pots will stay put just by tension, without adding little balls of clay wadding. This saves time and works just as well. At around $15, this is a tool that gets used all the time once it’s in a potter’s kit.

Hand Cream

Weleda Skin Food

Weleda Skin Food

Pottery and clay can be hard on hands, especially in the colder months and any potter will appreciate some nice lotion. Our favorite everyday cream is O’Keeffe’s Working Hands Cream (shop at Amazon), but if you wanted something more fancy, the Weleda Skin Food is a rich, luxurious cream that will help protect hands during a long studio session or at home.

Another favorite of many is Potter’s Skin Butter from Cara Mae Skincare. (For a complete look at hand creams, check out our studio hand cream review here. )

There are many great lotions, but I love Skin Food because it is extra thick, smells great, melds into your skin quickly, and the squeeze tube makes it easy to use at home or studio. It usually costs around $19 for a 2.5 oz tube.

Mini Ribbon Tool Set

Mini Ribbon Tool Set

Mini Ribbon Tool Set

This set of 6 tools is great for detail work, decorating, and finishing a piece of pottery or a sculpture. At 5 1/2” each, the metal tools don’t take up much room but they can do a lot. I don’t like to have dozens and dozens of tools, but I always have a set of these nearby, especially for detail work or scraffito. For around $13, it’s a great addition to a potter’s tool kit.

Xiem Studio Tools Precision Applicator

The 3 oz Precision Applicator from Xiem Studio Tools.

The 3 oz Precision Applicator from Xiem Studio Tools.

Another awesome tool from Xiem is the precision applicator, available in 1 and 3 oz sizes. The applicators have a soft, flexible rubber bulb with a variety of screw-on metal tips. Mostly used for slip trailing and slip decoration techniques, these bulbs can be used to apply just about any type of thicker, viscous liquid. The larger 3 oz size will be the best option for most. There are cheaper slip-trailing options that are a plastic bottle with similar metal tips, but the rubber bulb in the Xiem applicator provides steady, even pressure that is just easier to use. For around $20, this is a quality tool.

Green Split Leg Apron


This green split-leg apron is popular with many of my students and has a few features that make it a nice upgrade from a standard kitchen apron. Made from cotton, it has an adjustable, clip-on neck strap and it also has clips to attach the split legs to either leg. Some may prefer a longer apron (such as the Claypron) but this apron covers the thighs and the split-leg design makes it perfect for sitting at the pottery wheel. Usually available for $20 to $25, the Revco green apron is available in 36”, 42” and 48” lengths.

For our complete guide to aprons, click here.

Harbor Freight Canvas Rigger’s Bag

The Harbor Freight Canvas Riggers Tool Bag.

The Harbor Freight Canvas Riggers Tool Bag.

This canvas tool bag has plenty of pockets and space to keep things organized, which is especially important if you work in a shared studio. As many pottery tools are quite small, it is helpful to keep everything together. And as this is open and made from cloth, you can put tools in immediately after cleaning and they will dry out and stay rust free. Usually available for around $25, this canvas tool bag will last for years of heavy studio use.

Neiko Diamond-Coated Drill Bits

5 piece diamond coated drill bit set from Neiko.

5 piece diamond coated drill bit set from Neiko.

Diamond-coated drill bits are the best way to drill holes in bisque or glaze-fired ceramics. (Do this with plenty of water and eye protection, and you’ll also need a cordless drill) While there are numerous name-brand and generic drill bits for cutting accurate holes, this set from Neiko is a great way to get started with diamond bits. Ranging from 5/32” to 1/2”, the Neiko bits are a good size for tasks such as drilling cord holes in ceramic lamps or adding drainage holes for planters. At $10 or less, the Neiko bits are a cost-effective addition to any ceramic studio.

Fun T-Shirts at Society6

Retro 70s Pottery T Shirt

Retro 70s Pottery T Shirt (Shop at Society6)

The website Society6 has a lot of fun and interesting t-shirts and other merchandise with pottery and kiln themes. If you see a pattern or design you like, make sure to click around — designs are usually available on multiple products so you can find the right gift.

Society6 is a print-on-demand site where artists and designers can upload their own designs and they make a percentage of the sale price, so not only are you getting a cool gift, but you’re supporting other artists and designers too.

Evolution of Pottery T Shirt

Evolution of Pottery T Shirt (Shop at Society6)

Kintsugi heart pottery t shirt

Kintsugi Heart T Shirt (Shop at Society6)

Gifts Under $50

Mastering the Potter’s Wheel by Ben Carter

Mastering the Potter's Wheel.jpg

This approachable book is great for beginners and intermediate pottery students. The thorough, straightforward advice covers a variety of throwing techniques and how to alter and modify those thrown forms. The book even includes a section on stretches and ways to avoid a sore lower back. Published in 2016, it’s a great addition to any potter’s book shelf.

Mastering the Potter’s Wheel, 208 pages, 8 x 10”, 2016, $30

Shop at

Shop at Dick Blick

Shop at Amazon

Zebrawood Carving Tool

The P1 Zebrawood Carver from Diamond Core Tools.

The P1 Zebrawood Carver from Diamond Core Tools.

The Zebrawood Carvers from Diamond Core Tools are functional, long-lasting (replaceable blades!), and beautiful. At 5.5 inches long, they feel like a pencil and can be used for sharp, even cutting tasks such as scraffitto and other forms of decoration. Diamond Core makes these with a wide variety of cutting blades—the P1 is a great carver to start with. At $37 each, these are on the expensive side for a ceramic tool but the adjustable blade and beautiful wood makes this a great gift for any potter.

Magna Cart

The Magna Cart.

The Magna Cart.

If you work with clay, you need to move stuff all the time. Whether it is boxes of clay, packaged ware for shipping, or large sculptures, the Magna Cart is an invaluable tool that folds up for efficient storage when not in use. Store it in a closet or the trunk of a car, it’s a handy tool that will get used all the time. The cart can hold 150 lbs (I’ve pushed it to 200 and that can be too much), has 5” rubber wheels, a 15” wide base and the handle can extend to 39” tall. There are a lot of folding carts on the market now in all shapes and sizes, but the classic Magna Cart is still the best option.

10,000 Years of Pottery by Emmanuel Cooper

10000 Years of Pottery.jpg

This lavishly illustrated book is a great addition to any potter’s bookshelf. Tracing the history of ceramics from the Ancient Near East through contemporary times, the book covers all parts of the globe along with the arts and crafts movement, ceramics and industry, studio ceramics, and more. Originally published in 1972, the book has been updated continuously since. The most recent 4th edition is available as a paperback for $30. My favorite thing is to just flip through this book for ideas and inspiration—it’s 360 pages long there are full-color pictures on almost every page.

Diamond Hand Pads

Stadea semi-hard foam-backed diamond hand pads.

Stadea semi-hard foam-backed diamond hand pads.

Semi-flexible diamond hand pads from Diamond Core Tools.

Semi-flexible diamond hand pads from Diamond Core Tools.

Diamond hand pads are the perfect way to sand away burrs, small glaze drips, and rough patches on pots, sculptures, or kiln shelves and posts. Made of industrial-grade diamonds embedded in plastic, these are available from a variety of manufacturers as either soft, flexible pads or semi-hard foam-backed pads. The foam backed are my favorite because they provide structure and support your hand, but the flexible pads are useful for sanding more complicated shapes. Available as sets or individual pads, my recommendation is to get four individual pads in the range of 50 grit, 100 grit, 200 grit, and maybe 400 grit.

The soft pads are available from Diamond Core Tools. The foam backed pads are available from Diamond Core and other companies such as Stadea. Expect to spend $15 to $30 each for one pad, but if used just when needed (use sandpaper for more everyday tasks), they should last for some time, maybe even years.

Shop diamond sanding pads at Diamond Core Tools

Shop Stadea diamond sanding pads at Amazon

Gifts Under $100

Banding Wheel

Shimpo Banding Wheels are heavy duty and come in five different sizes.

Shimpo Banding Wheels are heavy duty and come in five different sizes.

Banding wheels are very useful studio tools for coil building, sculpting, and decorating. And a high-quality design such as Shimpo banding wheels will last for decades or longer. Made of cast iron with sealed bearings, the Shimpo banding wheels are the best on the market. They are on the heavy side, but this added weight gives the wheels a smooth, even spin. Shimpo banding wheels come in five different sizes ranging from $60 to about $120. For more info, read our complete review of banding wheels, but of the options on the market, there is no doubt that these are the best.

Handheld Extruder

The Nidec Shimpo Handheld Extruder

The Nidec Shimpo Handheld Extruder

A handheld extruder is one of the best ways to make handles or other shapes in a quick, efficient way. Basically a specialized version of a caulking gun, soft clay is inserted in the 2” wide barrel, a die is placed at the end, the cap screwed on, and you can pull the trigger and the plunger begins pushing clay through the die. You can also use hollow dies to make small forms that would be almost impossible to make by hand. Until I used one, I was skeptical that this was a useful tool but now I’m a convert—It’s my favorite way to make handles that are uniform and easy to use. For clean up, the whole tool can be plunged under water if necessary.

There are a variety of handheld extruders, which are all about the same, but the Nidec Shimpo Handheld Extruder is compact and well built. The key is getting dies that work for. In addition to the basic dies, my favorite add on is the Scott Creek Handle Die kit, which should match up with any small handheld extruder. The Shimpo Handheld Extruder is usually around $60 and extra die kits generally cost around $40.

MudTools Essentials Kit

The MudTools 9-piece Essentials Starter Kit

The MudTools 9-piece Essentials Starter Kit

MudTools makes innovative tools such as their beloved flexible plastic ribs, and this Essential Starter Kit includes nine of their most popular tools in one kit. A great gift for pottery beginners, experienced potters will also appreciate this kit. Included are three flexible polymer ribs, the Mudshark cutting tool, a cut-off wire with polymer handles, a long plastic scraper/rib, a sponge, the MudTools all-in-one trimming tool, and the MudTools shredder. At around $70, this is a great gift option for every potter. For more info, read our guide here on beginner pottery tools here.

Note: Some marketing describes this as a 10-piece kit, but I would classify the plastic holder as a “tool.”

Other Gift Ideas

Pottery Wheels

Thinking of getting a new wheel as a gift? Check out our guide to table top wheels here, and our guide to full-size wheels here.

Cordless Drill

A drill is a functional, useful tool and a new one can make a great gift. Check out our buyer’s guide to cordless drills or corded drills.

We’ve got a lot of ideas in our various tool guides. Other ideas for gifts include scales for glaze mixing, accessories for glaze mixing, or maybe even tools that can be used in the kitchen or the studio.

Other Gift Ideas:

Classes: A set of classes at your local ceramics studio can be a great gift. If you can’t find a studio, ask a local clay supplier if they can recommend local studios.

Magazine Subscriptions: Magazines are great sources of ideas and inspiration. Check out Pottery Making Illustrated or Ceramics Monthly.

Tours, Trips, or Conferences: Look for pottery-specific travel tours, retreats, or conferences.

What ideas do you have for pottery gifts? Let us know in the comments.

Gift Guides

Check out these posts:

2022 Gift Guide for Potters and Ceramic Artist

Gift Guide for Young Artist and Creative Kids

Gift Guide for Artists Who Paint and Draw

Table Top Pottery Wheel Buyer's Guide

The Speedball Artista table top wheel.

The Speedball Artista table top wheel.

The Shimpo Aspire table top wheel.

The Shimpo Aspire table top wheel.

NOTE: For an updated version of this guide, click here.

If you need a lightweight, compact pottery wheel your best option is a table top or portable wheel. These are especially popular for classrooms, at-home use, or if you need to put your wheel away on a shelf or closet. You can still get great results with table top wheels, but there are trade offs in power and other options found in full-size wheels. If portability isn’t your biggest concern, there are also larger wheels that can be used on table tops.

For portable wheels, there are basically two options:

Speedball Artista: A lightweight wheel with an 11” wheelhead and 1/3 HP motor (Shop Artista at Blick)

Shimpo Aspire: A lightweight wheel with a 7” wheelhead and 1/3 HP motor (Shop Aspire at Blick)

For full size wheels that can easily be converted to table top wheels, there are another two options:

Brent IE models: an entry-level full sized wheel that without legs is just 13” tall and can be used on a table top. (Shop IE at Blick) (Note: The IE models appear to have been discontinued as of 2021)

Shimpo VL-Whisper: Our top pick for a full size wheel, the VL-Whisper has a unique magnetic motor design that allows it to be used without legs as a table top wheel. (Shop VL-Whisper at Blick)

This guide will cover each of these models to help you make the decision that is right for you.

Table of Contents

  1. Speedball Artist Portable Wheel

  2. Shimpo Aspire Portable Wheel

  3. Brent IE Wheel

  4. Shimpo VL-Whisper

  5. Other Table Top Options

  6. Comparison Chart

  7. Summary

Speedball Artista Table Top Wheel

The Speedball Artista wheel is designed for table top use but has optional leg attachments.

The Speedball Artista wheel is designed for table top use.

The Speedball Artista is a popular table top pottery wheel that has optional foot pedal and leg attachments. It has a 1/3 horse power motor, an 11” wheelhead, can center up to 25 lbs of clay, and weighs just 26 pounds. The wheelhead, which has standard 10” bat pins, sits just 3 5/8” above whatever surface you set this on. That’s a lot of options in a small package that usually costs around $450 to $500.

The Speedball line of wheels. At right is the Artista with the optional leg and foot pedal attachments.

The Speedball line of wheels. At right is the Artista with the optional leg and foot pedal attachments.

The optional legs and foot pedal will add about another $200 to the cost, giving you basically a full size pottery wheel. I wouldn’t recommend getting the Artista and all the attachments if what you really want is a full-size wheel (Check out the Speedball Clay Boss for that), but if you need something that you can move around, put away when not in use, and set up in a variety of places, then this is great option. It’s also a great wheel for kids, hobbyists, or that you can add to the corner of a classroom or home studio.

Shimpo Aspire Table Top Wheel

The Shimpo Aspire pictured with the optional foot pedal.

The Shimpo Aspire pictured with the optional foot pedal.

The Aspire is Shimpo’s table top option, with a 1/3 horse power, belt-driven 7 inch wheel head. It is rated to a 20 lb centering capacity, and the wheel has a max speed of 230 rpm via the hand lever, and up to 250 rpm if controlled by the optional foot pedal. The whole unit weighs 31 lbs, making it relatively easy to put away on a shelf or closet when not in use.

The Aspire costs about the same as the Speedball Artista, generally around $480 to $530, but unlike the Artista, it is solely a table top wheel. It does not have optional legs, but there is an optional foot pedal for an extra $60. The wheel head is small, but adequate for the amount of clay it can handle. And there are a variety of bats that will fit the 6” bat pin spacing.

The decision here is a bit simpler than with the Artista because it is a dedicated table top machine that is lightweight and dependable. Aside from the optional foot pedal, it doesn’t have a lot of bells and whistles but it’s a quality Shimpo machine that might be the right wheel for your situation.

Brent IE Pottery Wheel

The Brent IE-X, the upgraded 1/3 HP version of Brent’s entry-level wheel.

The Brent IE-X, the upgraded 1/3 HP version of Brent’s entry-level wheel.

Note: as of spring 2021, the IE wheels are no longer listed on Brent’s website and appear to have been discontinued. You may still find them at some suppliers, or used.
The IE is the entry-level wheel from Brent, and while not exactly a portable wheel, it does feature adjustable legs that allow it to be easily used as a table top wheel. In this configuration, the wheelhead sits 13” above the surface it is placed on. The IE weighs around 90 lbs so once it is placed on a table top, you’re probably not going to want to move it that often.

The IE has a 1/4 horse power motor, a 12” wheelhead, a 75 lb centering capacity, a top speed of 240 RPM, and the legs are adjustable from 20 high to 25” high. The base IE model can be upgraded to the same features with a reversing switch (the IE-R model), or the IE-X features a 1/3 HP motor with a 14” wheelhead.

The IE will give you the same dependable quality that Brent is known for, but to me, it’s a model that doesn’t really fill a niche. With a base price of around $1200 to $1300, it is a LOT more expensive than an entry-level budget wheel such as the Speedball Clay Boss. And it’s not too much cheaper than a really great, more powerful wheel found in the Brent line or other manufacturers.

Where the IE does shine is the flexibility for table top use. If you want a full-size table top wheel and you prefer Brent wheels, than this is the wheel for you.

Shimpo VL-Whisper

With the legs removed, the Shimpo VL-Whisper makes a great table top wheel.

With the legs removed, the Shimpo VL-Whisper makes a great table top wheel.

The Shimpo VL-Whisper is not only our top-rated full-size wheel, it is also a great option for table top use. With the virtually silent, magnet-driven wheel, the VL-Whisper has a flat design that can sit on a table top when the legs are removed. Like the IE, the wheelhead does sit relatively high off the table top, but if you want a table-top or standing wheel with all the bells and whistles of a top-of-the-line wheel, this is a great option.

Rather than a motor and belt, the VL-Whisper is driven by a virtually silent series of magnets that spin the wheel.

Rather than a motor and belt, the VL-Whisper is driven by a virtually silent series of magnets that spin the wheel.

The VL-Whisper (or Velocity) has a 1/2 horse power motor, a 14” wheel head, a reversible switch, and can center up to 100 lbs. At around 135 lbs, it is heavy, but it’s a sturdy machine with the quietest motor on the market. At a typically price of $1350–$1450, it hits that sweet spot of great performance and options, while being in about the middle of the price range for full size wheels.

While it can be a table top wheel, the VL-Whisper is certainly not portable or that easy to move and put away. But if you are comparing it to the IE, it’s got a lot more options for just a bit more money. It’s a great wheel.

Other Table Top Wheel Options

US Art table top wheel.jpg

Another option is the U.S. Art Supply 3/4 HP Table Top pottery wheel. It has a stronger motor than other table top options, an 11” wheelhead with proprietary 3-pin bats, can go forward and reverse, tops out at 300 rpm, has a foot pedal, and weighs around 43 lbs.

They have really packed a lot of features into this table top wheel and it is in the same price range as the Artista and Aspire—around $500, though it is heavier.

The reviews on this wheel are really mixed. Some people love it and have had great success, recommending it for beginners or intermediate potters. Some say it wobbles but others describe it as quite sturdy. In general, everyone agrees that the splash pan is not the best. With a one-year warranty, I can only recommend this wheel with reservations. For the price, I would go with the Artista or Aspire. And for around $200 more, you could get a full-size wheel like the Speedball Clay Boss.

In addition to the U.S. Art Supply table top wheel, there are a variety of generic wheels for sale. They range anywhere in price from $150 to $500, so they seem like a great budget option. But you may end up with a machine that breaks down quickly and is not well built. In general, I would go with the trusted pottery wheel manufacturers that provide a 2, 5, or even 10 year warranty on their wheels. The last thing you want is to buy a junky machine, so go with a wheel that will stand the test of time.

Table Top Pottery Wheel Comparison Chart

Below is a chart with all the wheels mentioned in this post.

Table Top Pottery Wheels

Click the model name to shop at Dick Blick or Amazon.
Model Typical Price Motor (HP) Wheelhead
Bat Pin
Reversible Dimensions Weight Speed (RPM) Warranty Capacity
Speedball Artista $459–$567 1/3 HP 11" 10" No, but available as R or L handed 24 x 18 x 9" 26 lbs 0-220 2 years 25 lbs
Shimpo Aspire $480–$565 1/3 HP 7" 6" No 14.5 x 20 x 9" 31 lbs 0-230 hand, 0-250 foot pedal 5 years 20 lbs
US Art Table Top $500 3/4 HP 11" Custom 3 pin design Yes, switch 17 x 26 x 13" 42.3 lbs 0-300 1 year 25 lbs
Brent IE $1,198–$1,475 1/4 HP 12" 10" Optional upgrade 21 x 26 x 13" high or 20-25 with legs" 93 lbs 0-240 5 years 75 lbs
Brent IE-X $1,348–$1,685 1/3 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 21 x 26 x 13" high or 20-25 with legs" 93 lbs 0-240 5 years 100 lbs
VL-Whisper $1,250–$1,550 1/2 HP, 400w 14" 10" Yes, switch 23.2 x 27.5 x 22.75" 122 lbs 0-250 5 years 100 lbs

For a comparison of all types of wheels including full size wheels, click here.

And for our buyer’s guide to full-size wheels, click here


Table top pottery wheels are great options for a wide variety of potters. Portable wheels work for kids, classrooms, home use, or if you need to bring a wheel for a demo. If you just want table top wheels, you can also easily modify a few heavier full-size wheels to use on table tops. The wheels covered in this post are all well-built, dependable options for table top use, and a few are light enough to be truly portable. Given the choice, I would recommend a full-size wheel such as the VL-Whisper, but if you are going for your first wheel or need a lightweight, portable option, dropping $500 on the Shimpo Aspire or Speedball Artista will get you a wheel that will hold up under years of use.

What table top pottery wheels do you prefer? Let us know in the comments.

Pottery Wheel Comparison Chart

This post is no longer up to date and will be archived soon.

Please click here for the latest 2025 Pottery Wheel Comparison Chart

The Shimpo VL-Whisper, the top pick in our Pottery Wheel Buyer’s Guide.

The Shimpo VL-Whisper, the top pick in our Pottery Wheel Buyer’s Guide.

Note: Updated prices and info as of October 2023

This chart includes every wheel made by dependable manufacturers, including Bailey, Brent, Lockerbie, Pacifica, Shimpo, Skutt Thomas Stuart, Soldner, and Speedball. The chart includes specifications, typical price ranges, and other information to help you make a decision when shopping for a wheel.

Click here for our complete 2023 Pottery Wheel Buyer’s Guide, including our top picks, tips on how to buy, and a complete description of each manufacturer.

Note: The chart below uses affiliate links with Dick Blick and Amazon. If you click a link and make a purchase, we may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.

Bailey Pottery Wheels

Available at
Model Typical Price Motor (HP) Wheelhead
Bat Pin
Reversible Dimensions Weight Speed (RPM) Warranty Capacity
ST $1,351 1/4 HP 12" 10" Yes, plug 22.5 x 25.5 x 21" 93 lbs 0-200 5/10 years 50 lbs
ST-X $1,541 1/4 HP 13" 10" Yes, switch 24.5 x 29 x 20.25" 103 lbs 0-200 10 years 50 lbs
ST-XL $1,702 1/2 HP 13" 10" Yes, switch 24.5 x 29 x 20.25" 123 lbs 0-200 10 years 100 lbs
PRO-50R $1,499 1/4 HP 12" 10" Yes, plug 24.25 x 29 x 20.25" 92 lbs 0-200 10 years 50 lbs
PRO-X $1,581 1/4 HP 13" 10" Yes, switch 24.5 x 29 x 20.25" 102 lbs 0-200 10 years 50 lbs
PRO-XL $1,692 1/2 HP 13" 10" Yes, switch 24.5 x 29 x 20.25" 116 lbs 0-200 10 years 100 lbs

Brent Pottery Wheels

Click links in the chart to shop at Blick.
Model Typical Price Motor (HP) Wheelhead
Bat Pin
Reversible Dimensions Weight Speed (RPM) Warranty Capacity
B $1,898 1/2 HP 12" 10" Yes, switch 21 x 28 x 21.5" 119 lbs 0-240 10 years 150 lbs
B Black $1,938 1/2 HP 12" 10" Yes, switch 21 x 28 x 21.5" 119 lbs 0-240 10 years 150 lbs
C $1,983 3/4 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 21 x 28 x 21.5" 121 lbs 0-240 10 years 225 lbs
C Black $2,023 3/4 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 21 x 28 x 21.5" 121 lbs 0-240 10 years 225 lbs
CXC $2,064 1 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 21 x 28 x 21.5" H 129 lbs 0-240 10 years 300 lbs
CXC Black $2,104 1 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 21 x 28 x 21.5" H 129 lbs 0-240 10 years 300 lbs
Model 16 $3,855 1/2 HP 12" 10" Yes, switch 36 x 36 x 21-35" H 287 lbs 0-240 2 years 150 lbs

Lockerbie Pottery Wheels

Available at and other ceramic suppliers.
Model Typical Price Motor (HP) Wheelhead Diameter Bat Pin Diameter Reversible Dimensions Weight Speed (RPM) Warranty Capacity
Kickwheel $1,575 N/A 13" 10" N/A 42 x 36 x 30" 325 lbs N/A 5 years N/A
Electric $1,881 1/3 HP 13" 10" No 42 x 36 x 30" 365 lbs 0-157 5 years 50 lbs
Electric-Reversible $2,024 1/3 HP 13" 10" Yes 42 x 36 x 30" 365 lbs 0-157 5 years 50 lbs

Pacifica Pottery Wheels

Click the links to shop at Blick.
Model Typical Price Motor (HP) Wheelhead
Bat Pin
Reversible Dimensions Weight Speed (RPM) Warranty Capacity
GT400 $1,260 1/4 HP 13" 10" Yes 31 x 27 x 20" 92 lbs 0-260 5 years 80 lbs
GT800 $1,485 1/2 HP 13" 10" Yes 31 x 27 x 20" 105 lbs 0-260 5 years 100 lbs

Shimpo Pottery Wheels

Click the links below to shop at Blick.
Model Typical Price Motor (HP) Wheelhead
Bat Pin
Reversible Dimensions Weight Speed (RPM) Warranty Capacity
Aspire table top $569 1/3 HP 100w 7" 6" No 14.5 x 20 x 9" 25 lbs 0-230 hand, 0-250 foot 5 years 20 lbs
VL-Lite $858 1/2 HP 100w 12" 10" Yes, switch 22 x 28 x 21" 85 lbs 0-250 5 years 25 lbs
RK-Whisper $1,310 1/2 HP, 400w 12" 10" Yes, switch 20 x 21 x 20" 118 lbs 0-250 5 years 100 lbs
VL-Whisper $1,532 1/2 HP, 400w 14" 10" Yes, switch 23.2 x 27.5 x 22.75" 122 lbs 0-250 5 years 100 lbs

Skutt Pottery Wheels

Click the links in the chart to shop at Blick.
*Note that Skutt does not provide RPMs or Centering Capacity.
Model Typical Price Motor (HP) Wheelhead
Bat Pin
Reversible Dimensions Weight Speed (RPM) Warranty Capacity
Prodigy $1,320 1/3 HP 12" 10" No 24 x 30 x 24" 94 lbs - 10 years -
Removable splash pans:
Legend $1,849 1/3 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 24 x 30 x 24" 117 lbs - 10 years -
Legend $1,980 1/2 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 24 x 30 x 24" 119 lbs - 10 years -
Legend $2,100 1 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 24 x 30 x 24" H 128 lbs - 10 years -
Built-In Splash Pans:
Classic $1,900 1/3 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 24 x 30 x 24" 127 lbs - 10 years -
Classic $2,153 1/2 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 24 x 30 x 24" 128 lbs - 10 years -
Classic $2,189 1 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 24 x 30 x 24" 140 lbs - 10 years -

Soldner Pottery Wheels

*Prices listed are as of 2022.
Model Typical Price Motor (HP) Wheelhead
Bat Pin
Reversible Dimensions Weight Speed (RPM) Warranty Capacity
S50 $1,409 1/6 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 24 x 24 x 19-25" 85 lbs 0-250 2 years 50 lbs
S100 $1,576 1/4 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 24 x 24 x 19-25" 95 lbs 0-250 2 years 100 lbs
P100 $1,891 1/4 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 29 x 38 x 22-28" 130 lbs 0-250 2 years 100 lbs
P200 $2,079 1/2 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 29 x 38 x 22-28" 145 lbs 0-250 2 years 200 lbs
P400 $2,438 3/4 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 29 x 38 x 22-28" 160 lbs 0-250 2 years 400 lbs

Speedball Pottery Wheels

Click the model name to shop at Blick.
Model Typical Price Motor (HP) Wheelhead
Bat Pin
Reversible Dimensions Weight Speed (RPM) Warranty Capacity
Artista table top $549 1/3 HP 11" 10" No 24 x 18 x 9" 26 lbs 0-220 2 years 25 lbs
Clay Boss $1038 1/2 HP 14" 10" Yes, plug 21 x 26 x 19.5" 83 lbs 0-240 10 years 100 lbs
Big Boss $1,271 0.85 HP 14" 10" Yes, plug 21 x 26 x 19.5" 89 lbs 0-250 10 years 150 lbs
Boss Elite SQ $1,428 1 HP 14" 10" Yes, plug 21 x 26 x 19.5" 96 lbs 0-240 5 years 175 lbs

Sources and Research

The information in the chart was compiled by visiting manufacturers’ websites, reviewing product manuals, and researching products on various retailers’ websites. Every effort has been made to provide accurate, up-to-date info. If you notice any errors, please contact us.

Click here for our complete 2023-24 Pottery Wheel Buyer’s Guide.

Or check out our 2023-24 Table Top Wheel Buyer’s Guide.

Other posts of interest:

Gift Guide For Potters and Ceramic Artists

Best Loop Tools for Trimming Pottery

For more info on Pottery Wheels and where this data was sourced from:





Shimpo: Japan; North America:

Skutt Thomas Stuart:



Pottery Wheel Buyer's Guide — The Best Wheels For All Studios

A classroom set of our top pick, the Shimpo VL-Whisper pottery wheel. The latest model of the Whisper has a slightly different table top shape but same super-quiet motor.

A classroom set of our top pick, the Shimpo VL-Whisper pottery wheel. The latest model of the Whisper has a slightly different table top shape but same super-quiet motor.


Note: CLICK HERE to read our new and updated guide for 2023-2024

There are a number of great pottery wheels on the market for all sorts of budgets and skill levels. But it can be confusing to figure out which wheel is right for you. This guide is here to help you pick the size, style, and type of wheel that is best for your studio and budget.

TOP PICK: Our top pick for all studios is the Shimpo VL-Whisper. It’s a super-quiet workhorse with a 1/2 horse power motor that usually costs around $1,300-1,400. Shop at Blick

BUDGET PICK: For a budget / entry level wheel, we love the Speedball Clay Boss, which you can usually find for just over $700. It’s got a 1/2 HP belt-driven motor. Shop at Blick

PRO PICK: And for a professional pick, we love the Soldner P200 or any of the higher-end Skutt / Thomas Stuart Wheels, which typically cost $1,400 to $2,000. Shop at Blick

In addition to reviews and recommendations of top wheels, this guide will cover:

  • What to look for when buying a wheel

  • Tips on where and how to buy

  • Provide a side-by-side comparison chart of just about every wheel on the market so that you can make the most informed decision.

Note on cheap generic wheels:
This guide only covers wheels from dependable manufacturers including Bailey, Brent, Lockerbie, Pacifica, Shimpo, Skutt, Soldner, and Speedball. There are numerous other generic wheels that are available online for $200 or less. These generics receive very mixed reviews, are small and have small wheelheads, have very weak motors, don’t have bat pins, and don’t hold up under regular use. You might try these, but that $200 would be better put towards any wheel listed below, which will last 10 to 20 years or longer when used properly.

For a complete review and guide, keep scrolling.

Table of Contents

  1. Top Pick: Shimpo VL-Whisper

  2. Budget Pick: Speedball Clay Boss

  3. Pro Pick: Soldner Wheels or Skutt Wheels

  4. Other Great Wheels

  5. Understanding Pottery Wheels

  6. How To Shop For A Wheel

  7. Pottery Wheel Comparison Charts

Top Pick: Shimpo VL-Whisper

The Nidec-Shimpo VL-Whisper pottery wheel, our top pick for a wheel. It has a super-quiet motor, adjustable legs, and a lot of thoughtful features.

The Nidec-Shimpo VL-Whisper pottery wheel, our top pick for a wheel. It has a super-quiet motor, adjustable legs, and a lot of thoughtful features.

Our top pick for all types of studios and skill levels is the Nidec-Shimpo VL-Whisper pottery wheel. Introduced about 10 years ago, this has become one of the top-selling wheels mainly due to its innovative 1/2 horse power, direct-drive DC motor that uses magnets to drive the wheel. This system makes the VL-Whisper truly the most quiet wheel on the market. Almost every other wheel uses a belt-drive system that makes more noise and has more moving parts that can break down over time.

The Shimpo VL-Whisper with the legs removed, for use as a table top wheel if you prefer to stand while throwing.

The Shimpo VL-Whisper with the legs removed, for use as a table top wheel if you prefer to stand while throwing.

Along with being super quiet, the VL-Whisper magnetic drive has instant torque and is powerful enough for most potters. The rest of the wheel is well designed with a three legs, sturdy plastic top, 2-part splash pan that surrounds a 14” wheelhead, a moveable floor pedal, and a switch to run the wheel clockwise or counterclockwise. The 1/2 horsepower 400 watt motor is rated to a centering capacity of 100 lbs and the wheel comes with a 5 year warranty.

The VL-Whisper has other thoughtful engineering touches, including adjustable, removable legs that allow for tabletop use or a variety of heights on the floor. The wheelhead also turns freely at 0 rpm, allowing for use as a banding wheel. The VL-Whisper weighs around 120 lbs and measures 23 1/8” x 27 1/2” and can range from 11” to 21” in height.

With all this great stuff there are basically no drawbacks, which is why it is our top pick. Some pro potters may want a more powerful motor, and some beginners may find the price tag prohibitive (typically $1400), but I can really say without a doubt that this is the best overall wheel on the market. What really sets it apart is the quiet motor, adjustable legs, 0 rpm banding wheel option, and how it is just a thoughtfully designed, sturdy machine.

This wheel is available at just about every ceramic supplier worldwide. There are often vendors on Amazon selling a package with shipping included, or the wheel is readily available at Dick Blick art stores in North America.

Budget Pick: Speedball Clay Boss

The Speedball Clay Boss, our top pick for a budget wheel. It’s got a 1/2 horse power motor and lighter body construction that many prefer.

The Speedball Clay Boss, our top pick for a budget wheel. It’s got a 1/2 horse power motor and lighter body construction that many prefer.

The Speedball Clay Boss is our top pick for an entry-level pottery wheel. It’s a great for students, beginners, but still works for pros who want a lightweight wheel. It’s got a 1/2 horse power motor, a belt-driven wheel, 14” wheelhead, and a standard triangular design that clocks in at just over 80 lbs, making it one of the lightest pottery wheels on the market with a motor of that size. Known for lightweight wheels with a devoted fan base, the Speedball wheels build on the tradition of Creative Industries, a ceramics company that Speedball acquired in 2009.

The Clay Boss measures 26” x 21” x 19.5” high, has a detached foot pedal, and is reversible by switching the direction of the plug, so it will work for throwing clockwise or counter clockwise. It also comes with a 10 year warranty. The Clay Boss can usually be found at just over $700, making it the most affordable wheel from a dependable manufacturer on the market, and if you need a more powerful motor, there are upgrades available within the Speedball line.

There aren’t any big downsides to this wheel, but there are trade offs. For example, it’s quite light for a wheel because it doesn’t have a beefy table or legs. I wouldn’t stand on top of this wheel, but it is easy to move. And it’s belt-driven, so it will be noisier than our top pick, the Shimpo VL-Whisper. But it’s still a great wheel that will get the job done. Many of the old Creative Industries wheels are still going strong after 20 or 30 years, and I would expect these Speedball wheels to have the same longevity.

Pro Pick: Soldner Wheels or Skutt Wheels

The Soldner P-200, a 1/2 horse power pottery wheel. Soldner wheels are known for their ultra-responsive foot pedal and plywood table tops.

The Soldner P-200, a 1/2 horse power pottery wheel. Soldner wheels are known for their ultra-responsive foot pedal and plywood table tops.

For the professional potter, the best wheels are made by Soldner Wheels or from the Skutt / Thomas Stuart Line. These wheels feature large, oversized motors and extra-responsive, upgraded foot pedals, combined with sturdy legs and tops. Do you need a wheel like this? If you are serious potter, spending a few hours a day on the wheel or more, the larger motors will really deliver for you and not overheat (The Shimpo VL-Whisper is great in this regard too). Many also prefer the super-sensitive foot pedals and various upgrades available in these wheels.

Soldner wheels are the only wheels on the market with wooden tops. Made by Bluebird Manufacturing in Fort Collins, Colorado, the finished, marine-grade plywood is attractive and super strong. And the Soldner wheels are known for their smooth, strong motors with a top-of-the-line foot pedal that will adjust to every touch you give. These wheels are a pleasure to use. For most, we would recommend the P200 model that has a half moon table and a 1/2 horse power motor.

The Skutt / Thomas Stuart Elite, a 1/2 horsepower pottery wheel with a built-in splash pan. Note the extra large motor on the Skutt wheels.

The Skutt / Thomas Stuart Elite, a 1/2 horsepower pottery wheel with a built-in splash pan. Note the extra large motor on the Skutt wheels.

The Skutt / Thomas Stuart line has 8 different wheels. These wheels are distinguished by large splash pans, large motors, and really sturdy construction. Seven of the models are available with an optional “SSX” foot pedal upgrade, which gives you an ultra-responsive, smooth response that puts these in the same range as the Soldner wheels. The best options for most potters, in our opinion, are the two 1/2 horse power models: The Revolution comes with a removable splash pan while the Elite has basically the same features but with a built-in splash pan. And if you are considering the SSX foot pedal upgrade and optional leg extensions to convert these to a standing wheel, consider the Steven Hill option which includes these features.

Soldner and Skutt wheels are usually found at speciality ceramic suppliers.

Other Great Wheels: Brent Wheels and Others

The Brent B, a 1/2 horse power pottery wheel that is one of the most popular wheels on the market.

The Brent B, a 1/2 horse power pottery wheel that is one of the most popular wheels on the market.

In addition to the options above, there are other pottery wheel options to consider, particularly wheels from Brent, Bailey, and Pacifica. For many potters, their favorite wheels are made by Brent. Known for their distinctive yellow ochre plastic tops and splash pans, you have probably seen or used a Brent as they are arguably the best-selling wheels in North America. (This data isn’t public but Brent and Shimpo seem to be the two most common wheels).

As a point of comparison, the Brent B is closest to the other wheels we have recommended above. It has a 1/2 horsepower motor, can go forward and reverse, and has a 12 inch wheel head. When new, these wheels are very quiet even though they utilize a belt-driven system, and with a 10-year warranty, you can be assured that Brent wheels will last for decades.

While the Brent wheels are incredibly popular, they are not my top pick for two reasons: The Shimpo VL-Whisper is much quieter. And the Soldner and Skutt wheels come with added features, such as better foot pedals and oversized motors. Brent doesn’t have these upgrades, but if you go beyond the Brent B into the C, CXC, or EX model, you do get some of the most powerful motors on the market. If you need a 1 1/2 horse power motor, the EX is your only option on the market.

For a complete guide to Brent wheels, click here.

Understanding Pottery Wheels, a Pottery Wheel Buying Guide

In this section, we’ll go through each part and feature to help you understand wheels and how to choose the best one for you.


The biggest difference between wheels, even within a manufacturer’s product line, is usually the motor. Ranging from 1/4 horsepower to 1 1/2 horsepower, most potters will find that a 1/2 HP motor is the sweet spot of plenty of power without paying extra. If you are able to test wheels in person, you will see the difference in size of motors too. Not all motors are created equally, even if they are rated to the same HP. In this case, a bigger motor both in size and HP is usually better as it will accommodate more use and and can better withstand overheating under heavy use. With that in mind, if you can afford it, go for the biggest motor you can afford to give yourself more longevity.

Centering Capacity

A similar consideration to the motor power, centering capacity is often mentioned with wheels. It’s a somewhat useful metric that is basically a stand-in for horsepower. Skutt, however, refuses to provide this centering capacity number, arguing that it is a useless metric. But since most manufacturers use it, we’ve kept it in our chart below. Centering capacity is related to both the power of the motor, the torque it gives at start up, and the sensitivity of the foot pedal. If it matters to you, and you have the money, you won’t be disappointed with a bigger motor with more centering capacity. Realistically, most potters aren’t centering more than 10 or 20 lbs on a wheel so wheels advertising 200 or 300 lb centering capacities are really indicating that they have an overbuilt motor that will be able to take a lot of use.

Table Top, Legs, Frame

The next biggest difference is the material and design of the table and legs. Most wheels have a sturdy plastic top, and metal legs. Some have beefier legs, metal tops, or in the case of Soldner wheels, a marine-grade plywood top. Manufacturers typically have one or maybe two table styles, and will build different features on top of these frames. These frame constructions will determine the dimensions and some of the weight of the wheel. When choosing a wheel, consider the size, weight, and type of frame and table top that will work for your studio.

Splash Pan

Another point of comparison is the splash pan. Typically a two-part plastic pan that clips around the wheelhead, splash pans are useful for collecting throwing water or trimming scraps. Some wheels, such as Baileys and Skutts, have large one-piece splash pans that cover the whole top of the frame. Some of these one-piece splash pans are removable, and others are built in and can be cleaned and emptied via a drain plug. As cleanup is a big part of throwing, choosing a splash pan that suits you can be important.

Weight / Dimensions

Most wheels are about the same size and shape, with some variation in Soldner and Lockerbie wheels. The weight is determined by the size of the motor and the frame construction. A lighter wheel, such as a Speedball, is easier to move while pro-type wheels, such as Skutt, have marketing pictures of potters standing on top of the wheel. How you are going to use a wheel and your studio space will really determine if you need a light or heavyweight wheel.


Most wheels have a 12”, 13” or 14” wheelhead with bat pins spaced 10” a part. Some smaller wheels or table top wheels will have different styles. Measure a wheelhead that you like using to determine the size you like, although most wheels now have a 14” wheel. Another point of consideration is if the wheelhead can be removed or replaced. Typically, this is only possible in pro wheels, such as Skutt or Soldner wheels. For ongoing maintenance, most wheelhead ball bearing assemblies are completely sealed and not designed to be oiled or repacked with grease. If your wheelhead develops a grinding sound, you may have to replace it.

Foot Pedal

A foot pedal may seem just like a simple speed control, but the pro-level Skutt and Soldner wheels use their ultra-responsive (and more expensive) pedals as a selling point. In addition to the upgraded pedal options, also consider if the foot pedal and on-board electronics are providing some kind of computer-controlled speed modulation to keep things even (such as Pacifica wheels), or just letting you control the speed with the pedal (such as Brent, Shimpo, Soldner, and Skutt wheels.) The more experienced you are, the less you’ll want the wheel making decisions for you.

One other point of consideration with foot pedals is whether it is fixed or not. Every model listed below has a moveable foot pedal except the Shimpo RK-Whisper, which has an attached pedal on the right side. A moveable foot pedal lets you to choose which side to place it, and allows you to raise the pedal on bricks if needed.


Many manufacturers provide a rotations per minute (RPM) figure in relation to motors, which we’ve included below. Once again, these give you a rough approximation of motor power and torque, but they are all within a range that is about the same, ranging from 0 to 240-260 rpm max. The Lockerbie motor has a much lower max rpm but it’s a super beefy 1/3 HP motor that trades a high speed for great torque.


Most good wheels these days come with a convenient switch where you can reverse the direction of the motor, allowing you to throw clockwise or counter clockwise. Some lower-priced wheels have a reversible plug, where you have to manually switch the cord. Some wheels are not reversible at all.

Leg extenders

Some manufacturers make leg extenders, so that a wheel can be converted to a standing wheel. This style of throwing can be more comfortable for your lower back. Definitely consider this when choosing a wheel, or look at the models such as the Shimpo Whisper, which has removable legs so that it can be easily placed on a table.

Shipping and Assembly

Some wheels arrive completely assembled, others need some assembly such as attaching legs. They also vary on whether they ship via FedEx / UPS or by freight. Expect to pay extra for shipping and delivery, unless you are picking a wheel up in person. Also consider how you will get the wheel into your studio as they can be heavy. Some vendors will include free shipping so definitely compare prices with shipping included to find the best deal.


Warranties on wheels range from 2 to 10 years. But every wheel listed below is a top-quality product that should last for decades. If you are careful and respectful with tools, I wouldn’t worry too much about a shorter warranty. But if you are buying for an educational or communal studio where wheels can really be abused, you might want to consider wheels with longer warranties.

In my experience, the main upkeep on wheels is keeping them clean and trying to occasionally add some oil to moving parts. Foot pedals can be adjusted, electronics such as switches can be replaced. The biggest concern would be a wheelhead bearing assembly getting repeatedly swamped with too much water in the splashpan. But if you are careful, a wheel may never need any major repairs.

Just please, don’t buy these generic $100 to $400 dollar wheels that have been popping up online…who knows if those will last one month, let alone a few years.


All the factors above contribute to the price. The lowest price possible is often the driving force of any purchase, and if that is you, we recommend the Speedball wheels, which typically cost around $800. For this lower price you are getting a lighter, less beefy frame and most likely a noisier wheel but one that will still get the job done for you. Professional-grade wheels typically cost $1,300 to $1,500and up to $2,000 or more, depending on the options you select. If you are on the fence when choosing upgrades such as a bigger motor or a better foot pedal, consider how you will feel in 5 to 10 or 20 years. You won’t think about the extra few hundred dollars, you’ll be happy that you got the upgrades to make your wheel last a lifetime.

Where to Shop and Buy Pottery Wheels

Before buying a wheel, think about what you have used and what features you need. If you currently have a favorite style or brand of wheel, you’ll probably be happy sticking with that style. For research, the best place to start is your local ceramic shop where you can hopefully “test drive” different models to see what feels good to you. Consider asking if they have floor models or special deals on wheels already in stock.

If you are shopping online, we have provided links to some wheels at Dick Blick (North America) and Amazon. Some ceramic suppliers advertise a price that includes shipping, while others add it on in your cart. So definitely shop around and see where you can find the best deals. If you order from online vendors, the wheel is most likely going to be shipped directly from the manufacturer anyway, so you should try to find the best deal.

Kiln Repair and Warranty

After buying a wheel, you will be dealing with the manufacturer if you need any repairs, although a relationship with a local ceramic shop is a great resource if you need help with repairs or adjustments. Manufacturers such as Skutt and Bailey are known for the great online and phone customer service. Other manufacturers, such as Brent, provide lots of support both in person and with repair videos on YouTube.

Most likely, nothing will go wrong with your wheel in the short term but you should expect to make adjustments to foot pedals. And if you are messy, or have an academic studio, expect students to jam clay into any open spot on the wheel, potentially damaging parts such as on/off switches or swamping the wheelhead with water, getting water into the bearing assembly. For most quality wheels, repair parts are readily available from ceramic suppliers or the manufacturer. The good news is that manufacturers are increasingly using sealed switches and other waterproof parts.

Pottery Wheel Comparison Chart

This chart is in alphabetical order by manufacturer, including Bailey, Brent, Lockerbie, Pacifica, Shimpo, Skutt / Thomas Stuart, Soldner, and Speedball. These are all trustworthy brands and any of the wheels listed below will last a long time. We have done our best to compile a typical range of prices found online and in store, along with each wheel’s features, updated as of September 2022. There is also a description of what to expect from each manufacturer’s wheels.

The Bailey Pro-XL Pottery Wheel is our pick for the best Bailey wheel. It has a 1-piece splash pan and a 1/2 HP motor.

The Bailey Pro-XL Pottery Wheel is our pick for the best Bailey wheel. It has a 1-piece splash pan and a 1/2 HP motor.

Bailey Pottery Wheels

Bailey Wheels are manufactured by the Bailey Pottery Corporation of Kingston, New York. Known for innovative and high quality slab rollers, kilns, extruders, and other equipment for ceramic studios, the Bailey wheels are characterized by a large, table-sized splash pan. There are two main models, the ST and the PRO model, which each come in three different options. The ST models have a 2-piece, removable splash pan while the PRO models have a 1-piece, counter-sized fixed splash plan with a plug and a drain tube.

Bailey sells optional leg extenders that work with all the models, which can extend the height from 29 to 37 inches.

All the models utilize a standard belt drive system, and have detached foot pedals.

For the best option, go with the ST-XL or PRO-XL, which both feature a 1/2 HP motor, 13” wheelhead, and a reversing switch.

Bailey Pottery Wheels

Available at
Model Typical Price Motor (HP) Wheelhead
Bat Pin
Reversible Dimensions Weight Speed (RPM) Warranty Capacity
ST $1,351 1/4 HP 12" 10" Yes, plug 22.5 x 25.5 x 21" 93 lbs 0-200 5/10 years 50 lbs
ST-X $1,541 1/4 HP 13" 10" Yes, switch 24.5 x 29 x 20.25" 103 lbs 0-200 10 years 50 lbs
ST-XL $1,702 1/2 HP 13" 10" Yes, switch 24.5 x 29 x 20.25" 123 lbs 0-200 10 years 100 lbs
PRO-50R $1,499 1/4 HP 12" 10" Yes, plug 24.25 x 29 x 20.25" 92 lbs 0-200 10 years 50 lbs
PRO-X $1,581 1/4 HP 13" 10" Yes, switch 24.5 x 29 x 20.25" 102 lbs 0-200 10 years 50 lbs
PRO-XL $1,692 1/2 HP 13" 10" Yes, switch 24.5 x 29 x 20.25" 116 lbs 0-200 10 years 100 lbs

Brent Pottery Wheels

The Brent B Pottery Wheel, a full-sized wheel with a 1/2 HP motor.

The Brent B Pottery Wheel, a full-sized wheel with a 1/2 HP motor.

Brent wheels are the workhorses of the ceramics world. These are some of the most popular wheels and you will see these yellow ochre machines just about everywhere. Founded in 1967 by Robert Brent, the wheels have been manufactured by the American Art Clay Company (AMACO) since 1978. The wheels are sturdy, dependable, and easy to adjust and repair. Expect these machines to easily last 15 to 20 years or more even under the heaviest of uses.

The product line is straightforward with one style of frame that is yellow ocher and also available in black on the B and C models.

The B and C models are where most will find the sweet spot of power and price within the Brent product line. The difference in these models are the size of the motor (1/2 HP vs 3/4 HP) and the wheelhead diameter (12” vs 14”). The CXC and the EX model are basically the same as the C, but with bigger motors.

One note is the Brent centering capacity, as listed below. These are some really big numbers — Brent claims a 150 lb centering capacity for the Model B with a 1/2 HP motor. Most other manufacturers claim 50 lbs for a 1/2 HP motor. So these numbers may be a bit inflated but we’ve included Brent’s numbers below.

Brent wheels are available at ceramic suppliers or click the links in the chart to shop at Dick Blick. For a complete overview of the product line, click here.

Brent Pottery Wheels

Click links in the chart to shop at Dick Blick.
Model Typical Price Motor (HP) Wheelhead
Bat Pin
Reversible Dimensions Weight Speed (RPM) Warranty Capacity
B $1,660 1/2 HP 12" 10" Yes, switch 21 x 28 x 21.5" 119 lbs 0-240 10 years 150 lbs
B Black $1,700 1/2 HP 12" 10" Yes, switch 21 x 28 x 21.5" 119 lbs 0-240 10 years 150 lbs
C $1,740 3/4 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 21 x 28 x 21.5" 121 lbs 0-240 10 years 225 lbs
C Black $1,760 3/4 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 21 x 28 x 21.5" 121 lbs 0-240 10 years 225 lbs
CXC $1,839 1 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 21 x 28 x 21.5" H 129 lbs 0-240 10 years 300 lbs
EX $1,960 1 1/2 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 21 x 28 x 21.5" H 130 lbs 0-240 10 years 450 lbs
Model 16 $3,396 1/2 HP 12" 10" Yes, switch 36 x 36 x 21-35" H 287 lbs 0-240 2 years 150 lbs

Lockerbie Pottery Wheels

The Lockerbie Motorized Kick Wheel, a true workhorse of a wheel with possibly the biggest motor on the market.

The Lockerbie Motorized Kick Wheel, a true workhorse of a wheel with possibly the biggest motor on the market.

Lockerbie Wheels are an interesting option manufactured by Laguna Clay in California. There are three models: a kickwheel (K), a motorized kickwheel (EK), and a reversible motorized kickwheel (EK-R). These are big, heavy wheels but if you want to switch between a kickwheel and a motor, this is the best option on the market. All models feature an adjustable wooden seat, a metal splash pan, and an all-metal frame with a concrete flywheel.

The flywheel results in a steady, even spin when used as a kickwheel. While centering and throwing can take a lot of work, trimming on a kickwheel is an absolute pleasure. The upgraded model with a motor is where this wheel really shines. It’s got a large, powerful motor that while only rated to 1/3 HP and a max of 157 rpm, has a lot of torque and can definitely handle more than the rated 50 lbs centering capacity. When you press the pedal, the motor engages the flywheel through a rubber wheel, or what Laguna calls “rubber friction drive.” This rubber wheel does wear out over time but is easily replaced. When you release the pedal, the kickwheel will continue to spin, until you stop it with a foot or let the flywheel come to a stop.

Lockerbie wheels have been around since the 1960s and in 2007, the company merged with Laguna Clay. The wheel style and design has been virtually unchanged for decades but it is a tough, well-designed beast of a wheel. It’s a great option for educational studios or if you want to have a kickwheel option. The simple, no frills design results in a relatively low price but you will need to pay for freight shipping.

Lockerbie Pottery Wheels

Available at and other ceramic suppliers.
Model Typical Price Motor (HP) Wheelhead Diameter Bat Pin Diameter Reversible Dimensions Weight Speed (RPM) Warranty Capacity
Kickwheel $1,575 N/A 13" 10" N/A 42 x 36 x 30" 325 lbs N/A 5 years N/A
Electric $1,881 1/3 HP 13" 10" No 42 x 36 x 30" 365 lbs 0-157 5 years 50 lbs
Electric-Reversible $2,024 1/3 HP 13" 10" Yes 42 x 36 x 30" 365 lbs 0-157 5 years 50 lbs

Pacifica Pottery Wheels

The Pacifica GT400, one of two wheels from Pacifica with 1/4 HP motor and a 13” wheelhead.

The Pacifica GT400, one of two wheels from Pacifica with 1/4 HP motor and a 13” wheelhead.

Pacifica has been making wheels since 1972 and was purchased by Laguna Clay in 1992. There are currently two wheels in the product line, the GT400 and GT800. Both wheels are have belt driven, 13” wheelheads, optional leg extensions, and a water-resistant foot pedal. The difference is in the size of the motor, 1/4 HP for the GT400 and 1/2 HP for the GT800.

Pacifica differs from other manufacturers in claiming that, through it’s belt and electronic system, it’s 1/4 HP motor has an effective 1/2 HP, and the 1/2 HP motor has an effective 1 HP. Should these claims be believed? It’s hard to know. What can be said is that these wheels have on-board systems that attempt to modulate the wheel speed and torque to provide even power. In my opinion, the more experienced you are the less you will want these electronic modifications deciding for you.

Pacifica wheels do have some of the highest RPMs on the market, topping out at 260 rpms, which is slightly higher than most wheels. Expect these wheels to have a lot of torque. In addition, these wheels are affordable and are a great option for students, educational studios, or serious hobbyists.

Pacifica Wheels are available at ceramic suppliers or click the links in the chart to shop at Dick Blick.

Pacifica Pottery Wheels

Click the links to shop at Dick Blick.
Model Typical Price Motor (HP) Wheelhead
Bat Pin
Reversible Dimensions Weight Speed (RPM) Warranty Capacity
GT400 $1,260 1/4 HP 13" 10" Yes 31 x 27 x 20" 92 lbs 0-260 5 years 80 lbs
GT800 $1,485 1/2 HP 13" 10" Yes 31 x 27 x 20" 105 lbs 0-260 5 years 100 lbs

Shimpo Wheels

The Shimpo VL-Whisper, a 1/2 HP wheel with the quietist motor on the market and a 14” wheelhead.

The Shimpo VL-Whisper, a 1/2 HP wheel with the quietist motor on the market and a 14” wheelhead.

Shimpo has a straightforward line of three different full-sized wheels and a table top wheel. Founded in Tokyo, Japan in 1952, Shimpo wheels are distributed world wide. North American operations opened in Chicago, Illinois in 1974 as the Nidec-Shimpo Corporation.

Shimpo’s top-of-the-line VL-Whisper (VL stands for Velocity) is our favorite pottery wheel due to its innovative and quiet magnetic direct drive 1/2 HP 400 watt motor. The wheel is reversible, has a 14” wheelhead, and a detached foot pedal. The wheelhead on the VL-Whisper and RK-Whisper models also turns freely at 0 rpm, for use as a banding wheel.

The classic Shimpo RK-Whisper has been updated to feature the same super-quiet magnetic motor as the VL-Whisper, but with a 12” wheelhead and fixed foot pedal.

The classic Shimpo RK-Whisper has been updated to feature the same super-quiet magnetic motor as the VL-Whisper, but with a 12” wheelhead and fixed foot pedal.

The classic Shimpo RK model now has this same super quiet 1/2 HP 400 watt magnetic Whisper motor, but with a 12” wheel head. Most importantly, this model has a fixed foot pedal on the right side and hand lever. Many love this fixed foot pedal but definitely try this out before buying.

Rounding out the Shimpo product line, the VL-Lite model is a strong competitor for Speedball and other budget models. It features a 1/2 HP 100 watt belt-driven motor, 14” wheelhead and detached foot pedal.

Note that the info below includes both the horse power and wattage for the motor. Not every manufacturer provides the wattage info, but in this case it helps distinguish between the two motors with the VL-Lite having a lower wattage and less powerful motor.

Shimpo Wheels are available at ceramic suppliers, Amazon, or click the links in the chart to check prices at Dick Blick.

Shimpo Pottery Wheels

Click the links below to shop at Dick Blick.
Model Typical Price Motor (HP) Wheelhead
Bat Pin
Reversible Dimensions Weight Speed (RPM) Warranty Capacity
Aspire table top $509 1/3 HP 100w 7" 6" No 14.5 x 20 x 9" 25 lbs 0-230 hand, 0-250 foot 5 years 20 lbs
VL-Lite $793 1/2 HP 100w 12" 10" Yes, switch 22 x 28 x 21" 85 lbs 0-250 5 years 25 lbs
RK-Whisper $1,208 1/2 HP, 400w 12" 10" Yes, switch 20 x 21 x 20" 118 lbs 0-250 5 years 100 lbs
VL-Whisper $1,399 1/2 HP, 400w 14" 10" Yes, switch 23.2 x 27.5 x 22.75" 122 lbs 0-250 5 years 100 lbs

Skutt Thomas Stuart Pottery Wheels

An “exploded” view of the Skutt Premier 1 HP wheel, which features a removable wheel head and removable one-piece splash pan on top of an all-metal base.

An “exploded” view of the Skutt Premier 1 HP wheel, which features a removable wheel head and removable one-piece splash pan on top of an all-metal base.

Skutt is well known as a manufacturer of electric kilns, but they acquired Thomas Stuart Wheels in 2008 and have maintained and improved the already sterling reputation of the wheels, which are beloved by all types of potters.

The Skutt Thomas Stuart line of wheels has eight wheels that fall in to three categories

  • The entry-level Prodigy wheel

  • Removable one-piece splash pan

  • Built-in splash pan that has a plug and drain tube for cleaning

The Skutt Steven Hill Signature Wheel, which has a 1/2 HP motor, a built-in one-piece splash pan, removable wheelhead, SSX foot pedal upgrade, and leg extensions.

The Skutt Steven Hill Signature Wheel, which has a 1/2 HP motor, a built-in one-piece splash pan, removable wheelhead, SSX foot pedal upgrade, and leg extensions.

For all the wheels except the Prodigy, the wheelhead is removed for cleaning with a simple twist and turn. The removable splash pan can then be taken off for cleaning. Skutt’s target market these wheels (Prodigy, Legend, Revolution, and Premier) are students, educational studios, and hobbyists. The built-in-splash pan options (Classic, Elite, Professional, and Steven Hill) are aimed at professional potters. But if you review the chart below, you can see that the wheels match up almost 1 to 1, so make your choice based on the horse power, wheelhead size, and splash pan option.

If you read through Skutt’s information, they claim to have the thickest wheelheads, beefiest frames, and oversized motors that can go all day without overheating. Skutt also doesn’t make claims on the centering capacity of their models, arguing that this commonly-used metric is almost meaningless. We agree that it’s just a stand-in for horsepower, so you can judge accordingly by reviewing the chart below.

For most potters, the 1/2 HP options (Revolution, Elite, or Steven Hill) will be plenty powerful. The Skutt Thomas Stuart wheels also have an optional SSX foot pedal upgrade. If you are considering one of these wheels, strongly consider adding that upgrade. If you are going for a premier wheel, you definitely want to get the best options available. Note that the Steven Hill model already includes the SSX foot pedal and leg extensions.

Finally there are also optional leg extensions that allow these wheels to be converted to standing options. These are awesome wheels that would work for just about everyone. They do come at a premium price, but the features and quality deliver and Skutt is well known for its customer service and commitment to its products.

Skutt Thomas Stuart Wheels are available at ceramic suppliers or click the links in the chart for models available at Dick Blick.

Skutt Thomas Stuart Pottery Wheels

Click the links in the chart to shop at Dick Blick, or visit
*Note that Skutt does not provide RPMs or Centering Capacity.
Model Typical Price Motor (HP) Wheelhead
Bat Pin
Reversible Dimensions Weight Speed (RPM) Warranty Capacity
Prodigy $1,299 1/3 HP 12" 10" No 24 x 30 x 24" 94 lbs - 5 years -
Removable splash pans:
Legend $1,749 1/3 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 24 x 30 x 24" 117 lbs - 5 years -
Revolution $1,799 1/2 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 24 x 30 x 24" 119 lbs - 5 years -
Premier $1,969 1 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 24 x 30 x 24" H 128 lbs - 5 years -
Built-In Splash Pans:
Classic $1,639 1/3 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 24 x 30 x 24" 127 lbs - 5 years -
Elite $1,739 1/2 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 24 x 30 x 24" 128 lbs - 5 years -
Professional $1,929 1 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 24 x 30 x 24" 140 lbs - 5 years -
Steven Hill $2,029 1/2 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 24 x 30 x 24" 144 lbs - 5 years -

Soldner Wheels

The Soldner P series features a half-moon shaped table with 1/4 HP, 1/2 HP, or 3/4 HP motor options.

The Soldner P series features a half-moon shaped table with 1/4 HP, 1/2 HP, or 3/4 HP motor options.

Paul Soldner was one of the original innovators of motorized pottery wheels and founded Soldner Wheels in 1955. For decades, they have been manufactured by Bluebird Manufacturing of Fort Collins, Colorado. The wheels are known for their ability to handle large amounts of clay, ultra-smooth, proprietary foot pedal, and distinctive tops made from polyurethane coated marine-grade plywood.

The Soldner S series has a studio-sized wheel head in 1/6 HP or 1/4 HP motor options.

The Soldner S series has a studio-sized wheel head in 1/6 HP or 1/4 HP motor options.

The wheels come with optional splash pans, or the two-piece Brent splash pans will fit every model. The wheels also feature adjustable legs, which can accommodate a variety of heights for seated pottery. The S-series wheels range from 19” to 25” in height, and the P series range from 22” to 28” high.

Soldner wheels are less common but they have a devoted fan base. They are an absolute pleasure to use, with the foot pedal delivering even, steady power. And the plywood table top is distinctive and very pleasant in the studio environment, as well as being super-tough.

Of the models, the 1/2 horse power, half-moon shaped P-200 is our favorite.

Soldner Wheels are available at speciality ceramic suppliers.

Soldner Pottery Wheels

Soldner Wheels are available at most ceramic suppliers.
Model Typical Price Motor (HP) Wheelhead
Bat Pin
Reversible Dimensions Weight Speed (RPM) Warranty Capacity
S50 $1,409 1/6 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 24 x 24 x 19-25" 85 lbs 0-250 2 years 50 lbs
S100 $1,576 1/4 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 24 x 24 x 19-25" 95 lbs 0-250 2 years 100 lbs
P100 $1,891 1/4 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 29 x 38 x 22-28" 130 lbs 0-250 2 years 100 lbs
P200 $2,079 1/2 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 29 x 38 x 22-28" 145 lbs 0-250 2 years 200 lbs
P400 $2,438 1/4 HP 14" 10" Yes, switch 29 x 38 x 22-28" 160 lbs 0-250 2 years 400 lbs

Speedball Pottery Wheels

The Speedball Clay Boss, a 1/2 HP pottery wheel with a 14” wheelhead. Our top pick for a budget wheel.

The Speedball Clay Boss, a 1/2 HP pottery wheel with a 14” wheelhead. Our top pick for a budget wheel.

Speedball Pottery Wheels are known for being lighter-weight wheels that still deliver a professional quality motor. Speedball started making wheels in 2009 when they acquired Creative Industries of Cajon, California, which began making wheels in 1971. Many of those Creative Industries wheels are going strong today, although Speedball has changed the table shape and upgraded the line with newer features.

There are three regular-sized wheels in the Speedball product line:

The Clay Boss is our top pick for an affordable, entry-level wheel. It features a 1/2 HP belt-drive motor, a 14” wheel head, reversible motor by switching the direction of the plug, and can handle 100 lbs of clay. Building on the Clay Boss, the Big Boss and Boss Elite have virtually similar frames and options, but with bigger motors and larger centering capacity.

The Speedball wheels are a great option if price and weight are concerns. There is a trade off with a lighter-weight frame but that also allows you to easily move the wheels around as needed.

Speedball Wheels are available at ceramic suppliers or click the links in the chart to shop at Dick Blick.

Speedball Pottery Wheels

Click the model name to shop at Dick Blick.
Model Typical Price Motor (HP) Wheelhead
Bat Pin
Reversible Dimensions Weight Speed (RPM) Warranty Capacity
Artista table top $520 1/3 HP 11" 10" No 24 x 18 x 9" 26 lbs 0-220 2 years 25 lbs
Clay Boss $989 1/2 HP 14" 10" Yes, plug 21 x 26 x 19.5" 83 lbs 0-240 10 years 100 lbs
Big Boss $1,241 0.85 HP 14" 10" Yes, plug 21 x 26 x 19.5" 89 lbs 0-250 10 years 150 lbs
Boss Elite SQ $1,398 1 HP 14" 10" Yes, plug 21 x 26 x 19.5" 96 lbs 0-240 5 years 175 lbs

The Best Banding Wheel for Pottery and Ceramics

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Please click here to read the NEW and UPDATED Best Banding Wheel Post.

blue nidec shimpo banding wheel

The Nidec Shimpo 9 1/2” wide banding wheel. Get it at Blick.

Note: Updated and edited October 2022

A banding wheel is a great tool for handbuilding, decorating, and carving. Potters and sculptors definitely needs one or more of these in the studio.

This post will cover quality banding wheels that can handle the weight of clay and be cleaned. You don’t want to mess with cheap plastic options, or lazy susans that aren’t designed to get dirty and be cleaned again.


Top Pick: Nidec Shimpo Banding Wheels

The complete line of Shimpo Banding Wheels.

The complete line of Shimpo Banding Wheels.

Nidec Shimpo banding wheels are made of cast iron and painted with rust-resisted blue paint and are heavy, durable and will last a lifetime. They have sealed ball bearings, a one-piece design that will not come apart when picked up, and the weight of the cast iron results in a smooth, even spin. These banding wheels are a pleasure to use whether you are coil building, painting, carving, or sculpting.

Shimpo banding wheels come in five sizes ranging from 7” to 11 3/4” wide. The three smaller wheels are all 2 1/4” tall, while the two taller sizes are 4 3/4” tall and 7 1/2” tall. My preference is for the shorter, lower-profile banding wheels but a pedestal-style banding wheel may work for your studio. Some may find these banding wheels to be on the heavy side, but the weight works to your advantage to create a steady, even, long-lasting spin.

Shopping tip: These banding wheels tend to be cheaper at Blick than Amazon.

The Shimpo 25L Banding Wheel is 9 7/8” x 2 1/4” and is the most versatile size.

The Shimpo 25L Banding Wheel is 9 7/8” x 2 1/4”

Shimpo Banding Wheel Specs:
Model, diameter, height, and weight.

18L 7” x 2 1/4”, 6.5 lbs, $64-$79 (Shop 7” at Amazon)

22L 8 3/4” x 2 1/4”, 13 lbs, $77-$90

25L 9 1/2” x 2 1/4”, 15 lbs, $89-$120 (Shop at Amazon)

25H 9 7/8” x 7 1/2”, 19 lbs, $117-$132 (Shop at Amazon)

30M 11 3/4” x 4 3/4”, 28 lbs, $138-160 (Shop at Amazon)

More pics of the Nidec Shimpo banding wheel

Top view nidec shimpo banding wheel

Top view

bottom view of Nidec Shimpo Banding wheel

Bottom view

Table of Contents

  1. Top Pick: Shimpo Banding Wheels

  2. Budget Pick: CSI Banding Wheels

  3. Great option: Amaco Banding Wheels

  4. Other Banding Wheels

  5. Summary

Budget Pick: CSI Banding Wheels

CSI Banding Wheels come in sizes ranging from 8” to 16” in diameter.

CSI Banding Wheels come in sizes ranging from 8” to 16” in diameter.

CSI Banding Wheels are heavy-duty, economical banding wheels made from two Formica-covered particle boards with stainless steel ball bearings. They are 2 inches tall and range from 8 to 16” in diameter. These banding wheels are portable and stackable, are lighter than cast-iron options such as the Shimpo. They have decent turning capacity but they don’t turn as readily and easily as the Shimpo banding wheels.

For heavy sculptures or vessels these are great options. The 8” and 10” wheels have a 200 lb capacity, the 12” is rated to 300 lbs, and the 14” and 16” are rated to an 800 lb capacity.

The CSI banding wheels range in price from around $29 to about $47. That’s an incredibly great deal for a heavy-duty banding wheel, making this a great option for educational studios, beginners, or those more focused on sculpture and handbuilding rather than spinning decoration.

Great option: Amaco #5 Banding Wheel

Amaco #5 banding wheel.jpg

The Amaco #5 Banding Wheel is a 7” wide aluminum banding wheel that sits on a pedestal stand. Along with the Shimpo and CSI banding wheels, it’s quite common to see this in many ceramic studios. The smaller size, lighter weight, and pedestal stand makes it popular for decorating, carving, scraffitto work, and painting. It is not designed for heavy weight, but it is sturdy.

The drawbacks with this stand is that it is in two pieces and will separate if picked up by the top piece. There are also a variety of mixed reviews online, mentioning poor construction quality. AMACO may be having production issues with this unit, but in my experience, it’s a quality turntable that is great for small decorative tasks.

Other Banding Wheels options

Plastic Banding Wheels

Plastic banding wheel.jpg

To be completely honest, I feel that plastic banding wheels are not worth buying. They can’t really be used for painting or banding, as the light weight doesn’t result in any lasting spin. They are also prone to breaking. You’ll be better off spending a bit more to get a CSI wheel.

The only reason I can see to get a plastic banding wheel is for working with young children. They are lightweight and stackable (but not robust…treat them carefully!) Or the other reason if you just need a lightweight turntable for detail work such as carving or fine detail sculpting.

Metal Banding Wheels

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These generic metal banding wheels, available under a variety of names online such as Falling In Art or US Art Supply, are highly rated and run about half the price of the Shimpo banding wheels. Available in 7” and 12” diameter, with a 4 inch pedestal, and a weight of about 10 lbs, these wheels have a set screw to hold the top and bottom pieces together. They are not quite as heavy as the Shimpo, but much heavier than other options such as the CSI Turntables or plastic wheels.

These wheels have numerous positive online reviews and are overall highly rated, but there are also some very negative reviews.

7” banding wheel is generally $29 to $39, while the 12” banding wheel is $39 to $49.

Jack Richeson Mobile Sculpture Stand and Turntable

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A mobile sculpture stand gives you the freedom to work on pottery and sculptures from all sides, and roll your work station out of the way if needed. This can be a great option for figurative sculpture, or if you want to create an additional workspace without adding another table. To work on this stand comfortably, you’ll need a tall stool or work standing up. The center shaft is adjustable for a working height of 39.5 to 44 inches. The wooden work surface is 12 inches square, and the base is 29 inches square with 4 locking caster wheels. It’s a great stand for working on sculptures, pottery, or as a display stand. It retails for $208.


This post has covered a variety of banding wheels, turntables, and sculpture stands. In general, the best option is the heavy-duty cast iron Shimpo banding wheels, especially if you need to get a smooth, steady spin for painting pottery. If you are working with heavy sculptures, the CSI Turntables are a sturdy, economical option. And there are other cheaper and lighter options.

What banding wheels do you use? Let us know in the comments.